Xia Feng's explanation was reasonable, and Ruan Zhen looked grateful: "thank you. If it weren't for you, I would..."

She is sincere. Without Xia Feng, she should have been humiliated by the dead fat pig at this time.

In her previous despair, she gave up, thinking that if she could borrow money to save her father, she would sacrifice herself. It doesn't matter. She should be bitten by the dog.

However, now I think, if I really humiliate Taylor, I can't imagine how I will survive. Therefore, I am particularly grateful to Xia Feng and sincerely say, "thank you, Mr. Xia."

"You're welcome." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "how's uncle Ruan now? Do you have any news about the robbers?"

Speaking of her father, Ruan Zhen was sad and said, "my father was kidnapped the day before yesterday and couldn't go home after work. Later, when the kidnappers called at night, I knew that they threatened me with $100 million. If they didn't give money or call the police, they would kill me..."

She said this and sobbed.

"Who are the kidnappers? Don't you have any clue?" Xia Feng asked.

Ruan Zhen thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "Dad is stubborn, so he has offended many people, so..."

Xia Feng is just asking. Ruan Zhen has no clue. It's normal.

"Can't you really call the police?" Xia Feng said reluctantly, "anyway, there are many people who know now."

"No way." Ruan Zhen shook her head and said, "although the news came out, as long as the police don't intervene, they won't hurt dad. If they call the police, in case..."

Obviously, she is more concerned about her father's safety. As for money, she doesn't seem to value it too much.

Ruan Zhen started the car and came home. Ruan Zhen said, "Mr. Xia, you haven't eaten yet. Just eat here."

"Don't bother." Xia Feng said, "I'll go back and eat. Factory director Kong cooked my meal."

"No trouble." Ruan Zhen shook her head and said, "I want you to stay a little longer and give me advice. I don't have anyone to discuss now."

Her worry and fear are written on her face. Such a beautiful woman is so helpless like a swaying flower.

"OK, I'll stay. Don't worry." Xia Feng comforted, "there will always be a way."

He promised to stay. Ruan Zhen was happy. Her father was kidnapped and Taylor's face changed just now, which made her feel deep malice towards the world, but Xia Feng saved her twice. At this time, she couldn't help but give birth to a heart of trust and dependence.

She ordered her servants to cook and squeezed juice for Xia Feng himself. Xia Feng drank the juice and said, "what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." Ruan Zhen looked melancholy: "the money I have, plus the real estate mortgage, can be about $30 million, at least $70 million. I wanted to borrow $50 million from Taylor, but I didn't expect him..."

At this point, she shook her head, her eyes showing disgust, nausea and a little deep fear.

Her life has been smooth and well protected for her father. When she opened her eyes every day, she saw sunshine and flowers. Until today, she found that there were shadows everywhere under the sun.

Xia Feng looked at her with sympathy in her heart.

She was originally a very beautiful woman. After giving birth to a child, she has a kind of feminine tenderness and mother's tenderness. It can be said that she is the most beautiful age of a woman. Even at this time, her helplessness and worry are revealed to the outside, which is also a kind of clear pity.

"Can't you think of any other way?" Xia Feng asked.

He was also turning in his mind, but he really had no way. If he was in Linjiang, he could find someone, not to mention anything else. At least he received a phone call from the kidnapper, and it was no problem to locate the kidnapper by mobile phone.

But this is under the skin. The most powerful person he can know is Ruan Zhen's father and daughter.

It's right that he has magic eyes, but magic eyes are useless now.

He can fight, but he can't find the shadow of the kidnapper. Who and the air?

Ruan Zhen listened to his question, thought for a moment, and said, "Dad has a jade Buddha, which was bought ten years ago. At that time, it cost nearly $20 million. Over the years, some people have wanted to buy it, and some even paid $100 million."

She said, gritting her teeth slightly: "my father likes this jade Buddha very much, but there is no way. I can only sell it and raise money to redeem my father first."

She finished, looked at Xia Feng and said, "do you think so?"

She is a pampered girl, usually very smart, but without wind and rain, it is difficult to make a decision in case of anything.

She is not a woman like min Aoxue, nor a noble female demon like Liu Simin. She is an ordinary woman. Her performance is the same as that of ordinary women, which is also normal. Relatively speaking, she has performed much better than many ordinary women.

Xia Feng nodded and said, "this is the only way for the time being. Money is only external, and people matter more."

"HMM." with his encouragement and support, Ruan Zhen made up her mind, took out her mobile phone and made a phone call on the spot.

Put down the phone, she said to Xia Feng, "there is a rich businessman named Kunbo. He is also a friend with his father. Every time he comes home, he has to worship the Jade Buddha. He likes it very much. He once offered 100 million US dollars and said he wanted to buy the jade Buddha. His father refused. I just contacted him. He said he wanted me to take the Jade Buddha."

She said, looking at Xia Feng with some joy and said, "I don't want him to pay 100 million dollars. As long as 80 million or 70 million, it's enough to redeem my father."

"It doesn't matter to be cheaper. People are the most important." Xia Feng was also happy for her.

Ruan Zhen had hope and was in a good mood. The servant cooked a meal and came up. She drank a small glass of red wine with Xia Feng and said on the table, "Mr. Xia, can you stay here tonight?"

She looked at Xia Feng with longing in her eyes.

Her request, of course, didn't mean anything else. She was afraid.

Xia Feng nodded and said, "of course. I'll just call director Kong and them."

Xia Feng called Kong Fang.

After eating and chatting for a while, they took separate breaks.

Xia Feng took a bath. When he got to bed, he couldn't sleep for a moment. There were night birds singing outside the window. Xia Feng moved his heart. He slept in the guest room on the third floor, while Ruan Zhen was on the second floor. He could vaguely hear the sound of water. Ruan Zhen might be taking a bath.

But after thinking about it, I gave up my plan to peep.

It's unkind of him to peep into people's baths when they are worried about their father.

Think of Ruan Zhen, and think of Ruan Zhen's son has not seen it, but then he was relieved. Something happened at home, should be sent to the child's father.

Divorced, but the children don't care.

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