"Who are you?" Wu Chi's words made the manager angry.

"Wu Chi." Wu Qian screamed, hugged Wu Chi's arm, turned to the manager and said, "I promised, but manager, I'm going back first today."

"OK, go back first." although the manager was angry, he was a little afraid of fire when he looked at Wu Chi's red eyes and beads. He waved again and again and said to Wu Chi's brother-in-law: "Lao Jiang, you go back first, and I'll give you the money tomorrow."

Wuqian dragged Wuchi out. Wuchi was angry, but Wuqian hugged his hand, and he couldn't help it.

Looking at Wu Chi dragging Wu Qian away, Xia Feng was a little funny, but more sad.

However, this society is like this. Yan Xiangxiang can only escape, while Wu qian can only endure. She dare not make Wu Chi crazy anyway. As long as Wu Chi hurts someone, she must go to the police station today, and then she must pay money.

Wu Qian is afraid of paying, so she must drag Wu Chi away. As for her own loss, there is no way.

Xia Feng shook his head and looked into the box. It was just a few small hairs, but if he helped Wuchi out, Wuqian would never thank him.

So, he can't get out of this head.

Following down, a bus just came. Wu Qian dragged Wu Chi into the car. Wu Chi's brother-in-law also got on the car. Wu Chi turned back and waved to Xia Feng. Seeing him wave his hand, Wu Qian also turned her head and looked over.

Xia Feng nodded.

The car drove away and Xia Feng came back. He was a little stuffy. He called Yang Xiaofei. Yang Xiaofei received his call and whispered, "I can't get out today. He's back."

Xia Feng smiled, "do you miss me?"

"Yes." Yang Xiaofei's voice was low, but she was flattered to come out of the water: "I want to die."

Xia Feng laughed and joked and said, "sister Fei, seriously, I'll find someone to approve a business loan tomorrow, OK?"

"What business are you going to create?" Yang Xiaofei asked.

Xia Feng said, "it's not me. I'm an old watch. Don't borrow more. Let's borrow 400000."

"Who is this old watch?" Yang Xiaofei hesitated.

She hesitated. Xia Feng was immediately angry and said, "don't borrow."

Just hung up. But then it rang again. Yang Xiaofei called. Xia Feng connected and didn't speak. Yang Xiaofei hurried over there: "Good man, don't be angry with me. I'm afraid you'll suffer losses. My bank has seen a lot of kind-hearted people guarantee. As a result, the loan ran away and asked the guarantor to lose money. Of course, you don't need to guarantee the venture loan, but some people really know people and don't know their hearts. I think you let go of the money, but if he ran away, I wouldn't be able to make a job."

She was right, but Xia Feng was irritable, didn't say a word, and hung up again.

Yang Xiaofei called again. Xia Feng didn't answer. Yang Xiaofei sent a text message: "I'm out. Come to the community over there."

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't reply to the text message, she sent it again: "good man, good brother, it's my fault. I'll listen to you. You can punish me later, no matter how."

Xia Feng replied with a text message: "really?"

"Of course it's true." Yang Xiaofei immediately replied to the text message: "you can punish me as much as you want."

Xia Feng replied, "where's your husband? Don't you say he's back?"

"Drunk, dead body, no matter him." Yang Xiaofei was impatient.

Xia Feng was happy: "drive faster."

"Good." Yang Xiaofei deserves to be fast.

Xia Feng also drove over. His car arrived and Yang Xiaofei's car arrived. Seeing Xia Feng's car, she blinked and got off first and entered the elevator.

Xia Feng didn't directly follow in. There are too many cameras now. If he followed in, he would make some moves with Yang Xiaofei in the elevator. The security room could see it clearly.

He doesn't care, but Yang Xiaofei wants a lot of people to ask her. It's a trouble if she's watched by someone with a heart. So from the beginning of the date, Yang Xiaofei pays great attention to this. She doesn't stay with Xia Feng whether she goes in or out.

Xia Feng stayed for two minutes, and Yang Xiaofei called: "good man, hurry up."

Between men and women, before they start, men are anxious. When they really start, it is women who are anxious. This is basically a common phenomenon.

Xia Feng couldn't help but go up. Almost as soon as he got outside the door, the door opened. He dodged in. Yang Xiaofei jumped directly into his arms, put her hands around his neck, and wrapped her feet around his waist.

The next day, Wu Chi came to Yiduo and greeted him. Xia Feng asked, "are you okay?"

"It's all right." Wu Chi shook his head and sighed: "my sister is timid, but there's no way. She paid more than 100000 for me."

A worker, more than 100000, is really not a small number. Xia Feng said with a smile, "you can really make trouble."

Wu Chi touched his head and smiled. He was embarrassed and said, "some things blame me, but some things really can't help it."

Xia Feng nodded. She really couldn't bear what happened yesterday. However, Wu Qian could only bear it. If Wu Chi started, it would be tens of thousands.

At this time, Lu Xingyi's short and strong men came. Looking at Xia Feng and Wu Chi, they were obviously disappointed. Obviously, they wanted to see Xia Feng's head bruised and face swollen. If they didn't, they were disappointed.

Tong Dawei didn't come. Later, Xia Feng saw that Tong Dawei was still there, but changed a group.

He kicked Xia Feng. He couldn't kick back, so he had to avoid it.

Speaking of it, Tong Dawei is also a small man. He can bully only some newcomers. He can only endure strong ones.

At noon, Xia Feng sat with Wu Chi. Xia Feng said, "Wu Chi, I have a cousin in a city business firm. They have a business loan project. I asked last night and said that if you have paid social security in Linjiang for more than a year, you can borrow. You and your sister are suitable. Do you borrow?"

"Really?" Wu Chi looked at him.

"Of course it's true." Xia Feng nodded. "I specifically asked last night. My cousin said that you can borrow up to 400000. This kind of venture loan is supported by the government and the interest is not high."

"Can you really lend it?" Wu Chi still didn't believe it.

"That's my cousin. Of course it's true." Xia Feng nodded hard and said, "she's kissing me."

"Great, brother." Wu Chi was excited and beat him on the shoulder.

"Man, be gentle." Xia Feng called with his shoulder over his head, "at least lend me the money before you kill me."

Wu Chi laughed and said, "I'll call my sister."

He called and turned to ask Xia Feng, "my sister asked how much rebate you want."

"Forget it." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "you think I didn't say it."

He turned to deliver the dishes and went to the warehouse.

"Really not?" Wu Chi caught up and looked straight at him.

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