Xia Feng thought again at this time, "do you know if he has it in his computer?"

There's no place to ask, but it's not urgent. Yue Lei is in a coma, and Guo Wenjia is Yue Lei's legal wife. You can find it slowly.

However, on thinking about it, Xia Feng shook his head again: "it's better not to tell Wen Jia about it."

Although Yue Lei had several women, had children and cheated first, Guo Wenjia always had a shadow in her heart when she had an affair with Xia Feng. Even if she didn't know, if Guo Wenjia knew that she had an affair with Xia Feng and took photos of Yue Lei, she would have a shadow in her heart.

"I can check it myself slowly, and boss Yue doesn't seem to have a laptop. Except for a computer in the office, he usually uses a mobile phone. I just don't know if he has a mistress and a mistress. With his evil thief, everything is hidden by himself. I'm afraid he won't let his mistress and a mistress know." on this thought, Xia Feng decided not to tell Guo Wenjia about it.

Xia Feng doesn't know whether Lin Feiyang ordered all this or whether Yue Lei found Lin Feiyang, but it's obvious that they collude together.

After thinking clearly, he took out his mobile phone and called Guo Wenjia.

"Hello." Guo Wenjia saw that it was his number. His voice was so sweet that he was tired. Xia Feng shook his head gently and made a decision secretly: "Wen Jia is that kind of sunny woman. I will never let her have a shadow in her heart."

"Wenjia, would you like to come to the central hospital?" he didn't say anything first. In case Yue Lei had an accident and Guo Wenjia panicked and didn't drive well, it would be troublesome. Let her come first.

"What?" Guo Wenjia asked.

"Come here quickly, aren't you good?" he said in this tone. Guo Wenjia giggled over there: "people are not good."

After hanging up the phone, the doctor came again and asked Xia Feng to fill out the messy list and sign the operation. Xia Feng directly signed Guo Wenjia's name. The doctor blinked at him. It was obviously a woman's name.

"This is my sister's name. He is my brother-in-law." Xia Feng lied without blinking, and the doctor believed it. Because Xia Feng paid the money quickly, so the doctor was also quick.

When Guo Wenjia came over, Yue Lei just finished his infusion and was ready to enter the operating room. Xia Feng met Guo Wenjia outside the hospital. When Guo Wenjia came, she changed a printed skirt, such as a flower butterfly floating off the car. When she saw Xia Feng, she smiled sweetly: "what's up."

Xia Feng went up and said, "boss Yue had a car accident. He had a head injury and had to have an operation."

"What?" Guo Wenjia exclaimed.

When she first got off the bus, she was a cheerful butterfly in the spring sunshine. At this moment, it seemed as if she had encountered a rainstorm.

But she was only surprised, not how sad she was.

Since Guo Wenjia knew that Yue Lei had more than one woman outside, they had been in the cold war. They slept in separate rooms at home and didn't let Yue Lei touch her. Yue Lei had women outside and didn't have much interest in Guo Wenjia.

When Guo Wenjia has a relationship with Xia Feng, it goes further. Even if they are at home, they have nothing to say, but only pretend to be friendly in the company.

In fact, Xia Feng also wanted to understand that Yue Lei was not angry with Guo Wenjia because he took the certificate, that is, he completely lost interest in Guo Wenjia and just waited to use it. Finally, he overturned the card and sent Guo Wenjia away without giving him a penny. As for Guo Wenjia, he had no interest at all. He didn't care whether he stole or cheated.

Just like the neighbors upstairs and downstairs, they meet, nod and say hello. They don't care whether they eat or not, or even wear pants.

And Guo Wenjia has almost this mentality. She is a smart and sensitive woman. Of course, she can feel Fu Tu Lu's indifference to her. With Xia Feng, all her feelings are on Xia Feng, so she is very good.

As for how Yue Lei is, she really doesn't care much.

"Go in and have a look." Xia Feng looked at Guo Wenjia's expression and said, "you may have to sign a supplementary word."

"OK." Guo Wenjia had calmed down at this time, but when she entered the hospital, she quietly took Xia Feng's hand.

Xia Feng knew that her state of mind was a little complicated at the moment. She patted her hand, but she didn't know what to say to her.

To the rescue room, a nurse was already moving Yue Lei into the operating car. Guo Wenjia stood and looked at it. She didn't lean over. Her eyes were complex, not sad, but of course she wouldn't be happy. It was an unknown emotion, as if she saw an acquaintance in the vast sea of people.

The operation took a long time. Until the evening, a doctor came out to find his family. At this time, as the legal wife, Guo Wenjia must come out and be responsible. The doctor told her that Yue Lei's injury was serious and asked Guo Wenjia to sign another statement.

Guo Wenjia didn't think much and signed directly. Later, after the operation, the doctor told her that the effect of the operation was not very good, depending on the recovery.

Guo Wenjia thanked, but did not say much.

Yue Lei's injury stabilized, but he never regained consciousness.

In order to make Yue Lei recover better, Guo Wenjia and Xia Feng took him to a large hospital in Beijing.

Kwai hospital doctor told Guo Wenjia that the repair of the cranial nerve injury is more powerful in Harvard Medical School. If the injury is stable now, if Guo Wenjia is rich, he can send it to the United States as soon as possible, and he may wake up as soon as possible.

Guo Wenjia told Xia Feng. After a little thought, she made a decision and said to Xia Feng, "his parents have died. There are uncles and uncles at home, but he is stingy. His relatives want to take advantage of him. They can't take advantage of him at all. There is basically no contact. The female college student helped him have children, but it's impossible to take care of him at this time."

Speaking of this, she stopped and looked at Xia Feng with a hint of pleading: "God, I want to send him to the United States. If he wakes up and is cured, I'll divorce him and come back to be your woman. I don't want you to marry me. As long as you want me, love me.

Xia Feng felt heartache just listening to her, but she couldn't help.

Because Xia Feng came to the capital again, Cheng jinxun called him twice, but nothing happened. He just asked Xia Feng to have dinner.

At first, Wu Xiangjun's image of Xia Feng was very bad, but Cheng jinxun's attitude, and then Wu Xiangjun was also very enthusiastic. Xia Feng felt that he had been stingy before and still didn't calm down.

In fact, he could guess that Cheng jinxun was afraid of the man who nailed Cheng Dubin with a black needle, so he made great efforts to make friends with him.

He even felt a little impulsive and wanted to help Cheng jinxun find the guy. However, he held back his words.

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