"Yes." Yao Mengqi was excited and said, "the Municipal Bureau..."

"I'll inform them five minutes before the action." Wang Tielin waved without hesitation.

"That's right." Shi Yundong shouted, "there is a huge interest chain from the river to the shore and then to the gas station. If there are no ghosts in the Municipal Bureau, they don't believe it. In my opinion, I'll inform them when it's over. If I catch it, I'll try it immediately. I'm sure I can find a bunch of ghosts."

Wang Tielin thought for a moment and shook his head.

At 2:30, after negotiation, Yao Mengqi and Xia Feng came back. Yao Mengqi took Xia Feng's car and went to the door of the branch. Xia Feng said, "I'll keep an eye on them and call you at any time."

"You should be careful." Yao Mengqi was worried in her eyes.

"It's all right." Xia Feng didn't take it seriously.

Yao Mengqi bit her lips, suddenly leaned over, put her hand around Xia Feng's neck and kissed him on his lips.

This was somewhat unexpected to Xia Feng. He was stunned and immediately hugged Yao Mengqi's slender waist.

With a deep kiss, Yao Mengqi's face turned red, her red lips gasped slightly, and said, "be careful."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "I'll be careful. Don't worry."

Yao Mengqi opened the door and got off at ease. Xia Feng then drove to the river.

When he got off at the riverside park, there were bees on his head. Although there were only a dozen bees that he had asked to follow Li Wei, when he gave the order, all the bees in the honeycomb went out. Thousands of bees formed a bee net, so Xia Feng was very sure.

Through the bees on his head, he knew that Li Wei had crossed the river. He followed the river. There were bees to lead the way. In about an hour, he found Li Wei and then saw Xu Xiaowei.

Xu Xiaowei, Li Wei and other more than ten people are playing cards and watching TV in a house by the river. It is estimated that they are waiting to go out in the evening.

Xia Feng first called Yao Mengqi: "sister, I found them. They are playing cards now. They should move at night."

"OK." Yao Mengqi promised and told him again: "be careful, don't look too close. In case of anything wrong, call me immediately."

"Sister, I suddenly found you wordy." Xia Feng smiled.

There was a moment of silence. Yao Mengqi said, "you're pure angry with me, aren't you?"

"No, No." Xia Feng hurriedly apologized: "it's my fault. I must remember sister Yao's teaching, study hard and make progress every day."

Yao Mengqi giggled and said, "oil mouth."

Xia Feng screamed, "how do you know my mouth is oily? Oh, by the way, we kissed my mouth before."

"Bah." Yao Mengqi was ashamed and bah: "I won't tell you."

Xia Feng laughed.

Xia Feng stared at Xu Xiaowei and his gang through the bee's eyes until the evening. Xu Xiaowei didn't do anything. They were always playing cards. These guys took turns at dinner.

Xia Feng found a place to solve the dinner. Around eight o'clock, Yao Mengqi called: "where are you now? Have they taken action?"

"I'm by the river." Xia Feng said, "they've been playing cards, but more than a dozen people haven't dispersed. They're obviously waiting for news."

"OK, you keep staring and let me know immediately."

"Yis." Xia Feng learned the tune of Hong Kong opera, which made Yao Mengqi laugh again.

Then hung up.

At about 10 p.m., Xu Xiaowei received a phone call and immediately cleaned up the stall. More than a dozen people took two trucks. Strangely, they didn't come to the river, but drove near the river.

Xia Feng's car is far behind.

Xu Xiaowei and his team drove to a courtyard in Xiwan. It looked like a sand digging company. There was a courtyard wall outside. When they went in, the human eye was cut off from the wall, but Xia Feng could see through the bee's eye that there was a warehouse inside the courtyard wall. Xu Xiaowei and his team drove out ten trucks from the warehouse.

These large trucks are obviously what Li Wei said. Under the cover, there are not carriages, but huge oil cabinets, which can hold 20 tons.

Xia Feng counted a total of ten oil tankers, the same as Li Wei said, that is, they can load 200 tons of oil per trip.

At present, the oil price is more than 8000 yuan per ton, that is to say, Xu Xiaowei's transport team can pull close to 2 million yuan of oil. Xia Feng doesn't know how much they earn per ton, but one thing, one ton of oil, apart from others, the consumption tax alone will cost more than 2000 yuan, which is a quarter of the profit.

"Just earn consumption tax, you have to earn 300000 or 400000 a trip." Xia Feng couldn't help but wonder.

Xu Xiaowei's motorcade left. There was a real truck driving in front. At the back was Xu Xiaowei's car. They didn't cross the river, but drove along the river. Xia Feng immediately informed Yao Mengqi: "they went out, but they didn't cross the river. They may pick up oil on the side of the river."

"Yes, we'll go out immediately." Yao Mengqi said excitedly: "you continue to follow, be careful."

Xia Feng's car followed Xu Xiaowei's motorcade for more than half an hour. Xu Xiaowei's motorcade turned down and went directly to the river, and then stopped by the river.

Xu Xiaowei called. About half an hour or so, a ship came. The ship was about more than 1000 tons. A small boat came down and dragged a hose.

They were all familiar. They went to the front of the team and said hello. The hose was immediately inserted behind the ass of an oil tanker, and the boat over there filled it with oil.

"It's almost like filling up gas in a gas station. If you fill up a car with such a big pipe, you'll die for ten minutes. No wonder it's hard to check." Xia Feng secretly praised the shrewdness of the smuggling group.

Not long, he received a call from Yao Mengqi: "Xia Feng, we're almost here. Have they started?"

"Already started." Xia Feng got out of the car, lit a cigarette and looked at it from a distance.

After a few minutes, several police cars came, including a car of armed police.

Xia Feng waved. A car stopped in front of him. Yao Mengqi got off and asked about the place.

Xia Feng follows Yao Mengqi with bee eyes. In case of anything, he can command the swarm to help.

In this operation, the director personally arranged the summer vacation, and the police force used was very strong. Yao Mengqi and others stopped and separated on the road in front. They didn't rush down. They seemed to be waiting for something.

"Is there a marine police?" Xia Feng didn't know the deployment. He was suspicious. It was possible to think that Yao Mengqi and Xu Xiaowei could not run on the shore, but they couldn't help the smuggling ship on the river.

Before long, several light beams suddenly lit up on the river, and several private boats rushed over.

The oil dealer immediately panicked. Xia Feng didn't take care of the underwater, but looked at the shore.

Li Wei and other cargo drivers made a random move and didn't know what to do. Xu Xiaowei was dying. He suddenly drilled into the car and the car started immediately.

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