Xia Feng sighed and said, "OK, let's say so first. It seems that it's really impossible to convince you."

Liu Xiyuan kissed Xia Feng and said, "well, let's not say it first."

Liu Xiyuan went back to accompany her son at night. In Liu Xiyuan's eyes, her four or five-year-old son was everything, so she didn't go to his room with Xia Feng.

Xia Feng lay down and thought about what had happened in the past two days. It seemed that it was impossible to marry Liu Xiyuan. Since she didn't agree, she would play for another two years.

Anyway, Xia Feng's state now is quite cool. If he is really married, he may not be honest.

Xia Feng closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Xia Feng took Xiaohu and Liu Xiyuan to the zoo and played all morning. In the afternoon, he went to the science and Technology Museum. The day was over.

Tonight they ate pizza, which is also the favorite of Xiaohu. Xia Feng said, "we'll go back after dinner."

Liu Xiyuan looked at Xiaohu and asked, "Xiaohu, are you happy today?"

Xiaohu hurriedly said, "I'm happy. Of course I'm happy. Uncle, will you take me out to play in the future?"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "of course, I had a good time!"

Xiaohu cheered and said, "Oh! Great! It's really great! Can we go out for a week during the winter vacation?"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "don't say a week, even a month, I'll accompany you!"

Xiaohu said solemnly, "then I have to think about where to play and where to play?"

Xia Feng said: "two choices, one is to go to the northeast to see the snow, the other is to go to the south coast, one cold and one hot, are good choices."

Xiaohu asked, "where is more fun?"

"Each has its own advantages. In fact, they are all good. It depends on how you choose." Xia Feng said.

Xiaohu thought for a moment and said, "let me ask Xiaoling."

Xia Feng asked with great interest, "who is Xiao Ling?"

Xiaohu said, "it's my deskmate. She's so beautiful."

Liu Xiyuan said with a smile, "shall we marry her after that?"

The little tiger tilted his head and said, "OK!"

Xia Feng asked, "is she your girlfriend?"

Xiaohu said, "no, but I want her to be my girlfriend, but she's not the best one to play with me. She seems to prefer Xiaofan at the front table! Hum!"

Xia Feng laughed and said, "why does she like others more? Did you find the reason on yourself?"

Xiaohu thought for a moment and said, "she said that Xiaofan would love people more than me..."

Xia Feng and Liu Xiyuan both laughed. This kind of thing between children is very interesting. Liu Xiyuan said, "so you need to be better, don't you?"

Xiaohu said: "in fact, I am also very concerned about people, but she didn't feel it."

Xia Feng said, "so you need to change more. Even if you care about people, but they can't feel it, it's useless. You have to learn to let others know that you care about her."

The little tiger lowered his head and said, "boys, it's normal to be careless."

Xia Feng said, "then why does Xiao Fan do well?"

Little tiger said, "he was a bitch, hum!"

Xia Feng laughed and said, "people should be more careful. You can't say that. What women are chirping. Besides, you should always be more careful in order to play with girls."

Xiaohu nodded and said, "OK, uncle Xia, I see."

Xia Feng touched Xiaohu's head and said, "if you know, just do what your uncle says."

Xiaohu nodded his head and ate pizza. Xia Feng looked at Liu Xiyuan and said with a smile, "today's children are great. They are only four or five years old. We used to know nothing when we were four or five years old, just like big fools."

Liu Xiyuan said: "that is, children play around. When they are older, they will know everything. At that time, there will be no such things."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "that's not necessarily. Maybe it's true at that time. Are you happy?"

Liu Xiyuan sighed and said, "if he really grows up, I will be very happy, but it will take a long time. How can it be more than ten years later."

Xia Feng said, "it's too slow now. In fact, it's really fast. When you see him really grow up and get married, you'll feel a little sad."

Liu Xiyuan said, "this is also an inevitable thing. We can only accept it, but that kind of sadness is actually happy."

Xia Feng nodded, "that's true."

Liu Xiyuan said, "well, don't say this in front of the children. Eat!"

Xia Feng smiled and continued to eat. After eating, Xia Feng took their mother and son back. Xia Feng wanted to stay, but Liu Xiyuan had to go to work tomorrow. It was bad to be seen.

Xia Feng had to leave. Xia Feng thought about it and drove to Wuqian's shop. Wuqian and they were busy. Wuchi saw Xia Feng coming and took him to have a drink.

In fact, Xia Feng didn't like pizza. He really didn't eat enough, which was just his intention. So they ate and drank in the box.

Both of them have drunk a lot of wine. Recently, the daily turnover has reached 5000. Jin Shao also comes to take care of them from time to time. Their business is developing in a good direction.

Wu Chi didn't drink as well as Xia Feng. She soon got drunk and fell asleep on the table. At this time, Wu Qian came over, looked at Xia Feng and whispered, "how can I get drunk!"

Xia Feng said shyly, "he can't drink."

Wuxi asked, "where have you been these two days? Why didn't you see you coming?"

"I have something to do, so I didn't come," Xia Feng said.

Wuxi said, "did you see your girlfriend?"

Xia Feng waved his hand and said, "there's nothing wrong. Sister Xi, you think too much."

Wuxi said, "why would I think so much? Yes or no, what's the matter? Do you want to hide it from me?"

Xia Feng said, "sister Xi, how do you feel about being busy recently?"

Wu Qian said: "it's very good. Now I'm making money. The money of this loan must be able to be repaid. As for how much I can earn, it depends on what I do in the follow-up."

Wu Qian was also very excited when she spoke, which was really good for her, and her life would be better and better. All this was because Xia Feng came forward and made a successful loan. Otherwise, everything would be in vain, and Xia Feng also made a mistake from the Health Bureau.

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