Yunxue nodded and said, "so it is!"

Xia Feng asked, "next, I'll write you a prescription. You fill the medicine according to the prescription. Drink a bowl every night. Remember, only drink one bowl. Don't drink too much. Don't stay up late and don't drink for the next three months!"

Yunxue said, "it's easy not to drink, but to stay up late... I'm afraid it's really difficult. I can't sleep..."

Xia Feng said, "it's not difficult. I'll add some calming drugs to the medicine. Then you'll easily fall asleep and take it before going to bed!"

Yunxue said gratefully, "thank you very much."

Xia Feng put away the acupuncture bag and said, "OK, let's say so first. I'll come back in a few days and talk about medicine and wine at that time!"

Yunxue put on her shoes and said, "since you are so honest, I believe you will be effective. Let me introduce the big boss to you!"

Yunxue also felt the change of her body and was really relaxed. She thought it was absolutely effective, and Xia Feng's confidence made her trust Xia Feng.

Xia Feng certainly wouldn't refuse. He immediately said, "that's very kind. Thank you, Miss Yun!"

Yunxue immediately made a call and then said to Xia Feng, "you go to the sixth floor. There is an office at the bottom, and the big boss is in it. You can knock on the door and say it was introduced by me. However, it depends on your own ability if you can talk about it!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "thank you for your introduction. I'll go now!"

Xia Feng went directly to the sixth floor, found the innermost office and knocked on the door. Someone inside said, "please come in!"

Xia Feng pushed the door in and saw a middle-aged man sitting behind his desk playing with the computer. He was a little bald, but it wasn't particularly serious.

Xia Feng said, "I was introduced by Miss Yunxue."

The middle-aged man motioned Xia Feng to sit down and said, "I see. My name is andoning, the boss of the fun city! Let's get straight to the point. Let's introduce your products!"

It seems that andoning is also a straightforward person, very direct and no nonsense.

Xia Feng put his handbag on his desk and took out a bottle of wine and various qualification materials. Andoning first looked at those qualification materials and said, "it seems that they have only been approved recently."

Xia Feng said, "yes."

Andoning said with a smile, "but these don't mean anything. I can only say that you are non-toxic and can drink. That's all. Your relationship is good and wide. But when we do business, the relationship is naturally good, but it won't bring anything to the business after all, so what I like is the effect!"

Xia Feng said, "the effect of my medicinal wine is absolutely powerful! I don't know if boss an knows boss Qian?"

Andoning frowned slightly and asked, "boss Qian? Which boss Qian? Is it Qian CI Tong from jiaomei company?"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "exactly!"

Andorning said, "I know, but we have no cooperation with Qian CI Tong."

"He has ordered 10000 bottles here! This is not a small number!" Xia Feng said.

Andonin said with a smile, "no matter what you say is true or false, it has nothing to do with us! He is him and we are us. In fact, we are still competitors!"

Xia Feng said, "I know, but my medicinal wine is extremely effective. Since you are a competitor, he can compete with you with this medicinal wine. Then you will not be his opponent!"

An daoning shook his head and said, "you're just a woman who sells melons. You boast! Your price is up to 610 bottles. It's not cheap. Many people estimate that they can't give up at all. The sales volume can't be very good. At most, it's general! It won't be as exaggerated as you say!"

Xia Feng said, "boss an, let's see the real chapter for the effect! I'll leave you four bottles of wine. You can drink it yourself or let your friends drink it. Try it and call me then. What do you think?"

Andoning looked at the qualification materials carefully and said, "try it. It's not impossible. All right, leave a phone!"

Xia Feng took out four bottles of wine, then left a phone number for an daoning, and left.

Xia Feng came to Yunxue's shop. When Yunxue saw him, he asked, "how's it going?"

"He wants to try the effect first!" Xia Feng said.

Yunxue nodded and said, "yes, your price is so high. If it doesn't work, it's troublesome!"

Health care products are like this. The price is falsely high. Xia Feng is priced at 600, so it must sell more than 1000 yuan. A bottle of medicinal wine for 1000 yuan is very dreamy, and few people can afford it.

"The effect of my medicinal wine is absolutely powerful!" Xia Feng said confidently.

Yunxue said, "after you gave me acupuncture, my body seems to be much better. I'll go back and get the medicine and take it according to what you said. If it really works, I'll thank you!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "no need to thank you. Just buy me a few bottles of wine!"

Now Xia Feng's thinking is also very simple, that is to sell the wine first. When it works, the reputation will come out, and then he won't worry about sales.

Cloud snow sighed: "it's so expensive. It's still two years to say whether you can sell it."

"I'll get you ten bottles. You put them on the shelf and don't want money. What do you think of selling them and talking about money?" Xia Feng suggested.

Yunxue's eyes lit up and said, "don't pay first? Don't say ten bottles, twenty bottles doesn't matter!"

Xia Feng immediately went downstairs, took ten bottles of wine in the car, came to Yunxue's shop again, and then helped her put it in a prominent place.

"Miss Yun, you just have to sell it safely and boldly. You can set your own price for how much you sell. I don't want these ten bottles back, and I don't want the money. However, if you want to pick up the goods later, you must follow the six hundred and one bottles!" Xia Feng said.

Yunxue said with a smile, "I'm going to set a price of 12000. If I can sell it, it's cost-effective to ask you for the goods! But I'm not optimistic about it. Dingtian wine... I haven't heard of it before!"

"It's really a little unknown now, but it will definitely be popular!" Xia Feng, who knows the effect of this medicinal wine, is still very confident about it.

Yunxue replied, "then I'll sell it. There's no loss anyway!"

After Xia Feng arranged the medicinal wine, he left directly. This kind of thing is urgent. We need to let everyone know the effect, and it may sell. This is also a matter of no way. In fact, if there is no money boss's order, Xia Feng's factory is very difficult to run. The brand is very important now. If not, the market is very difficult.

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