"It has something to do with my father." Xu Lingshu breathed out, looked at the distance, and was a little distracted, and said: "My father often said that people who practice Qigong attach importance to morality, not morality. They can't practice qigong, but will be possessed by demons. Therefore, if anyone practices real Kung Fu, his virtue must be very good, and you have real kung fu. I saw it at noon, so I can trust your virtue."

It's such a theory. Xia Feng has nothing to answer for a moment. Indeed, the most important thing in traditional Chinese Kung Fu is morality, that is, old worker Xiong, who is not a formal apprentice. Before teaching Kung Fu, he also asked him not to fight with people casually, especially not to bully people by relying on Kung Fu.

"Not necessarily." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "Kung Fu can be practiced if you are diligent and willing to practice. It has nothing to do with virtue or immorality, so there are Buddhas and demons."

"Well, what you said also has a certain truth, but." Xu Lingshu said and smiled again: "Xia Feng, do you know what sister Yu said about you?"

"Sister Yu?" Xia Feng was really amused. "What did she say about me?"

Xu Lingshu said, "you say you are a good man, but you are a little naive."

"No." Xia Feng heard such an evaluation for the first time.

"Do you wonder why sister Yu thinks so of you?" Xu Lingshu asked with a smile.

"Yes." Xia Feng was really strange. After thinking for a while, he helped Yu Miaojing prick a needle. Later, he didn't deal with anything. Why did Yu Miaojing evaluate her like this.

"You went to sister Yu to do business for a girl named Zhai Qing." Xu Lingshu asked.

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded and understood.

Xu Lingshu said, "sister Yu talked to Zhai Qing later and asked about you. It didn't do any good for you to help Zhai Qing pull business. Later, she helped Zhai Qing contact the music teacher. Similarly, she didn't want any good, did she?"

Yu Miaojing asked so carefully? But Xia Feng can understand that Yu Miaojing is a long-term big order. Zhai Qing naturally wants to keep in touch. Yu Miaojing wants to ask. Of course, she won't hide it. Naturally, she says what she has.

Besides, she doesn't mean to speak ill of Xia Feng. Talk about his good. What can't she say.

"I actually want Zhai Qing's body." but Xia Feng can't say that. Zhai Qing's meaning that night actually means that she doesn't want to be Xia Feng's girlfriend, just thanks.

"Zhai Qing and I are more congenial." Xia Feng can only say so.

"I also think I'm more in tune with you." Xu Lingshu didn't go on, but looked at him and smiled: "really, I don't remember when I laughed so recklessly like tonight."

"Mr. Xu, you are actually very beautiful when you smile. You should smile more. In this way, you can open your mind, ease your liver qi, and be conducive to beauty." Xia Feng sincerely advised.

"Yes." Xu Lingshu nodded, "but if you want to laugh like this, you also want to hit it off. Do you think so?" she said, reaching out and said, "give me a hand. My stomach hurts and my legs soften."

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and pulled her up. They walked slowly down the mountain.

Xu Lingshu walked slowly and said, "I remember when I was in junior high school, there were a lot of Sophora japonica flowers on our campus. I always walked very slowly after self-study at night. The hazy moonlight shone on the snow-white Sophora japonica flowers, with a fragrant smell. The whole person seemed to be wrapped in the fragrance of flowers."

She said, a little fascinated: "it was the happiest time of my life and the most unforgettable time. Unfortunately, later, I grew up slowly, and then left. When I came to the big city, I seemed to be in full bloom, but in fact, I just wanted to go back to the moon at that time, with the fragrance of flowers on my sleeve, and don't care about everything in the world."

She said leisurely. Xia Feng seemed to see a beautiful girl walking on the path between the flowers, wearing a purple skirt, just like a fairy among the flowers. All the way down, Xu Lingshu told her that she had been back to the hotel when she was a girl. When she entered the house, Xu Lingshu said, "Xia Feng, thank you."

Xia Feng understood her meaning and just nodded.

He had wanted to peek at Xu Lingshu taking a bath and undressing, but now he didn't have the idea.

Along the way, he seemed to accompany Xu Lingshu through her girlhood, which was so kind.

Just like Yu Xinyu, if yu Xinyu lives next door, he will never deliberately peek at her. Of course, if he sees it inadvertently, he will say another thing.

When she got up early the next day, Xu Lingshu changed her clothes. Unexpectedly, she was not purple, but a red and bright red skirt with silk stockings. The silk stockings were still mesh. The change of this style was too intense.

Xia Feng looked a little dizzy for a moment.

"Why, I don't know when I change my clothes." Xu Lingshu is not as cold as when she came yesterday, but a sunny smile.

"It's so beautiful." Xia Feng clapped gently.

"Thank you." Xu Lingshu pulled her skirt, squatted slightly, and then giggled.

If yesterday was a cold rose, today is a warm Canna.

"Also said to see the sunrise." Xu Lingshu said with a toot of her mouth, but said angrily to Xia Feng: "I only blame you, don't call me."

This kind of shallow anger, thin anger and strange person for no reason is the place where people can't resist. Xia Feng had to scratch his head and say, "I'm dead asleep too, but the weather is good these days, and I can see it tomorrow."

"Forget it." Xu Lingshu shook her head: "it's Monday tomorrow. I have an appointment with students to give them classes."

"Oh." Xia Feng remembered that Xu Lingshu was still a teacher in the Academy of fine arts.

After dinner, Xu Lingshu left for home. Xu Lingshu's car was still in front. When she entered the urban area to a fork in the road, Xu Lingshu stopped, waved to Xia Feng and said, "I'll go back first. I'll see you later."

Then he started the car and disappeared into the traffic.

Instead, Xia Feng was stunned by the roadside.

Such a woman really has a personality.

"It's worthy of playing art," he sighed.

With Xu Lingshu's temperament, Xia Feng thought that she said goodbye, maybe she would never see him again, but unexpectedly, in less than a day, Xu Lingshu called him: "Xia Feng, are you free? Have dinner together in the evening."

"OK." Xu Lingshu took the initiative to meet. Xia Feng was really overjoyed.

Not only is Xu Lingshu a beautiful woman, but her personality and artist temperament make Xia Feng feel that she is a little tall and inexplicable when communicating with her.

Xu Lingshu made an appointment with a restaurant in the middle of the city. It's on the hillside. The scenery is very good. It's a famous restaurant here, but there aren't many people. When Xia Feng went in, Xu Lingshu arrived first.

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