Li Xixi also saw Xia Feng and her eyes brightened: "ah, it's Mr. Xia. Why are you here? Come in and sit down."

Li Sisi was very enthusiastic. She came out from behind the table and poured water for Xia Feng. She was wearing a treasure blue skirt today. Her long and short hair was draped behind her head at will. With delicate glasses, she gave people a feeling of intelligence and tenderness.

"It's a coincidence that you are factory director Li."

Coincidentally, what should be said should still be said, and the debt to be paid should still be paid, so there is no need for nonsense. Xia Feng directly said, "factory director Li, I want to ask if we can settle the payment for goods."

"So you're a salesman from Mr. Yu's factory. That's a coincidence. You helped me yesterday. The money from your factory should have been settled four months ago. It's my fault. I'll apologize first." she looked sorry, Xia Feng didn't say a word, and looked at him. In this society, it's uncle who owes money and grandson who asks for money. Although Xia Feng hasn't asked for money, But I listened more and looked at it first. I thought to myself, "this woman has a good temperament. It depends on whether she can act and how she should act."

Seeing that he was silent, Li Sisi apologized more deeply on her face and said, "our factory has encountered difficulties in the past half a year. Now it is really difficult, but I am trying to find a way. I went to antique street yesterday to get rid of some antiques, change cash and pay for them first."

She got up, took a few pieces of paper on the table and handed it to Xia Feng: "if Mr. Xia doesn't believe it, you can have a look. This is my power of attorney. They signed these antiques. The insured price is $5 million. If they are sold, I will settle your $3 million payment first."

Xia Feng took it over and looked at it. It was indeed a power of attorney. Li Xixi entrusted an antique shop to sell several antiques. After the antique shop signed, it was identified as genuine and would help sell it, and gave a promise. If there was any damage or loss, it would be compensated at a minimum of $5 million.

The power of attorney seems to be similar, and there are antique photos. Xia Feng is a little difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Is it because Li Sisi is in debt and specially makes this to fool people.

He glanced at Li Xixi. Li Xixi was also looking at him. Li Xixi was a willow shaped eye, not too big, but very beautiful. She seemed to see Xia Feng's mind and said: "Today is Thursday, and the market will open tomorrow Friday. Recently, our antiques are quite hot, and there will be a lot of people coming. My antiques may be sold. You can go with me then. Let's have a look at the scene and set off the atmosphere, OK?"

She said so, and what else could Xia Feng say about tomorrow? She had to nod her head and say, "well, I'll go to see the excitement with factory director Li on Friday." then she stood up: "don't bother, I'll come back on Friday."

"I'm really sorry. If I can sell antiques on Friday, I'll check out immediately and invite Mr. Xia to dinner. Thank you together." Li Sisi was very polite.

Xia Feng nodded without saying much and left her office.

Li Sisi impressed him very well today, but I don't know whether what she said is true or false.

"Whatever she is, if it's true, it's better. If you dare to play with me, Hei hei, I'll let you know what it means to be immortal and die." he was cruel, but he thought: "will this woman stabilize me and run away."

It should be impossible to think that there is such a big factory in Dongqi factory. However, he is now helping Yu Xinyu collect debts. To be more stable, he summoned a group of bees nearby, asked several bees to stare at Li Xixi, and the others followed him to the hotel.

He found that the swarm of bees is very strong. They echo each other and can form a bee net. No matter where Li Sisi goes, he can know it in the hotel. However, his magical eye and function are still a little low. If he is a little farther away, he can't borrow his eyes or ears. Although bees will communicate with Li Sisi, he can't see and hear it with his own eyes and ears.

Especially in the concrete jungle of the city, if it exceeds one kilometer, the spiritual sense will be completely separated. Compared with the initial magic eye, this distance is actually enhanced. At first, it seems that it can't be felt hundreds of meters away.

"It's still bad." Xia Feng shook his head, but with the help of the bee net, he can know the movement of Li Sisi. In fact, it's OK. At least he's not afraid of Li Sisi running away. He can't play games in the Internet cafe, because there are many people in the Internet cafe, and the dense bee can't wear around. He can only go back to the hotel. The hotel window is open, and he's the only one. The dense bee can go in and out at will to inform the news.

One day, he was sleeping in the hotel. Fortunately, he could brush his mobile phone. He was not stuffy.

The bee kept him informed of Li Sisi's movements at any time.

Li Xixi is busy, but she is all around Dongqi factory. Xia Feng doesn't care, as long as Li Xixi doesn't run away.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xixi drove a car to the city. Xia Feng was just bored and thought, "where is she going? Won't she run away?"

The taxi driver was very strange. Xia Feng obviously had a foreign accent, but he could command him to go. He didn't know that there were a group of bees in mid air, who were coming and going to inform the news in the distance. Xia Feng could know by telepathic induction that there was no need for bees to enter the car to report the news, and then borrow the bee eyes in mid air. Of course, he also knew how to go and how to get there Can catch up with Lizzie's car.

After twenty minutes, she finally caught up with Li Sisi's car, but Li Sisi didn't drive out of the city, but stopped in front of a club and got off.

"She may have come to meet the guests." Xia Feng suddenly got off the bus. The club environment was good. There was a park across the road in the East. At this time, it was more than six o'clock. Many people came out for a walk after dinner, including the elderly, children, but also girls and young women. They all dressed cool and occasionally saw beautiful women.

Xia Feng sat down on the bench, looking for a beautiful woman and staring at Li Sisi with bee eyes.

Li Sisi entered a room in the club. There was a man in his 30s and 40s waiting. The man was medium-sized, thin, with glasses, white skin, a little white face and a warm smile. Li Sisi called him president Zhou.

"President?" Xia Feng thought.

Li Sisi sat down, ordered dishes and drank with the president that week.

Xia Feng listened and understood that Li Sisi wanted to borrow a sum of money from the factory and asked the president to sign it this week.

"Difficult." Xia Feng shook his head gently.

He had always held a skeptical attitude towards Li Xixi, but now he saw Li Xixi with a smiling face and talking about the difficulties in the factory. He seemed to see Yu Xinyu and his compassion flooded.

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