After the three had dinner, Hua Yuna called and then opened a video discussion. Xia Feng didn't join in at the moment. Wang Zihan was barely half an insider. He was a complete layman and really didn't understand, but he was happy to see Wang Zihan and them.

At two o'clock, Xia Feng shouted, "ah, I have to go to work, but I seem to be a little drunk."

"Let Zihan send you." Hua Yuna called, "she only drank half a cup just now. With her drinking capacity, it's all right."

Xia Feng wanted this and looked at Wang Zihan: "Zihan, why don't you send me a hard time."

In fact, Wang Zihan could guess Xia Feng's mind. His pretty face was slightly red, but he said, "what's the hard work?"

Xia Feng got up and said, "the beautiful driver drives a BMW to send you off. Wow, it's refreshing."

Wang Zihan smiled.

The two went out and went to the elevator. Xia Feng stretched out his hand to hold him. Wang Zihan hurriedly said, "there is monitoring."

Xia Feng had to stop. Seeing his depressed appearance, Wang Zihan giggled and said, "you really intend to invest. Nana works all the time. It's not enough to accompany her crazy."

"Not with her crazy." Xia Feng shook his head: "I'm crazy for you."

Wang Zihan felt his affection. His pretty face was slightly red. He didn't speak. He just stretched out his hand and hooked Xia Feng's hand with a little finger.

When he got to the garage and got on the bus, Xia Feng immediately hugged Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan was also moved by what he had just said. He didn't refuse, but returned to him.

For a long time, the summer peak was not enough. Wang Zihan said with a smile, "I'm going to work, otherwise I'll be late."

"It doesn't matter if you're late." Xia Feng didn't care.

"No." Wang Zihan smiled, "I don't want you to be late for me." she was an assertive girl. She smiled and pushed away Xia Feng and started the car. However, Xia Feng put her hand on her leg and she didn't refuse, but Xia Feng acted a little bigger, so she smiled: "don't, I'll hit the car later."

This is also true. Xia Feng didn't dare to move around and refused to take it back.

Before getting off at Yiduo, Xia Feng hugged and kissed again. Then he got off and said, "will you pick it up at work?"

Wang Zihan said with a smile, "I'll be your full-time female driver."

"Good or bad." Xia Feng pinched his tone and pretended to be a dog with a tail behind his ass.

Wang Zihan giggled: "see if I'm free."

"Yeah." Xia Feng cheered and joined the company.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Zihan called Xia Feng: "Xia Xia, will you come back for dinner?"

"Will you pick me up?" Xia Feng called, "if you pick me up, I'll come back. If you don't pick me up, I'll starve to death."

Wang Zihan smiled: "I'll stew the ribs first, but there may be a few more people at home today."

"Nothing." Xia Feng said, "I like the excitement."

"Yes." Wang Zihan said softly, "I'll stew ribs and come over."

After hanging up, Zhou Ling came in and said, "manager, director Wang of the advertising department of the city channel wants to invite you to dinner."

"I won't go, you go." Xia Feng said, "take Wuchi, drink wine and let him drive."

At present, Xia Feng mostly pushes such communication to Zhou Ling. He can't do it professionally. If he wants Zhou Ling to do things, he should give Zhou Ling benefits.

"That's good." Zhou Ling nodded and hesitated a little: "over there on the city channel"

"It's up to you." Xia Feng replied without hesitation.

"Thank you, manager." Zhou Ling was very grateful for his trust.

Xia Feng went downstairs first. Before long, Wang Zihan came in his car. At this time, Yiduo also got off work. Several people from the coking inspection and forklift team came out. When they saw Xia Feng, they called out: "manager Xia."

Xia Feng nodded, opened the door and got on the car.

Wang Zihan wore a pink skirt, no pantyhose and a pair of big white legs, which could almost reflect light.

As soon as Xia Feng got on the bus, he put his hand on it. Wang Zihan smiled: "don't move, itch, drive."

Xia Feng didn't dare to mess around. He put his hand on Wang Zihan's thigh and asked, "have you discussed it yet?"

"Just discussing it." Wang Zihan smiled: "it's a mess, but they've always been like this. Maybe they won't play anymore."

Xia Feng smiled.

Wang Zihan looked at him and said, "don't invest money. They may not have done anything. They buy things first, and then buy a pile of them. They don't play anymore. They often do this."

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded.

What Wang Zihan said, he can understand, because he used to be the same, talking nonsense with a group of friends, doing business, farming, etc. as a result, he didn't do half of it.

"First they have to agree, decide, and then write a plan. It is really feasible before they start to invest money."

Xia Feng has been a manager for this period of time, but he still has something to gain.

Wang Zihan nodded: "that's it."

"I'm still a little level." Xia Feng boasted.

Wang Zihan giggled. At this time, there was a red light. Wang Zihan stopped the car and suddenly came over and kissed him.

Xia Feng's eyes suddenly stared: "kiss the face is not enough, kiss."

He stretched his head to kiss, but stretched his neck, as if a tortoise stretched its head. Wang Zihan amused him first and pushed him with both hands: "the red light will pass soon."

Talking and laughing, he entered the underground garage of the community. As soon as the car stopped, Xia Feng hugged Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan didn't refuse. He fell in his arms and let him kiss.

Xia Feng was addicted, and then she let go. Wang Zihan blushed, arranged her clothes, and looked in the mirror. She was sure she couldn't see it, so she got off the bus. When she saw Xia Feng smiling, she was ashamed and angry: "bad guy."

Like anger and joy.

At home, sure enough, there were a roomful of people with four sisters, all of whom were from the model team. Each of them was not only beautiful, but also in good shape.

One of them, Zhu Wenwen, is the most beautiful one in the middle. Melon seed face and eye Qing are very provocative. It can be said that they are more beautiful than Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna, but Xia Feng feels that the girl is very scheming and that eye Qing is too flexible.

The strange brother mentioned by Hua Yuna also came. He is in his thirties, thin and almost the same size as Xia Feng. This makes Xia Feng very happy, because a bunch of girls are taller than him. It's much better to be accompanied by strange brother.

Chico is a cameraman with long hair and a ponytail, which is a bit of an artist's temperament.

Hua Yuna gave their ideas, shooting and editing to Qige, and then found one or two actors to live together, shoot Urban Indoor short plays and learn from the big bang of life.

When they had a lively discussion, Xia Feng didn't make much noise. Zhu Wenwen's eyes slipped into his face from time to time. Seeing that he didn't make a noise, he said, "we'll ask manager Xia to give us some advice."

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