The middle-aged man nodded immediately and said, "what Sir said is reasonable. Please deflate her. It's troublesome."

He clapped the trigger, and the middle-aged woman didn't object. Instead, she was concerned about another question: "just let go?"

"That's impossible." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "deflation can restore half of the original body shape at most. If you want to completely restore the original body shape, deflation will be too much, which will greatly damage your vitality. If you can't, you should completely recover, and find another way to find medicine."

"Stop talking." the middle-aged man glanced at the middle-aged woman and said to Xia Feng, "doctor Xia, please do everything."

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded and said, "change a place. Go upstairs and find an empty room with ventilation at both ends, because she not only needs to vent her hands and feet, but also fart."

"Well, what a shame." Xiao Na blushed and twisted her waist.

If you hadn't been fat before, it would be lovely to twist your waist so much. Now your waist is thick with a bucket, but it's a little ugly.

But the family obviously didn't think so. The middle-aged woman comforted her when she was busy: "it's all right. Fart. What's the matter? Didn't you often say you wanted to fart to stink your father when you were a child?"

Her words made Xiaona giggle. The middle-aged man was not angry. Hei hei smiled, and the young man beside him also smiled.

Xia Feng also felt funny, but Shi Yunguo didn't laugh. The Xueba beauty was thinking about the problem, but she didn't make a sound.

Xia Feng's words are specious. It's enough to coax middle-aged men, but it's not enough for medical bullies such as Shangshi Yunguo. Although Shi Yunguo mainly studies western medicine, he also has contact with traditional Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture and meridians. He recently found a master and worked hard, but he can't prevaricate it with a few words.

But she's not stupid. Of course she won't ask questions at this time. Another thing, she's not sure, because Xia Feng's ability is what she saw with her own eyes. Today, Xiao Na's acupoints are angry, and she can't seal it. When Xia Feng comes, she just presses it.

This practical ability is not refutable by the knowledge in books.

On the third floor, it's Xiaona's gym. Rich women have a gym in their home. It's wide and breathable, transparent from north to south, very good.

Xia Feng said, "fart first for an hour."

"Ah." Xiao Na screamed, "an hour."

But Xia Feng then added, "this can reduce your body size by half."

Little naton was silent when she was young. She just looked at her mother. Her mother comforted her: "it doesn't matter. Mother is with you and let them all go down."

When her mother said so, Xiao Na agreed and lay on the sofa bed. Xia Feng pricked the acupoint in her hand.

Shi Yunguo looked at Ning Qing nearby. She could see that Xia Feng pricked the acupoints on the meridians of the large intestine and small intestine.

Fart is the waste gas in people's stomach, which is mainly hidden in the large intestine and small intestine. Shi Yunguo knows this, but Xia Feng doesn't understand why she can fart at these acupoints. There are no books.

Sure enough, Xia Feng went down for less than a minute, Xiao Na shouted, "ah, I can't help it. You go down quickly. It's a shame."

Her father smiled and had to ask Xia Feng Shi Yunguo to come down and let her mother accompany him.

"Doctor Xia, Xiaoguo, please sit down." Xiaona's father asked Xia Feng and Shi Yunguo to sit down, and then Shi Yunguo made an introduction.

What Xia Feng didn't expect was that the middle-aged man's surname was Xiang Ning, the middle-aged woman was Xiang Xiaona's mother Lin Feng, and the young man was Xiang Xiaona's husband Jiang Huangcheng.

Xia fengle was happy now. He wanted to ask Xiao Hong if he could catch the line of Xiang Ning or Liu Yu. As a result, he went directly to Xiang Ning's house.

Yes, the servant served tea.

Xiang Ning thanked Xia Feng first: "doctor Xia, thank you very much today. Which hospital do you work in?"

"Oh, I'm not a doctor." Xia Feng shook his head.

"You're not a doctor?" Xiang Ning and Jiang Huangcheng were surprised.

Xiang Ning said, "Mr. Xia, your medical skills are very skilled, and the needle is also very powerful. How can you not be a doctor."

"I'm really not a doctor." Xia Feng shook his head and changed others. It doesn't matter to pretend to be a doctor, but it doesn't matter to Xiang Ning, because he still wants to find Xiang Ning to make orders afterwards. He's a doctor now and becomes a salesman later. Isn't that a lie.

"I'm a teacher," Xia Feng explained, "but I don't have a medical license."

"That's right." Xiang Ning understood: "many traditional Chinese medicine are handed down by teachers. I've met my teacher's father before. I broke my hands and feet. I don't want photos. He touched it, took it, sprayed a mouthful of water, and then tied it up. The effect is stronger than that of many large hospitals. Now there are few such teacher's father."

Jiang Huangcheng had another question and said, "Dr. Xia, let me ask you a question. Generally speaking, if you make up too much, you will get angry and have acne, bleeding gums, or dry stool. My wife is fat. Why?"

"Different drugs just take different meridians." Xia Feng explained: "Different drugs have different meridians. The gums belong to the spleen meridians, the acne on the face belongs to the stomach meridians, and the dry stool belongs to the large intestine meridians. Where the drugs go, they produce different effects. As for Xiao Na, the drugs she takes should mainly tonify the kidney. As a result, the kidney can't absorb, and the Qi can't disperse into all meridians, so it swells up, so I asked her to fart first and expel the Qi of intestines and stomach , and then regulate other meridians. "

"Oh." Jiang Huangcheng doesn't understand, and Xiang Ning complains: "it's her mother who often makes up for her in a mess."

Xia Feng could understand it. He smiled and said, "now many parents are like this. A baby is afraid that they are weak and try their best to stuff things. Xiao Na is OK. It should be deer antler products. Some are more angry. Just hit hormones. That's fatal."

"Also." Xiang Ning nodded: "we're just Xiaona's daughter. We've been a little charming since childhood."

He said to Shi Yunguo with a smile: "Xiaoguo, if your father knows this, he will laugh at us again."

"That won't happen." Shi Yunguo smiled and shook her head. She was actually full of questions, but it was hard to ask Xia Feng.

Chatting, an hour passed unknowingly. Xiang Xiaona appeared at the entrance of the corridor. She seemed to have taken a bath, changed her clothes, looked down at it, and cried happily, "Dad, Huangcheng, look at me. I've lost so much weight."

Indeed, compared with the previous first sight, he has lost at least one-third of his weight. Previously, he was purely a balloon man. At present, he is still a little fat, but at least it looks normal.

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