"No need." Xia Feng shook his head and said to sister Zheng, "after the fire boils the water, turn down the fire and boil it slowly until the water turns red, pour it into the bathtub, and then mix it with hot water. The water in the bathtub should be able to submerge the body and soak it until it is water-cooled."

She told sister Zheng that Li Sisi asked Xia Feng to have dinner. Sister Zheng's craft was good, but it was a little light. She didn't put much pepper. Xia Feng didn't care. A little angry, sister Zheng only cooked a little rice. Li Sisi had one bowl and he had three bowls. There was no more.

This is not sister Zheng's stinginess. She is reluctant to give up a little rice. She cooks according to the appetite of normal people. Today's urban young people can eat three bowls. They already have a large appetite. I have never seen Xia Feng such a monster.

Xia Feng could only pretend to burp, touched his stomach and said, "so full."

Li Xixi smiled: "sister Zheng's craft is getting better and better."

They had dinner and the water there was cooked. Xia Feng helped them and mentioned it to the bathroom above.

The bathroom is luxurious, and there are big mirrors on all three sides.

"What a romantic person." Xia Feng said involuntarily.

"Go back and let Wenjia install it in the bathroom. She's afraid she'll be shy." Xia Feng thought, and a smile flashed across the corner of her mouth.

Of course, Guo Wenjia would be shy, but he would listen to him. He imagined that he was fascinated for a time when he was dressed in a mirror.

He poured the maple root water into the bathroom and came down. Li Xixi was busy on the top. Xia Feng had sharp ears and vaguely heard the cry of President Wei above. He knew that President Wei couldn't see the wind. He just walked a little faster. If there was a little wind, he would feel the tingling pain of his hair, as if he was stuck with a thorn, and the wind would move.

"Her cry is quite nice." Xia Feng whispered.

Upstairs, he took a bath and watched TV in the living room. About 20 minutes later, Li Xixi asked Xia Feng at the entrance of the corridor: "Xiao Xia, the water is starting to be cold. Is it OK?"

"Yes." Xia Feng promised, "you'll know if you let the head of Weixing have a try."

"OK." Li Sisi promised and withdrew. She didn't know much. She heard the captain of the guard call.

The cry was not painful, but a kind of cheering. Obviously, it had an effect. There was no such feeling of burr.

This is normal. It is absolutely easy to cure this plant infection with magic eye.

Upstairs began to laugh. President Li Sisi and President Wei were women in their thirties, but they chattered with excitement, which was no different from the little girl.

Some people say that a woman is equal to 500 ducks. Upstairs, President Wei and Li Sisi, plus sister Zheng, as for the equivalent of 1200 ducks, sister Zheng's status is a little lower, not as much as Li Sisi. After another twenty minutes or so, the three of Wei Xing came down. She changed a plain white skirt, put her hair in a bun, exposed Xin's long neck and tied an emerald necklace, which made her skin like snow.

"Xiao Xia, thank you." Wei Xingchang came to thank Xia Feng. Xia Feng was polite, while Li Xixi beat the drum while praising Xia Feng's powerful medical skills and magical Qigong.

Wei Xingchang is obviously interested in Xia Feng. It's not uncommon. Such magical medical skills and real Qigong skills are experts. Such experts can't be met.

When asked about Xia Feng, Xia Feng said he was a salesman, and then naturally talked about the payment for goods, as well as the loan of Dongqi factory.

"Zhou's rampant habit, but fortunately Xiaoxia cured me of his illness, and he won't have anything to do tomorrow." President Wei Fengyan opened his eyes: "I don't know which of his ideas. I'll go back tomorrow and see if he dares to say no?"

"Amitabha." Li Xixi put her hands together: "sister Wei, just go back. In the past six months, especially in recent months, there has been a rumor that you are retreating. Zhou is becoming more and more rampant. I'm really bullied by him."

"Don't worry." the head of the Wei line guaranteed the ticket, and the Feng eye was majestic.

Xia Feng looked at it, nodded secretly and thought, "her magic eyes are charming and angry, but they are also scary. She wants to act. She can play Wang Xifeng in the dream of Red Mansions."

After talking for a while, Li Xixi worried about President Wei's body and said, "it's late. Sister Wei, you should have a rest earlier. You're just sick, but you don't dare to stay up late."

"I feel very energetic. I sleep every day." he said. President Wei's eyes are clear, but he looks at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng understood what she meant and said, "you can't sleep well at ordinary times. Have a good sleep today and you'll be all right tomorrow. Didn't you say you want to see my Qigong? I can work to help you sleep, so you can cure the disease completely."

Wei Xingchang was happy and said, "really, great. When I say I sleep every day, I can't sleep at all. I sleep for a while and wake up for a while. Sometimes I'm confused. Whether I'm awake or asleep, whether I'm alive or dead."

When she said this, Li Sisi was sad. She took her hand and said, "sister Wei, stop talking."

Wei Xingchang saw that her eyes were red and said with a smile, "it's true. After this time, I have realized that I have to live well in the future."

She turned her head, looked at Xia Feng and said, "thanks to Xiao Xia this time, I'll thank you in the future."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "President Wei, go upstairs and sleep in the bedroom. I'm angry and you sleep by the way."

"OK." Wei Xingchang nodded and said, "don't call Wei Xingchang. I'm older than you. Call me sister. You're an expert, or I took advantage of it."

Xia Feng smiled and called sister Shengwei.

Wei Xingchang and Li Xixi went upstairs first. Xia Feng waited for a while before going up. Wei Xingchang had changed his pajamas and purple pajamas, which looked very luxurious.

She lay down in bed with her hands on her lower abdomen. This posture looks like a very soft, beautiful and gentle woman, but Xia Feng knows her. This woman is different.

Xia Feng said, "sister Wei, you close your eyes and don't want to sleep. When you open your eyes, the day will be bright and a new day will begin."

"Ah, that's very good." Li Sisi sighed on one side.

"Xiaoxia is a really high-level person." President Wei praised and looked slightly at Li Sisi. "Later, let Xiaoxia send you back, or let him get angry and help you sleep, or let him sleep with you. Anyway, your husband is abroad."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" said Li sisi jiaochen. "If you're well, you'll be a demon. Let you go today and you'll be all right tomorrow. See how I deal with you."

Li Sisi was coquettish and angry, glanced at Xia Feng, and her pretty face was slightly red.

Xia Feng couldn't answer this. He just smiled and saw that President Wei was ready. He raised his palm and said, "sister Wei, close your eyes and don't think."

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