Liu Ruyan didn't enjoy himself until more than 9:00 p.m. and almost 10:00 p.m. Xia Feng surrounded the fire stone. Liu Ruyan and Xiao Hong also packed up and went into the tent to sleep.

Liu Ruyan drank wine and fell asleep soon. Xiao Hong thought more and fell asleep in about half an hour.

The two tents were less than ten meters apart. Xia Feng had a good ear. She heard her gentle and even breathing sound. She knew that they were all asleep, so she got up.

He wants to find the gas frog. Liu Ruyan, a charming girl, is here to play. It's impossible to really take her to drill and run around in the deep mountains and dense forests, so Xia Feng decides to catch the gas frog alone at night, and then play with Liu Ruyan.

He searched his soul and found a black bear nearby. He summoned it and ordered the black bear to stay not far away. Generally speaking, there would be no danger.

He searched the mountain stream in front of him before. There were no gas frogs. He climbed up the opposite mountain ridge. As soon as he saw it, he found four or five gas frogs in the mountain stream below. When he went down the mountain, those gas frogs jumped out automatically. Xia Feng wanted to catch two at first, but then thought about it, he simply caught them all.

He broke off a tender bamboo, made a cage and tied it around his waist. Just about to turn back, he suddenly felt in his heart.

"EH." he said softly and looked at the mountain opposite. The mountain opposite was not high, but the cliff was very steep. Of course, this couldn't stop Xia Feng. The vines on the cliff stretched out directly and hung him up.

Behind the cliff is a pool surrounded by mountains. The pool is small, about two or three hundred square meters. The water is very clear. At this time, when the moon reaches the middle of the sky, it falls in the pool, just like a huge pearl, very beautiful.

Xia Feng went down the mountain to the pond, took off his clothes and went straight to the bottom of the water.

Now he found another potential of magic eye. He could breathe in the water without any influence on his sight.

He went down into the water like a fish, even more flexible than a fish.

In the middle of the pool bottom, there is a huge stone in the shape of a lotus. In the middle of the lotus stone, there is a necklace.

"Why is there a necklace here?" Xia Feng wondered.

He didn't know, nor did magic eye. Previously, it was just magic eye that produced induction and attracted him.

He picked up the necklace. It was not made of gold, iron or copper. I don't know what it was made of. It was heavy. There were strange patterns on the ring surface.

Xia Feng didn't know what to do for a long time. Generally speaking, if the magic eye knew, it would naturally appear in his mind. However, the magic eye didn't know, but just gave birth to an idea.

So Xia Feng sat cross legged on the lotus stone, put the necklace on the index finger of his left hand, put his hands in front of his abdomen, pinched a handprint and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

His divine light condenses in the necklace and can see the patterns, but the patterns of the necklace seen by the divine light are as deep as the sea and can't be seen through.

I don't know how long I sat, Xia Feng woke up, and the sky above the water was white. It turned out that unconsciously, it was dawn.

After sitting at the bottom of the water in the middle of the night, my mind was confused and didn't understand anything.

"Forget it." Xia Feng was too lazy to toss. He shouted in his heart, "even if I can't figure it out, I won't toss with you." he forced himself under his feet, drilled out of the water, dried himself by the pool, put on his clothes and climbed the mountain. From a distance, he heard Liu Ruyan's scream: "go away, go away, Xia Feng..."

With extreme panic in the cry, Xia Feng was startled and hurriedly ran over. At a glance, a heart fell down.

On the grass in the depression, Xiao Hong fell to the ground. Liu Ruyan stood in front of her, holding a twig in his hand. Ten meters in front of her, he stood foolishly with the black bear.

It turned out that when Liu Ruyan and Xiao Hong woke up, they came out to wash their hands and go a little farther. As a result, they saw the black bear at a glance. They ran away in panic. Xiao Hong accidentally fell and twisted her feet. Liu Ruyan was frightened and picked up a branch to scare the bear.

She was frightened and almost crying, but she didn't leave Xiao Hong to escape, but stood in front of Xiao Hong.

What's the problem with this charming girl? She's either looking for her aunt or her father. But it's really rare that she is willing to stand up at a critical moment.

Although the black bear ordered Xia Feng not to hurt them, but to protect them, Liu Ruyan didn't know.

Xia Feng appreciated her innocence.

"Don't be afraid of smoke. It's all right. Bears don't bite." Xia Feng flew over and ordered secretly at the same time.

The poor bear was on duty all night. At this time, he got Xia Feng's order and turned around and ran away quickly.

"Xia Feng." seeing Xia Feng running over, the bear ran away. Liu Ruyan flattened his mouth and cried, "where have you been?"

"It's all right. It's all right." Xia Feng hurriedly comforted her. Seeing that Xiao Honglian was in pain, he said, "what's the matter, sister Hong?"

"I twisted my ankle." Xiao Hong raised her trouser leg, and her ankle was obviously swollen.

"Ah, what should I do?" Liu Ruyan stopped crying and said to Xia Feng, "Xia Feng, please help my aunt."

"Well, let me have a look." Xia Feng nodded, squatted down and swept away her spiritual power. Fortunately, Xiao Hong just sprained her tendon, didn't hurt her bone or dislocated her.

"Nothing's wrong. I just twisted it. I'll be angry for you in five minutes." Xia Feng held Xiao Hong's feet and pinched them gently. Xiao Hong's feet were white, delicate and beautiful.

"Can anger be cured?" Xiao Hong asked in surprise.

"Well, it will take effect immediately." Xia Feng nodded.

He held Xiao Hong's foot in his left hand and pinched a sword finger in his right hand.

Xiao Hong immediately felt a cool breath coming in. Her ankles were very painful. As soon as the cool breath came in, the pain in her ankles immediately stopped. She couldn't help crying.

Liu Ruyan also squatted on the side and looked nervously. When she heard Xiao Hong's cry, she said with worry: "what's the matter, aunt, is it painful?"

"No." Xiao Hong shook her head: "it won't hurt at once. Xiao Xia's Qigong is very magical."

"Really?" she said no pain, and Liu Ruyan was happy.

"It must be true." Xia Feng snorted, "who don't believe people? Don't say you know me when you go out in the future."

"How amazing." Liu Ruyan giggled.

"Of course." Xia Feng snorted angrily, looked at her, but his eyes kept looking at her.

It turned out that Liu Ruyan and Xiao Hong changed their pajamas last night. They haven't changed their clothes in the morning. The pajamas are relatively loose. She squats so much that Xia Feng can just see her in her collar

Spring is infinitely good, but it's still a little green.

Xia Feng glanced fiercely. He didn't look much and turned away.

Liu Ruyan didn't notice, but Xiao Hong noticed. Seeing Xia Feng turn away and clear, and an Ansheng last night, her understanding of Xia Feng improved to a higher level.

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