"It's true, she really eats tender grass." Xia Feng was surprised and delighted for a moment.

Tang Ya gave him a very good image. Although he was over 40, he still had charm and was kind and generous to others, giving people a sense of modesty and modesty that a woman of this age should have.

But in any case, I can't imagine that Tang Ya behind his back is like this.

When the elevator reached the eighth floor, the two people loosened. Tang Ya's full moon cheeks were flushed, and there was a sense of spring between her eyebrows and eyes. She looked a few years younger.

The tremella pendant hugged her and went to room 804. Tang Ya took out the key from her small bag to open the door. The tremella pendant hugged her in the back and held her on the lower abdomen. The posture was very indecent.

Open the door and go in. As soon as the door is closed, they kiss by the door

Through the bee eye, Xia Feng saw a good play.

However, the combat power of Tremella drop is not strong. It will be finished in less than ten minutes.

Tangya seems to have some meaning. At this time, Tangya's mobile phone rings. She connects the phone, answers a few words, and gets up to get dressed.

Tremella pendant was dissatisfied and muttered. Tang Ya went to coax him and kissed him twice. Tremella pendant got up reluctantly.

At this time, Zhou Ling also packed a big box, a small box and a bucket.

"Well, let's go down." she looked back. There was nothing to pull down. She turned to Xia Feng and said, "will you help me carry the big box?"

"Give me all the big and small boxes." Xia Feng took all the big and small boxes in her hand and could push them. Zhou Ling took the bucket and ran in front. According to the elevator, she went down and came out of the corridor. Tang Ya and Tremella pendant on the opposite side also just came out.

The tremella pendant was still holding Tang Ya's waist. Tang Ya didn't care. When she raised her eyes and saw Xia Feng, she was stunned. Her pretty face turned red. She hurriedly opened the tremella pendant's hand and dodged two steps.

Xia Feng was funny, so he pretended not to see it, put Zhou Ling's suitcase in the trunk, and then got on the bus, but deliberately looked back. Tangya was also looking at him. When she saw him, she hurriedly turned her body, but her eyes were right. Xia Feng could see the shame in her eyes clearly.

Xia Feng smiled to herself, got on the car and started the car. Zhou Ling noticed Xia Feng's eyes, looked back, got on the car and asked Xia Feng, "do you know that woman?"

"I don't know." Xia Feng shook his head, looked at Zhou Ling and said with a smile, "it's so big."

"Hum." Zhou Ling snorted, "that woman is so coquettish."

"How do you know?" Xia Feng wondered, "do you know her?"

Tangya is Tucker's mistress. Someone in Yiduo company should know, otherwise there would be no phone call for him, but does Zhou Ling know? Xia Feng has some doubts.

"I don't know." Zhou Ling shook her head and said, "but I rent here. From time to time, I see the woman and the man come here. The woman is at least in her forties. The man is at most seventeen or eighteen years old, but he still hugs. It's obviously a small white face. It's not coquettish."

"Oh." Xia Feng understood.

Zhou Ling said, "but it's not strange. Now there are women outside the rich and powerful men. When women have money, it's no big deal to wrap a small fresh meat."

Xia Feng laughed and said, "do you have money?"

"Why not?" said Zhou Ling. "I have money. I pack ten."

"Wow." Xia Feng hugged his fist with both hands: "sister, I'll take you from now on."

Zhou Ling giggled, but sighed: "it's a pity that I can't make a fortune."

"I'll give you a name first." Xia Feng said with a smile, "if you have money, I'll be one of the ten."

"OK." Zhou Lingjiao smiled, "I'll give you priority."

They laughed.

In Nancheng District, Zhou Ling has rented a house with two bedrooms and one living room. She shares it with others. It's 300 yuan cheaper than here, but it's a little far away.

"It's a little far away, but it's worth the 300 yuan. You can play it occasionally, and you can buy some fruit for the rest."

She was so happy that Xia Feng raised her thumb.

At this time, it was almost time. Zhou Ling didn't come to pack up. She moved the box in and took Xia Feng's car to the company.

"Thank you, Xia Feng. It's my treat next time." Zhou Ling got off and thanked her.

Xia Feng said with a smile, "no, just remember our agreement."

"I must remember," Zhou Ling giggled

Zhou Ling went to the logistics department. Xia Feng went back to his office and thought about Tang ya. Those scenes were recalled in her mind and praised: "it's really good meat. The foreigner should not know this. Ha ha, it's interesting."

After smoking a cigarette, he smiled, turned on the computer and prepared to play two games.

The computer is configured by the company. He is the director of the comprehensive liaison office. No one cares about playing games. Of course, don't let anyone see it. Just close the door.

Just played a game, the mobile phone rang, strange number.

Xia Feng learned a lesson now. He first saw the number and rang four times before he was connected. A female voice sounded over there: "Xiao Feng? I'm sister Tang."

It was Tang Ya who called, and his voice was right. Xia Feng hurriedly replied, "Hello, sister Tang, what's the matter?"

"It's something." Tang Ya said, "I just mopped the floor at home, slipped and twisted my waist again. If you're free, can you give me a massage?"

What does that mean? You just mopped the floor at home? However, these thoughts can only be turned in his heart. Xia Feng hesitated a little and couldn't make up his mind. He said, "I'm at work now."

Tangya was a little anxious and said, "it's all right. I'll just tell Tucker later. My waist is very painful now. Would you please come?"

"It seems that I must go. What do you want?" Xia Feng thought about it and promised, "OK, I'll come right away."

Hung up, left the company and drove to Tang Ya's house.

Go upstairs to the place and knock on the door. The door soon opened. Tang Ya put her hand on her waist and said, "I'm really sorry, Xiaofeng. I'll trouble you again."

"It's all right." Xia Feng noticed that she had changed her clothes and should have taken a bath. Her hair was still a little wet. She had a faint smell and smelled very good.

Just looking at the appearance, Tang Ya is quite good. Although she is over 40, she is still charming and has a good temperament, but after watching the previous scene, Xia Feng knows that the woman's inner and outer appearance are really far apart.

But this has nothing to do with Xia Feng. Seeing Tang Ya holding her waist, she said, "do you want me to help you?"

Tang Ya said, "ah, it hurts badly if you twist it carelessly."

Hearing his words, Tang Ya stretched out her hand, and Xia Feng held her with soft tentacles.

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