Xia Feng looked at Yu Xinyu for a while, covered her, and then left quietly.

Early the next morning, Xia Feng received a call from Yu Xinyu: "Duan Yu said that all our accessories were unqualified and returned. In addition, the accessories of our factory next year will no longer be included in their procurement plan."

Yu Xinyu spoke steadily at first. At last, he suddenly burst into tears.

In fact, that night, Xia Feng felt that Yu Xinyu's psychological tolerance was not good, and he pretended to be drunk to escape. At this moment, he really felt her pressure when he heard her cry.

In fact, she is really only suitable to be a female teacher in the ivory tower and work hard in society. Her character is really inappropriate.

Listening to the cry that Yu Xinyu was much more delicate than women of the same age, Xia Feng felt pain and anger and said, "don't worry, teacher Yu, I'll find a way."

What can he do?

He was not a genius with superior intelligence. At this time, he was so angry that he couldn't think of any way. He had only one idea: "Duan, I want you to die today."

Drive straight to Duan Yu's company, go outside the office building, control a bee, go directly to the procurement department, go in and have a look. Duan Jian is really in the office, looking at the documents like a dog.

Xia Feng sneered, expanded his spiritual power, found dozens of wasps, summoned them all and flew in.

"Give me a sting." at his command, dozens of wasps rushed together and stung Duan Jian around. A pile of bags on Duan Jian's face, especially his head, almost doubled, like a pig's head on the new year's choppboard.

He turned Duan jianzhe into a pig's head. He was a little more comfortable in his heart and called Yu Xinyu. Yu Xinyu said he was in the hotel.

At the hotel, Xia Feng apologized: "I was impulsive that day. I shouldn't have started to play a sword."

"You're right." Yu Xinyu didn't look very good, but he didn't mean to blame him. He shook his head: "if you don't beat him, he will be more rampant and won't let go easily. Can I really be bullied by him for a few money?"

Xia Feng said, "don't worry, I'll put my hand in it. I'll take care of it to the end."

Today, he stung Duan Jian once. It's just the beginning. He has already thought about it. If Duan Jian doesn't use Yu Xinyu's accessories, he will stung Duan Jian every once in a while to let Duan Jian experience the darkness of the world and the pain of life.

"Blame me." Yu Xinyu said, "I shouldn't have promised him to eat at that time."

Xia Feng shortened to: "if you don't allow him to eat, he's angry. If it's different, he'll refund the bill?"

At this time, Yu Xinyu's cell phone rang. She connected and said, "what, we have to wait for next month. It's been delayed for half a year. Isn't it appropriate?"

She said a few words, hung up the phone, her eyes full of helplessness, and said, "the Dongqi factory in Beijing owes us money. If they don't come over, we won't be able to pay our wages, and we owe money for raw materials for several months."

Together, you owe me, I owe him, triangular debt. Xia Feng said, "is it in arrears with your payment?"

"Yes." Yu Xinyu nodded and explained.

There seems to be something wrong with the operation of Dongqi factory. It used to be OK. It would take up to a month or two to settle the bill, but this time, it has been delayed for more than half a year, so Yu Xinyu got anxious.

"Don't worry, Miss Yu. That's good. I'll help you collect the account." Xia Feng volunteered.

"That's not good." Yu Xinyu hesitated.

"Teacher Yu, don't forget, I'm in business!"

Yu Xinyu hesitated and said, "well, Xiao Xia, our factory specially employs you as a salesman and gives you a 5% commission. What do you think?"

It is difficult to collect accounts. Some accounts even give a commission of 30% to more than 80%, which is based on the degree of difficulty,

The account of Dongqi factory is easy to settle. In the past, you could settle the account after a delay. Now, although it has been delayed for half a year, you should still be able to get it back. Giving Xia Feng a 5% commission is neither low nor high. Sending someone to collect the account by yourself also costs a lot.

Xia Feng understood what was going on here. He wanted to shake his head and say that he just beat Duan Jianxin. He owed him a favor, but when he said it, he took it back, because it was unnecessary. He didn't need money at that time. If he didn't give Yu Xinyu his account number, Yu Xinyu couldn't send the money to the United Nations.

"Then give me a certificate and I'll go today," Xia Feng said.

Yu Xinyu immediately issued a certificate to Xia Feng to prove that you are a creditor, otherwise people will drive you out.

Dongqi factory is located in the suburbs and is still quite far away. Xia Feng took a taxi and spent more than 200 in the past. It may not be so easy to collect debts, so he found a hotel to stay first.

The waiter was enthusiastic and said to Xia Feng, "boss, you're here to pick up the leak."

What does this mean? Xia Feng nodded and said, "yes."

The waiter's enthusiasm increased again. His eyes lit up and said, "I knew that man was really lucky. Ten yuan, ten yuan. A bowl sold for 30 million. During this time, he was crazy. Every Friday, many people came to pick up the leak. Today, it's only Wednesday, and someone came. Boss, you must be lucky to see your red face. I'm sorry you picked up a big leak."

Xia Feng understood. It was estimated that there was an antique market here. Then someone picked up a big leak, bought a bowl for 10 yuan and sold it for 30 million, so people who wanted to make a fortune were crazy. The waiter thought Xia Feng also heard the news to pick up the leak.

Xia Feng thought clearly and was happy. After listening to the good words of the waiter, he was not stingy. He directly took out a hundred yuan and said, "lend me your good words."

"Thank you, boss." the waiter took the money and went happily.

Xia Feng had dinner. At this time, it was dark. It was impossible to go to Dongqi factory. He was not in a hurry and couldn't run. If he came, he would be at ease. He was interested in what the waiter said about the antique market. When eating, he asked the waiter in the restaurant. He knew that the antique market here is in the antique street. It doesn't have to be until Friday. It's usually busy. It's just that stalls are allowed when there are big markets on Friday.

After dinner, Xia Feng came out and made a call. As soon as he said that there was an antique street, the taxi driver came.

"Boss, you're here to pick up the leak, aren't you? It's not my mouth smelly. It depends not only on luck, but also on the day. You have to look at your birthday, the eight characters, the direction and the way of transportation, and ordinary immortals can't. like the famous Cao Daxian on our side, it's really iron mouth straight. Are you interested in it, or I'll pull you to calculate a divination."

Xia Feng lost his smile and shook his head: "it's all right. I'll find someone before I come. It's the famous Liu Daxian over there?"

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