Du Mingzhu said, waiting for Xia Feng's objection, and said: "The director of the comprehensive liaison office can only get a dead salary, that is, he can't give full play to your strengths or give you a better income. If he comes to my second sales office, the level is the same, and he is even more valued when promoted, with higher gold content. In addition, the income will be very considerable. The two orders you come to the company will earn nearly 2 million. If you come to me, I can give you an 8% manager Like the previous list, if you make two more orders, you can start at least two million, and then you can get a manager level bonus at the end of the year. What do you think? "

It's really a lotus with a bright tongue. Xia Feng will be moved under any other circumstances. Unfortunately, Du Mingzhu won't agree to this at this time.

"Ah," he cried, "just now manager Kong called me and said that she recommended the director of the comprehensive liaison office. If I refuse, manager Kong is afraid that he will be unhappy. She has always looked at me differently. I can't refuse her kindness."

He deliberately mentioned Kong Fuzhi. Sure enough, as soon as he heard this, Du Mingzhu stopped persuading and hummed, "it's up to you."

Then he hung up the phone.

"Still high above." Xia Feng sneered, "with the smell of charity, hey hey, don't worry, I'll let you cry out if I continue to get you." raise a glass: "come on, don't get drunk today."

"Don't get drunk and don't return." Ma Zhong raised a glass together.

After drinking more than eight o'clock, Ma Zhong's poles were almost drunk, and Xia Feng was a little drunk, but he deliberately made himself a little drunk, because Du Mingzhu's phone made him happy. The woman finally couldn't ignore his existence.

However, even though Ma Zhong was drunk, he called a car, sent them back, and then drove back by himself, but he didn't seem to enjoy renting back the house alone. He thought for a moment and called Yang Xiaofei: "come out."

Yang Xiaofei said, "he's at home."

Xia Feng was drunk and said overbearing, "come out."

"Well, how overbearing." Yang Xiaofei agreed.

Xia Feng was immediately happy and said, "hurry up and wear that black."

"No," said Yang Xiaofei coquettishly.

"Dare." Xia Feng snorted.

Yang Xiaofei giggled.

He turned to Yang Xiaofei's house. Before Yang Xiaofei arrived, he entered the house, made a cup of tea and turned on the TV. Not long after, Yang Xiaofei came and wore a red hip wrapped dress, which was very sexy.

"You little goblin." Xia Feng's blood boils.

The next morning, Xia Feng arrived at the company, stopped the car, didn't rush in, leaned against the door and smoked a cigarette.

At this time, it was working time, and the beauties of the company also came. Xia Feng looked at it and found that there were many beauties above the standard. Foreign enterprises were originally the place where beauties gathered.

Xia Feng actually wants to wait for Du Mingzhu. He wants to see what kind of expression Du Mingzhu's cold and arrogant face will look like when he sees him. Is it to put down his airs and persuade him to join the marketing department again?

Still cold face, give him a look.

No matter what kind of expression, Xia Feng is happy to have a look.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, Du Mingzhu did not appear. The time of the marketing department is relatively loose. Du Mingzhu may not be nine to five in the morning.

Xia Feng couldn't wait any longer. He lost his cigarette end in the trash can at one end. When he turned back, his eyes brightened.

He saw the back of a woman.

The woman wore a silver medium sleeved shirt on her upper body, a black straight skirt below, flesh colored silk stockings wrapped in straight legs, red high-heeled shoes, and the heels were at least six inches or more.

She walked a little in a hurry, but her demeanor was outstanding. On the contrary, she was in a hurry and her hips twisted, adding a temptation.

"This figure can score 95 points." Xia Feng praised it

The reason why he only gave 95 points is that he has a high vision now. At the same time, he thought to himself, "I don't know how his face is?"

Xia Feng immediately followed up, but at this time, a car came and hurried to work. He was in a hurry. Xia Feng had to stop and let the car pass.

He bypassed the car and chased the hall. The woman had entered the elevator and the elevator was closing slowly.

At this time, the woman turned around. She was about twenty-eight years old. She had a melon face, snow-white skin and bright eyes.

"Beauty." Xia Feng said happily.

Even if this beauty is not as good as Kong Fuzhi and Du Mingzhu, the difference is not far. Moreover, she is tall and taller than Du Mingzhu Kong Fuzhi. A pair of big long legs can add points.

"Hey, beauty, click." seeing the elevator door closing slowly, Xia Feng ran over with a cry.

The beauty heard his cry and looked up. Her eyes were very clear, but also very cold.

Although she saw Xia Feng running over, she didn't help press the elevator door. Five or six meters apart, the elevator door closed slowly. When it was about to close, the beauty suddenly smiled.

Just like cold electricity gap, and like the shadow of the moon in the clouds.

Xia Feng has a general feeling of being electrified.

In the past six months, he has seen a lot of beautiful women. No matter how beautiful a woman is, he will not be too surprised. However, the smile of the beautiful woman when the elevator door is about to close really gives him a very unique feeling.

Xia Feng could only wait in front of the elevator, aftertaste the smile and stare at the display light at the same time.

The display light showed that the elevator didn't stop until the 21st floor.

The 21st floor is dominated by the general manager. There are only the general manager's office and secretary room. The offices of other departments must be on other floors.

"Is she the Secretary of the secretary room or the assistant general manager Xue Yue? The black rose said by the telegraph pole?"

Xia Feng doesn't know much about the top management of the company, but he knows a little. They like to imagine the beauty of the top management of the telegraph pole, so Xia Feng also listened to some.

In the general manager's office, there are two secretaries, one specialized in handling documents, one in charge of daily affairs, and then an assistant to the general manager.

The level of assistant to the general manager is the level of deputy manager, but in the view of telephone poles and others, the so-called assistant is actually a secretary, and a common saying is that if there is something for the Secretary, there is nothing for the secretary.

Therefore, secretaries and assistants, to put it bluntly, are the playthings of the general manager.

Xia Feng, of course, knew the same thing. He couldn't help but tut: "the foreigner Tucker is really a good blessing. He has long legs, tut tut."

Tut Tut, the elevator came down and Xia Feng went in. At this time, someone in the back called, "wait a minute."

Xia Feng looked back. It was Liu Meimei and a woman. She was a little older, about 30, medium-sized, wearing a light colored skirt and an oval face. At first glance, she was not particularly amazing, but she was beautiful and elegant. The more she looked, the more she tasted.

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