Xia Feng returned to the office. After a while, he received a call from an daoning. In fact, Xia Feng had guessed that he would call, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Where are you now, Mr. Xia? Let's talk about your medicinal wine?" said andonin.

Xia Feng said, "boss an, should I go to your office or somewhere else?"

Andonin thought for a moment and said, "let's talk in a teahouse. It's quiet there."

"OK, boss an chooses a teahouse and I'll go right away!" Xia Feng said.

Andoning said, "how about in Xiangming teahouse?"

Xia Feng replied, "OK, that's it. I'll arrive in half an hour!"

After hanging up, Xia Feng cleaned up a little and was ready to go out. He had reached the elevator door and remembered what Xiao Li said, so he came to the president's office. Xiao Li was making a form. Xia Feng said, "Xiao Li, I'm going to talk about business today. Do you want to go with me?"

Xiao Li immediately stood up and said, "I'll go, I'll go!"

Xiao Li and Xu futurecame out with Xia Feng. Xia Feng drove directly to the Xiangming teahouse and came to the reserved box in andoning.

As soon as Xia Feng came in, he saw that an daoning was already sitting inside. There was a beautiful woman around him. They were very close. When he saw someone coming in, he converged.

Andoning stood up, stretched out his hand and said politely, "Mr. Xia, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xia Feng said, "that's really wrong. I rushed over immediately after I received the call."

An daoning motioned Xia Feng to sit down, and then said straight to the point: "Mr. Xia, I don't like being a mother-in-law. I just like to be straightforward. I tried the medicinal wine you left last night and found it really effective! I tried it once this morning, and I felt very good!"

Andoning took a look at the beautiful women around him. Xia Feng had guessed that andoning tried to be at home last night. He must have shown his strength with his wife. He came with his lover this morning and found that he still couldn't fall down!

That's why I couldn't wait to call Xia Feng. Such a good effect is of course a good thing. An daoning is a businessman and a man. Of course, he knows the beauty of this thing.

Xia Feng said with a smile: "expected, I know the effect of this medicinal wine very well!"

An daoning blinked and said, "it's really good. My wife was very satisfied yesterday! I feel that life is full of hope and gentle to me! The golden gun at home doesn't fall, and the red flag is flying outside! I haven't been so comfortable for a long time! This is the blessing of men and the Savior of the family! I want a thousand bottles, the whole money! I don't bargain for 600!"

Xia Feng said, "boss an is straightforward!"

"Drink tea, drink tea!" andoning said politely and took out the contract.

The gorgeous woman handed the contract to Xia Feng. Xia Feng took it over. Andoning said, "this is my secretary. My name is Yin Lin!"

"Hello, Miss Yin!" Xia Feng said politely, and began to read the contract carefully. Then she gave it to Xiaoli around her. Xiaoli didn't dare to be careless. She looked very seriously, and the others drank tea and chatted.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Li nodded to Xia Feng and felt that there was nothing wrong with the contract.

Xia Feng said, "boss an, I hope we can cooperate happily!"

"Happy, happy, definitely happy, Hei hei... Now I can feed the family, and she won't be suspicious of ghosts, so I'm much better. You don't know how gentle she was after yesterday, just like when she was just in love. I have to say, it's really a good thing! I need to keep ten bottles at home!" andoning said.

Yin Lin blinked and said, "the office is also preparing ten bottles!"

An daoning said with a smile, "get ready!"

Andoning reached out and grabbed Yin Lin's little hand. Yin Lin blushed and wanted to break free, and said, "someone is here."

Xia Feng hurriedly said, "understand, it doesn't matter, ha ha."

Andoning glanced at Xiaoli and said, "boss Xia is also a fellow, so you don't have to hide!"

Xiao Li said, "Dong Xia, there is no problem with the contract. The delivery time and price are very clear. If you can, you can sign it."

Xia Feng said, "sign."

Immediately, an daoning and Xiao Feng signed the contract. This business was negotiated. An daoning added: "these 1000 bottles are only the beginning, and there should be orders in the future. Recently, I am going to make full publicity in fun city and strive to make the brand of this medicinal wine as soon as possible!"

Xia Feng said, "it's hard to install the boss."

"What's the matter? It's not to make money. To tell you the truth, with this effect, if our fun city publicizes properly, we can digest at least 100 bottles of you a day, which is 3000 bottles a month!" andoning said confidently.

Three thousand bottles a month, that is, 1.8 million. This is not a small number. Xia Feng was very excited. He suddenly felt that drinking tea was meaningless, so he proposed to drink.

Andoning nodded repeatedly and said, "it's really a little less to celebrate without drinking. Let's go!"

Andoning and Xia Feng came to a KTV with their secretaries, singing and drinking at the same time. Andoning and Yin Lin were originally lovers. They were too lazy to hide in front of Xia Feng and Xiao Li. In addition, they drank some wine. Later, they hugged each other and kissed and caressed each other as if no one else. Xia Feng and Xiao Li were embarrassed, especially Xiao Li. They were just fidgeting.

Xiao Li suddenly said in Xia Feng's ear, "what are you thinking?"

Xia Feng smiled bitterly and then said in Xiaoli's ear, "I'm thinking that other people's secretary is really sensible! How envious!"

Xiao Li joked, "you are a bad guy with a bad heart!"

Xia Feng said, "I don't blame myself for thinking, okay?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiaoli suddenly kissed Xia Feng on the face and said, "give you a face, otherwise, you'll be so bad in front of boss an!"

Xia Feng touched the place kissed by Xiao Li, smiled first, then hugged Xiao Li and kissed her on the mouth. Xiao Li didn't expect that Xia summit was such a move. She was stunned, but the four lips were inseparable as soon as they touched.

Xiaoli's brain is blank. She feels something wrong, but she doesn't push Xia Feng away. They kiss together like a couple. They are very intimate.

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