So when Xia Feng saw the horsetail girl today, he immediately seized the opportunity to deceive and succeeded. Of course, he was very happy.

It's not necessary to make a big idea, but he will never let such a girl have more contact with her.

Just like Liu Ruyan, even today, he didn't think he must have Liu Ruyan, but he was willing to be with Liu Ruyan, work for her and spend money for her.

Life is a long journey, and all kinds of beautiful women are the flowers in the journey. He doesn't have to take them off, but if he can have a look and smell, he will be very happy.

The horsetail girl did not hesitate, followed in, and reported her name in the elevator: Wang Zihan.

Xia Feng opened the door and pushed the box in. Wang Zihan said, "then I'll rent a house. When I get a house, I'll take it away. It won't bother you too much."

"OK, OK." Xia Feng certainly won't say that I have a free room here at the moment. You might as well share it with me. If Wang Zihan heard that, she was afraid that she would take the box away at that time. Wang Zihan thanked again and left. Xia Feng was supposed to go to Wuqian's store. He was afraid that Wang Zihan would come back halfway and didn't go. He called Wuqian.

However, Wu Qian now recruited a girl to help. There were not many Xia Feng, and there were not many Xia Feng. She just cared whether he had eaten. Xia Feng didn't eat. Suppose she drank with others, dealt with the past, and went downstairs to eat.

That night, Wang Zihan didn't come back. She had left phone calls with each other. Wang Zihan called his mobile phone and said that she hadn't rented a house yet. She had to send the box for the time being. She stayed with her friends at night.

At work the next day, Xia Feng asked Zhou Ling, "has the advertising on dusk snow started yet?"

"Shooting starts today." Zhou Ling said, "I'll send the samples tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Where to shoot?" Xia Feng asked with a move in his heart.

Zhou Ling replied, "it's over there in Times Square."

"I'll go and have a look," Xia Feng said, feeling a little guilty and explaining, "look at the scene."

He actually wants to see Wang Zihan's film.

Zhou Ling is not a roundworm in Xia Feng's stomach. Of course, it's impossible to guess his careful thought. She said, "I'll inform Mu Xue."

"No need." Xia Feng shook his head: "I'll go and have a look."

If he said so, Zhou Ling wouldn't ask.

Xia Feng drove to Times Square, which is a leisure square. Xia Feng parked his car and saw Wang Zihan drinking under an open-air beverage shed.

When Xia Feng walked over, Wang Zihan saw him with a happy face: "manager Xia, you're coming."

Xia Feng asked, "the shooting hasn't started yet."

"No." Wang Zihan shook his head: "the director hasn't come yet."

"Such a big brand." Xia Feng sat down and ordered a drink.

"Of course, the director is a big brand." Wang Zihan smiled.

"Male or female?" Xia Feng asked.

Wang Zihan said, "man."

"What big names do men have?" Xia Feng shook his head and said, "if you are a beautiful director, you can take a shelf."

Wang Zihan giggled. She smiled very sunny, with a youthful beauty.

"Wang Zihan, if you go to make a movie, you will be red." looking at Wang Zihan's white and red smiling face, Xia Feng couldn't help praising: "haven't you thought of making a movie?"

"Yes." Wang Zihan said, "my biggest dream when I was a child was to be a movie star. My idol is Hepburn?"

Who's Hepburn? However, he could guess that Hepburn must be a big star, so he raised his thumb and said, "there is an ideal."

"It's no use just having ideals." Wang Zihan shook her head and said, "I didn't get admitted to the art school. Later, although I entered this circle, became a model, made some advertising films and acted as a group, no director really liked me."

"Don't worry, there will always be opportunities." Xia Feng said with a smile: "if you don't scold me, I can show you my palms. Maybe you'll be red."

Wang Zihan gave him a giggle: "I borrow your good words."

Then he apologized: "I didn't take good care of the house yesterday. The box was sent to you and took up space. I'm sorry."

A very polite girl. Xia Feng liked such a girl and shook his head: "where does my house occupy? It's the same as you. It's also two bedrooms and one living room. There's an empty room. You can put ten more boxes."

"Didn't you share it with someone?" Wang Zihan asked curiously.

"That can't be shared." Xia Feng shook his head greatly.

His action was exaggerated, and Wang Zihan became more curious: "why?"

"Because I'm a manager." Xia Feng more exaggerated: "I'm such a big manager, how can I rent with others."

If this words just listen, some boast, but the scene to see his exaggerated action, but only feel funny, Wang Zihan giggled: "that's also true."

"Right." Xia Feng also smiled and shook his head: "to tell you the truth, I also thought about sharing a house with others. There were two interested people. As a result, they all said they wanted to bring a girlfriend. Isn't that intentional to annoy me?"

He stared and patted the table. Wang Zihan smiled more: "then you can find a girlfriend, too."

"I can't find it." Xia Feng pretended to be discouraged.

"How could it be?" Wang Zihan said with a smile, "you are such a big manager, how can you not find a girlfriend."

"Really." Xia Feng looked more discouraged: "so I thought of an idea and sent a message to ask the opposite sex to rent together, and then someone came back. Guess what?"

"What do you say?" asked Wang Zihan.

"She said, look at your coyote. It's not nice to see it." Xia Feng learned a woman's tone, and Wang Zihan giggled again.

The girl loves to laugh. Her smile is very beautiful.

Just joking, a man in a ponytail and plaid shirt came here. He was in his thirties and dressed very artistically, but his eyes were very smooth. He looked like the old Jianghu.

He only glanced at Xia Feng from the corner of his eye. He didn't look at him at all. Xia Feng's dress, T-shirt and jeans, his height was average and his appearance was not artistic. At first glance, he was an ordinary person. Naturally, he didn't bother to talk to him.

The flower shirt waved to Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan immediately stood up and walked over and said, "manager Yang, what's up?"

The flower shirt said, "it's director Jin. I'll take a few shots in the morning. You can have a drink with director Jin at noon and ask him to take care of it."

"That tall wolf." Wang Zihan shouted, "he is a dead lust ghost."

"It doesn't matter." the flower shirt didn't think so. "That's it. You can try to drink him two more cups and get him drunk."

"I don't." Wang Zihan shook his head. "He is a dead lust ghost. Last time huazi drank with him, he suffered a loss. Then he said he wanted to make a TV play. He will give an important role at that time, but he hasn't had a shadow of his TV play for more than a year."

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