Xia Feng said something, suddenly snapped his fingers, shook his hand, and a red rose appeared on his hand.

"Ah." Yu Xinyu cried out, took the rose, smelled it, and said, "it smells good. Can you still do magic?"

"How's it going?" Xia Feng said with a smile, "do you feel surprised."

"Yes." Yu Xinyu nodded uncontrollably.

"Then you'll sign the bill later." Xia Feng smiled.

Yu Xinyu nodded subconsciously, but then smiled and said, "what? I asked you."

Xia Feng laughed.

Yu Xinyu dealt with it. Yang Xiaofei didn't finish it. At more than seven o'clock, he received a call from Yang Xiaofei: "Xiaoxia, where are you?"

"Still called Xiao Xia? It didn't seem so last night." Xia Feng smiled.

"Annoying." Yang Xiaofei was ashamed and angry over there.

Xia Feng refused to let her go and joked, "call brother again. Later, brother will give you delicious food."

Yang Xiaofei was ashamed, but she seemed to have a fire burning in her heart. Her voice was panting and said, "go there yesterday."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "call first."

"Brother, good brother." although Yang Xiaofei was very ashamed, she couldn't help but cry out.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "see you later."

In the community last night, Yang Xiaofei had arrived. Xia Feng rang the doorbell and Yang Xiaofei opened the door. She was wearing a light gray skirt, which was a little like work clothes. Inside was a red bra underwear, which was very feminine.

Xia Feng's eyes brightened and said, "beautiful."

Yang Xiaofei's body had leaned against him. Her eyes were watery, but her voice seemed to spray out of fire. She asked, "really?"

"But it's more beautiful not to wear it." Xia Feng said with a smile, "I promise God that this is absolutely true."

Women love to listen to good words. At this time, Yang Xiaofei couldn't listen to good words. Hearing Xia Feng's words was like a fire burning a house. She ignored everything and kissed Xia Feng.

An hour later, Xia Feng got out of bed and smoked a cigarette.

After the event, a cigarette, happy race immortal.

Go to the window, look at the night scene in the distance, and look back at Yang Xiaofei. It seems that Yang Xiaofei's soul is detached. Although her body is still there, her soul is gone.

On the third day, Yang Xiaofei called again and said, "Xiao Xia, are you free at night?"

Xia Feng said, "sister Xiangzhao must be free."

"I hate it." Yang Xiaofei said angrily, "you go there at eight o'clock. Do you have a car? Will you send me back then?"

"OK." Xia Feng answered and added, "as long as you can get up at that time."

"Hate it." Yang Xiaofei said shyly.

Xia Feng said, "then call your brother."

Yang Xiaofei cried with a low smile, "good brother, kiss brother."

"Hey, my good sister, wait for me." Xia Feng was overjoyed.

To the community, Yang Xiaofei has arrived first. She came by taxi. It can be seen that she has been carefully dressed. Her light pink coat and purple skirt look young and sexy. She wears a gold necklace around her neck, which makes her skin more white and greasy.

"Wow." Xia Feng couldn't help praising, "sister Yang, you are getting younger and more beautiful."

"Really?" Yang Xiaofei put her arms around his waist and said happily: "my colleagues did say I look good these days and asked me if I bought any new cosmetics."

She put on lipstick and smiled. Her red lips were beautiful. Xia Feng couldn't help kissing.

Then, Yang Xiaofei made an appointment with Xia Feng almost every other day, maybe every two days. Yu Miao was not as diligent as her.

At the end of the month, the license was handled. At the beginning of the next month, Qiao Jianyi gave him the list with a total amount of $6 million. Of course, Xia Feng had to express something and said, "brother Qiao, you give me an account."

"What do you do?" Qiao Jianyi immediately stared: "brother, I really take you as a brother. If you learn from them, don't take this list."

Xia Feng is only funny.

"Brother Qiao, I know you take me as your brother, but the rules can't be bad." Xia Feng said: "besides brother Qiao, my company is open. You can't just think of making one or two lists and want to do it for a long time. If you only have one or two lists, I won't be polite to you, but if you want to be a brother for a long time, there must be rules."

In fact, Qiao Jianyi is just being polite. It depends on whether Xia Feng will do it. Xia Feng is sincere. Qiao Jianyi listens to it and is satisfied, but he still pretends to be angry. He asks Xia Feng to say it again and again, and finally reluctantly agrees, but he doesn't mention any share. He just says that Xia Feng gives him 600000 yuan for this list. He checks the manager and how much Xia Feng earns, He doesn't care.

Xia Feng can do it too. He takes the account and calls him 600000 the next day. However, the account name is not Qiao Jianyi, which is normal.

Qiao Jianyi was very happy that he could do so. He called and said, "your brother, really, drink at night."

Xia Feng gave the list to Yu Xinyu. Yu Xinyu asked him to go home and said, "I can guarantee that the profits of these accessories are very high. I can make at least 25% of the profits. I can talk about 30% more. Can you do the list of Tianyang heavy industry for a long time?"

"As long as Qiao Jianyi is there, there should be no problem." Xia Feng is still a little confident in this regard.

He can grasp Qiao Jianyi's mentality. He has some strange skills, but the most important thing is that he knows Cheng jinxun. As long as this line is still there, Qiao Jianyi will pull him.

"Then I'll try to help you talk about 30 percent." Yu Xinyu is full of confidence.

Two days later, Yu Xinyu told Xia Feng that after talking about it, he had a 30% profit, that is, he only had to pay 4.2 million for his six million goods. However, the manufacturer's profit was low, so he didn't want to press the money and asked for at least 60% in advance. Xia Feng now has just over 3.2 million on hand. He gave Qiao Jianyi 600000. Here, he still needs an advance payment of 2.5 million. After paying, there is still some change, a little more than 100000.

Originally bought a house, but now I can't buy it. 100000 is not enough for a toilet.

However, as long as the goods are delivered, the return is six million. After the payment is cleared, he can have nearly five million left and a net profit of 1.2 million.

It's only a few months. I've made a net profit of 1.2 million. It's really OK.

You can buy a bigger house then.

Xia Feng also visited his Dingtian distillery during this period. All the step-by-step production and delivery are more than one million a month, but for the time being, it is only enough for the factory's own capital flow.

Since the affair with Xiaoli was met by Xiaohui, Xiaohui was a little indifferent to Xia Feng.

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