"Yes?" Liu Simin tried to stare, but the waterfall had plenty of water and couldn't see it at all.

"It seems that there is. I'll go and have a look." Xia Feng got up and walked around the pond. In fact, he didn't want to go. There is indeed a hole behind the waterfall, but it needs to be installed.

Looking from the front, the hole was sealed by the waterfall, but when we went around the side, we found that the hole was not sealed. We could go in by reluctantly leaning sideways from one side, because there was a prominent rock above the hole, which blocked the waterfall.

When Xia Feng came into the cave, he found that the cave was very big. It was more than ten meters high and nearly a hundred square meters. The cave was wet, but the cave was inclined and higher inside than outside, so it was still dry inside.

Xia Feng came out and said to Liu Simin, "there is a big hole in front of it. I have an idea. We can hide in the hole. The gangsters shouldn't notice us. When they catch up with us, we can come out."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be very familiar. When he thought about it, he lost his smile. Last time he took Lucy and min Aoxue. This time, Liu Simin was the only one, but Liu Simin's beauty was not under min Aoxue. His figure was even comparable to Lucy, even if it was a little worse.

Liu Simin's brain melon seeds are also not one of Min Aoxue. Unlike Lucy, she didn't use her brain and promised immediately. Instead, she thought for a moment and said, "what if they find out."

Recalling the beautiful scene with min Aoxue in the cave, Xia Feng felt hotter and said, "can you see the cave behind the waterfall when you stand there?"

Liu Simin stared hard, took a few steps left and right, shook his head and said, "I can't see."

But she still hesitated: "it's just that if they suspect and we're stuck in the hole, it's really a dead end."

"If you die, you'll die." Xia Feng said, "you'll have to cross the boat in ten years and die in a hole in a hundred years. If a peerless beauty like you dies on the wedding night, you'll definitely envy mandarin ducks rather than immortals."

Liu Simin can't laugh or cry, but she already knows that Xia Feng likes nonsense, and behind his nonsense, there are often miracles.

She can have today's momentum, not only by her family background, but also by her own mind and skills. But now, in such a situation, she is eager to believe in Xia Feng.

Although this guy is in a mess, he really has some mysterious skills.

"OK." Liu Simin turned to take a look at the source and made a decision immediately: "we hide in, just..."

She looked at the water mark left on the stone by the pond and said, "will the gangster see it?"

She was half dead tired and chased by gangsters. If she changed to an ordinary woman, she would have lost her soul. However, she still had such a clear mind. Xia Feng had to sigh: "no wonder many people can't get a wife now. Now women are really more and more smart."

"This is easy to solve." Xia Feng came here, looked ahead and said, "there seems to be a wild boar over there."

He yo drank a voice: "Hey, brother boar, come out to see the fairy."

Liu Simin couldn't help laughing. This guy was never in shape, but she couldn't help looking down Xia Feng's eyes, and her eyes immediately stared out.

Because there is really a wild boar, but it is not a male wild boar, but a female wild boar, with a litter of small pigs.

"It's a young pig woman." Xia Feng called, "well, you're lonely. There's a handsome pig in front. Go and have a look. Maybe you can have a wedding tonight."

His voice was in a mess, which was a fight with the boar King last time. After listening to his words, the female boar really turned around and left, taking a group of little boars all the way to the gorge.

"OK." Xia Feng looked back: "the boar ran all the way. The gangster must think we ran all the way and will only chase down all the way."

Seeing Liu Simin staring at him silently, he shook his hand in front of her: "what's the matter? You also want to flirt with a handsome boy. Don't go far. There's one in front of you."

Liu Simin wanted to laugh, but didn't laugh: "can you really make animals listen to you?"

"Don't you also listen to me?" Xia Feng smiled: "people are also animals."

He refused to admit it, but Liu Simin was more and more sure.

Liu Simin was shocked and appreciated that he could drive animals. There are really such strange people in the world.

There are wild animals everywhere, which can drive animals. That is the king here. What else is terrible? After thinking about this, Liu Simin took Xia Feng's bag, bypassed the waterfall and entered the cave.

Xia Feng took a slow step in.

Liu Simin trusted him, but he still had to keep his hand. The wild bees on his head were always there, but there were only more than 1000. He was still a little worried. The lethality of bees was a little weak after all.

After releasing the spirit consciousness, he summoned more than a dozen snakes from nearby, including cobras and silver ring snakes, and guarded around the pool.

If the gangster really finds a hole and wants to come in, it can't be said. First the wild bee stung, and then the snake attacked.

When Xia Feng entered the cave, Liu Simin stood in the center of the cave and said, "this cave is so big."

"Of course, the bridal chamber should be bigger." Xia Feng smiled.

Liu Simin ignored him, but he was not disgusted.

He has always been like this, and with deeper and deeper cognition, his tolerance is getting higher and higher.

A man of ability will always make people look at him differently.

Especially in such an environment.

The hole is high inside and low outside. Generally speaking, it is half wet and half dry. There is a pile of stalactites inside, which can be used as a stool.

Liu Simin lost his bag. Xia Feng had a paper towel in his bag. He took it out and sat down on the stalactite.

Xia Feng didn't pay so much attention. He sat down directly. He was bored and said, "just those, are they puma people?"

"No." Liu Simin shook his head: "we came in and met."

She thought: "according to the information, Puma has always been a person. He is a lone wolf and never believes anyone."

"Oh." Xia Feng didn't think so: "Yun Waner can buy puma's life for 200000 US dollars. Puma can't take 100000 US dollars to buy several people. The head fee here seems to be very cheap."

Liu Simin frowned slightly, obviously thinking about the possibility, and didn't answer him.

Xia Feng was too lazy to think too much, but he thought of the woman in yellow that day and said, "by the way, Mr. nine, the woman in yellow who was boxing that day is not Chinese."

"Not from China." Liu Simin looked at him with a smile. "Her name is Anna. You want to make up your mind about her. Be careful. Her relatives are either rich or expensive. The whole Asia is very powerful."

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