Xia Feng slept happily. The next morning, she had breakfast made by the nanny, and then took Liu Xiyan to the factory. Liu Xiyan was watching Xia Feng smile all the way. Now she doesn't seem to care so much about what Wei Xiang will do.

What Liu Xiyan thought was that if Wei Xiang didn't choose himself, he would spend the bad things in front of him with Xia Feng.

Later things will be said later. She won't think further, just look at the present.

All her life, she has been a lover, but deep in her heart, Xia Feng is different from Wei Xiang. Xia Feng really treats herself and doesn't deceive herself. Because of her age and children, Liu Xiyan certainly doesn't think she is a perfect match for Xia Feng, but why not with him?

Only day and night, not forever.

This is Liu Xiyan's idea at present. It seems that he is not so reluctant and infatuated with Wei Xiang.

At the factory, Liu Xiyan went to the president's office, while Xia Feng returned to his office. As soon as he sat down, he received a call from Chen Xin.

Chen Xin said directly, "the dead ghost is back!"

Xia Feng asked, "what do you say? Do you have any ideas?"

Chen Xin said, "as soon as he came back, he was very enthusiastic. I felt something was wrong. Moreover, he wanted to go back to his hometown recently. We were together. What the hell did you say he wanted to do?"

Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "do you have any insurance? Accident insurance?"

Chen Xin understood Xia Feng's meaning and said, "he's not so bold as to harm my life for accident insurance or something?"

Xia Feng said: "it's hard to say. After all, there are similar cases, and you should prevent him from transferring assets!"

Chen Xin patted his thigh and said, "insurance may not be possible, but it is possible to transfer assets. There is a safe in our hometown. There are real estate and some passbooks in the safe, which are all under my name. Originally, I meant to find evidence of his fault and let him clean out. He is very likely to want to transfer these assets!"

Xia Feng asked, "then you have to be careful. He can do anything at this time!"

Chen Xin said, "well, I see! Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng said, "does this boy really want a divorce? In that case, isn't it Liu Xiyan..."

Xia Feng shook his head. There was nothing he could do about it. Anyway, Wei Xiang was Xiaohu's father. If he could choose, Liu Xiyan must have chosen to be with Wei Xiang.

But that's good. Liu Xiyan is at least happy, and Xiaohu will grow up happily. Xia Feng has no reason to stop this kind of thing.

Xia Feng was thinking about something. At this time, he received a call from Lin Feiyang.

Lin Feiyang is also anxious. Their competition can be said to be white hot. He is really a little anxious. As soon as he gets through, he says, "Xia Feng, what have I told you?"

Xia Feng said, "don't worry, I'm trying."

Lin Feiyang sighed, "now, I'm afraid it's too late!"

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng asked puzzled.

Lin Feiyang said, "now min Aoxue and Lin Zheng have suddenly gone abroad for vacation!"

Xia Feng immediately understood what was going on. In fact, it was his idea that they went abroad for vacation. Just to avoid the phone being monitored by Lin Feiyang, they didn't contact Xia Feng when they went out.

Xia Feng pretended not to know and said, "why did you suddenly go abroad? No, isn't that a good thing for you? You can fully control the group these days. Don't you have nothing when they come back?"

Lin Feiyang said, "I thought it was a good thing, but Lin Feizhang didn't know what was going on. His spirit got better all at once, and he has been handling affairs in the company. His spirit is better than before!"

Xia Feng said, "Oh, I really didn't expect this!"

"Yes, it seems that min Aoxue's pregnancy is not true. When they go out at this time, they just avoid my investigation. Originally, they avoid it. I'm better to operate, but Lin Feizhang's disease suddenly recovered, which... Makes people a little speechless..." Lin Feiyang sighed.

Xia Feng asked, "what are you going to do when you pick it up? Shouldn't you let me chase it abroad?"

Lin Feiyang said, "I really have this idea, because you promised me to do it wholeheartedly!"

Xia Feng said perfunctorily, "I don't have a visa..."

"You don't have a visa. I can do it right away!" Lin Feiyang said.

Xia Fengwei: "I've had a lot of things lately!"

Lin Feiyang said in a deep voice, "Xia Feng, don't you want to perform your duties? You took my money and I deleted the video of you and Guo Wenjia. What else do you want?"

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes and said unhappily, "what? Did I sell it to you or what? Does everything have to listen to you?"

At this time, someone whispered around Lin Feiyang. After listening, Lin Feiyang suddenly raised his tone eight degrees and said, "Xia Feng! Should you give me an explanation!"

"What explanation?" Xia Feng was a little confused.

Lin Feiyang said, "I just got a message that Murong Du wants to take you as an apprentice!"

Xia Feng said, "it's about this. What's the matter?"

"Last time murongdu suddenly said something was wrong. Originally, he said he would go to see if min Aoxue was really pregnant, but murongdu broke his appointment and immediately returned to the capital. Suddenly, he said he wanted to take you as an apprentice. I have reason to believe that you were involved in murongdu! Also, even if Lin Feizhang's illness got better, it has something to do with you!" Lin Feiyang said.

Xia Feng said, "the old fox is really powerful. You can see it. It's powerful."

However, Xia Feng said, "what are you talking about? Old Mr. murongdu and I met unintentionally. After talking, we fell in love. That's why we came up with the idea of taking me as an apprentice. What I involved him? I don't understand what you said! Also, when did I see Lin Feizhang? I haven't even seen Lin Feizhang!"

Lin Feiyang said suspiciously, "you really have nothing to do with this?"

"I'm working for you, ten million. Although I haven't made any progress, it's hard work without credit. You can say I haven't done anything, but I can't say I hinder you. What's all this?" Xia Feng yelled and complained constantly. Lin Feiyang was also stunned. I don't know whether I should believe him or not.

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