Xia Feng can only say, "yes, it may also be a misunderstanding."

Xu Lingshu shook her head and said: "But with my intuition, I don't think it can be a misunderstanding. The woman has a big stomach. There are some stairs in front of the maternal and child health hospital. He held her and walked down the stairs. I divided them into countless pictures. I can say for sure that the woman must be his woman and the child in the woman's stomach must be his child."

The artist's intuition.

Xia Feng has nothing to say.

Xu Lingshu murmured, "since then, I began to be infatuated with purple clothes and began dysmenorrhea."

Xia Feng nodded and understood the reason. Indeed, there is no unprovoked love, no unprovoked hate, and no unprovoked dysmenorrhea in the world.

"I've endured it for three years, and I'm 30 years old. I don't want to endure it any more. I want to have an end." she said, looking at Xia Feng, and continued: "Xia Feng, help me find that woman. I want real evidence."

Xia Feng nodded.

"I can pay for the investigation..." before she finished, Xia Fengyang started and said, "didn't sister Yu tell you about Zhai Qing? I helped Zhai Qing. She didn't give me a penny. It's good to get along."

Xu Lingshu also smiled. She was free and easy. She raised her glass and said, "thank you."

After dinner, we talked for a while, and then went home.

The next day, Xia Feng began to investigate.

Tianyang heavy industry is very good at overseas investment. Xia Feng admires it. Xia Feng appreciates it very much for investing overseas and making money from foreigners.

Qiao Jianyi, the director of the procurement department, has the same nature of work as min Aoxue, the manager of the procurement department, but his name is different. In addition, min Aoxue seems to be the deputy department, but Qiao Jianyi is the right department, which is slightly different.

To find Qiao Jianyi, it must be useless to go to the factory. You have to go to the office building. Xu Lingshu didn't introduce Qiao Jianyi much yesterday. She seemed unwilling to talk more. Xia Feng didn't ask much. It's easy to find someone with photos and work units.

Outside the office building of Tianyang Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., the office building of Tianyang Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is extremely magnificent, covers a large area and has great momentum. Xia Feng controls a bee, flies in, finds the procurement office, and finds Qiao Jianyi at once. It is similar to the photo. He shaves his head and speaks with great momentum.

He is wearing short sleeves. Although there is an air conditioner, his chest is still half open. You can see thick chest hair on his chest, on his arms, and on his upper body. Xia Feng is almost sure that there must be thick hair on his legs.

"This is a half beast. No wonder teacher Xu said that when he chased her, he was more crazy than anyone. Such a person is really wild." Xia Feng nodded secretly, imagining a half hairy man like Qiao Jianyi and Xu Lingshu. For a time, he didn't know what it was like.

"Such a person is full of Yang and energy. When staring at a prey, he will devote himself to it. Once he eats his mouth, his mind will soon diverge." Xia Feng thought earlier that Qiao Jianyi should be satisfied with Xu Lingshu's super first-class beauty in both appearance and temperament, but he was not surprised at Qiao Jianyi's appearance.

This kind of person who is full of Yang Qi, has a strong heart and is very active. Unless there are no conditions, as long as there are a little conditions, he will find another prey.

Qiao Jianyi held a meeting in the office building in the morning and went out to socialize with people at noon. Xia Feng just stared at them from a distance. Now he has experience and directly controls a swarm of bees to form a bee net. No matter where Qiao Jianyi goes, bees come and go, they are monitored by bee eyes.

By dinner time, Qiao Jianyi didn't go home, but drove to the west of the city and picked up a girl.

Xia Feng. Unexpectedly, the girl was Lin Huan.

"How could it be Lin Huan?" Xia Feng really didn't know what he felt in his heart.

For Lin Huan, his impression is bad. He is too smart and worldly.

But this society is like this. With Lin Huan's appearance and education background, she wants to pick one with good conditions. It can't be said that there is too much wrong.

Therefore, although Xia Feng didn't like Lin Huan and even stimulated Lin Huan by Zhai Qing, he didn't annoy her in his heart.

But Lin Huan was surprised to know Qiao Jianyi.

"Maybe they just know each other." Xia Feng could only think so.

Qiao Jianyi picked up Lin Huan, followed by Xia Feng. They entered a restaurant and asked for a position near the window. People came and went, and there was not much intimate action.

Also because the restaurant has many people and installed screen windows, the bees can't fly in. They look out of the window. They're not very clear.

Xia Feng is not in a hurry. He is also hungry. He has a big stomach now. He can't see others eating. He also went to a nearby restaurant and stared at it while eating himself.

Qiao Jianyi and Lin Huan didn't eat long. They went downstairs in about 40 minutes.

Lin Huan got on Qiao Jianyi's car again and drove all the way to the river. However, he didn't cross the river, but entered a community by the river.

The house price in Hexi is relatively cheap, but it is expensive by the river. It is the so-called river view house.

Qiao Jianyi and Lin huanjin's community are all high-rise buildings with good internal environment. At first glance, it is the so-called high-end community. Xia Feng remembered to ask about the house price here, which was more than 30000. At that time, he was scared.

Qiao Jianyi drove into the community and got off with Lin Huan. As soon as he got off, he hugged Lin Huan's waist. Lin Huan didn't refuse, but giggled. I don't know what to say. Qiao Jianyi stretched out his hand and gently hit her ass, making Lin Huan giggle.

Xia Feng has always had a lucky idea. Qiao Jianyi and Lin Huan just know each other, because Lin Huan said she can also take orders, and Qiao Jianyi is the director of the procurement department. Maybe Lin Huan just wants to ask Qiao Jianyi for orders.

But seeing this scene, a trace of luck in Xia Feng's heart disappeared.

"They really hooked up, but it's only a few days." Xia Feng thought to himself, "why don't they hook up before teacher Xie introduced her to me?"

Think about it, it should not, because in those days, Lin Huan seemed to be very idle, and a date came out. If it looks like today, where will it come out?

At this time, Qiao Jianyi hugged Lin Huan and went upstairs. Of course, Xia Feng could not follow in. Instead, he drove through the community, stopped at the front, and then got out of the car, pretending to look at the river view. In fact, he controlled the bees and followed Qiao Jianyi.

The elevator stops on the 18th floor. This floor is a plate structure, with one elevator and two households. It is transparent from north to south. There are indeed reasons why it is expensive.

Qiao Jianyi opened the door with the key. The two entered. As soon as the door closed, Qiao Jianyi hugged Lin Huan and kissed her.

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