Those people gathered around to fight. Xia Feng opened his bow from left to right, snapped and smoked, and all of them fell to the ground.

Hongmao felt better now. Seeing that he couldn't beat Xia Feng, he didn't dare to rush up again and ran out, but he didn't leave the yard, but stayed in the yard and called. The phone call was nothing more than calling people. Xia Feng didn't pay attention at all and turned to look at Kong Fang's wife.

Kong Fang's wife is not old. She looks like thirty-one or twelve and looks very beautiful. It's not surprising. Yang Xiaofei introduced that Kong Fang is a capable man. She started out in transportation. Later, she engaged in small chemical industry and grew bigger and bigger. She can also be regarded as a billionaire.

Rich people, of course, can marry beautiful women.

Even the little girl is very beautiful and has good genes.

Kong Fang's wife put her arms around the little girl and looked at Xia Feng in horror.

Instead, the little girl was not afraid. She inherited her mother's gene. A beautiful big eyed Qing stared at Xia Feng. Seeing Xia Feng look over, she said, "uncle, thank you for helping us beat away the bad guys."

Xia Feng sighed. In the face of such a little girl like a little angel, this debt is hard to get.

He had to show a smiling face and said, "it's all right. The bad guys look like flies, but as long as you pick up the fly swatter, you can eliminate them all."

"Yes." the little girl nodded hard and said, "that's what the teacher said."

Five or six years old, I should not be in primary school, kindergarten teacher. What does this teach? Xia Feng sighed again.

Kong Fang's wife was not so naive. She still looked at Xia Feng in horror and said, "you... You are also here to collect debts?"

"Director Kong doesn't owe me money." Xia Feng shook his head.

No way, the little girl stared at him. He didn't want the little girl to change her eyes.

Hearing this, Kong Fang's wife obviously breathed out, and Xia Feng withdrew. He really doesn't know what to do now.

At this time, there was a roar of waiting for the bus. Several cars came one after another and jumped down dozens of big men, some bald, some dyed hair and some tattoos. At first glance, they were not good.

When Kong Fang's wife saw it, she was scared back and bumped into the table. It hurt and scared. Xia Feng didn't read much. She really didn't know how to describe it.

The little girl was bolder. Maybe she didn't know she was afraid, or maybe it was a genetic problem. Kong Fang could break out. Her courage was stronger than ordinary people. The little girl inherited her mother's beauty and Kong Fang's courage. At this time, she shouted, "uncle, the fly is coming again."

The child's voice was crisp and beautiful. Xia Feng smiled brightly: "do you have a fly swatter?"

"I have." the little girl turned and ran into the next room. After a while, she really brought Xia Feng a fly swatter, small, red and very delicate.

Xia Feng wanted to cover his face, but his smile rippled away and praised him: "it's so beautiful."

The little girl said proudly, "I chose it."

Her mother was so frightened that she hugged her. The adult was so frightened that she trembled. The little girl was not afraid at all. Instead, she widened her eyes and shouted, "Uncle killed them."

Well, the childlike innocence is fearless and must be praised. Xia Feng smiled brightly, "OK, see my uncle kill them."

Turning around, a big man in a black vest rushed to the front.

The big man in the black vest is strong. He is a head taller than Xia Feng. His arm is so thick that he can catch up with Xia Feng's thigh.

He rushed to Xia Feng, raised his big fist and hit him according to Xia Feng's face. His boxing style was whistling. He may have practiced. At least he fought a lot, fierce and cruel.

Unfortunately, he met Xia Feng.

Xia Feng's fly swatter was raised and slapped on his face.

The fly swatter is plastic, very delicate, that is, a child's toy. But it depends on who holds it in Xia Feng's hand. The swatter has internal strength. It's not easy to pull it down.

The man in the black vest screamed and covered his face with his hands.

When the cry fell, Xia Feng had already kicked him out.

In the back was a curly hair, tall and thin, with the same fierce face.

But it didn't work. When he met Xia Feng, it was all slag. Xia Feng followed suit, slapped his face, then kicked out again.

This time, as like as two peas, more than 30 people came to the summer palace. The same way they used to take the same way, they beat the beat and kick one foot, and then they were less than two minutes. More than 30 people lay down.

At first, the red hair that kicked Xia Feng's crotch didn't rush up. Xia Feng was so brave and scared. He stared, opened his mouth and stood there foolishly.

Xia Feng's eyes swept over. Red hair was frightened and turned to run. Xia Feng snorted coldly, "you think you can run."

Hongmao really didn't dare to run away. As soon as he looked back, he fell on his knees: "great Xia, spare your life. We're just collecting debts."

Previously, he bullied Kong Fang's wife and counted him as the most vicious. Now, like soft footed shrimp, he has no bones at all.

These things are like this. If you are soft, they will be hard. If you step on them, they will be soft. They are a pile of garbage.

Xia Feng was too lazy to smoke him. There were two people standing at the gate of the hospital. In front of him was a fat man with a round head and a red face behind him.

Xia Feng's eyes turned to the fat man's face: "is he your head?"

Red hair looked back and dared not answer, but his eyes were exposed.

The fat man looked wrong and turned to go.

Xia Feng sneered: "under my hand, can you run?"

Forward one vertical, two steps to catch up.

The red faced man roared and swept over Xia Feng with one foot.

Such sweeping and kicking, boxing will not be used. Obviously, it is Chinese Kung Fu, and the body is straight. This is a real practice. It seems that it is the bodyguard of the fat man.

But no matter what you practice, it's useless to meet Xia Feng.

Xia Feng flashed and punched the red faced man on the knee.

People's knees are actually very fragile. It's better to practice at home, not much.

Xia Feng knocked with internal strength. The red faced man groaned with pain. He staggered and took a step back. Before he could stand firm, Xia Feng's back foot came and kicked him in the chest.

The red faced man was kicked to fly, flew four or five meters, hit his back on the body, made a loud thump, fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

"It's time to tell you to stop at random." Xia Feng smiled and saw that the fat man had opened the door of a Mercedes Benz and was about to get in.

With a cold hum, he darted past, grabbed the door and tore it off, as if it were not a steel door, but a page of paper from the little girl's textbook. The fat man trembled with fear and tried his best to drill into the car, but he was fat and big. His predecessor got in and his back foot was still outside. Xia Feng pulled his ankle and dragged it into the yard.

The fat man screamed, "let go of me and spare my life."

(happy New Year's day. I hope you can continue to support me in the new year)

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