Wang Zihan said angrily, "Nana, you eat first. I'm only happy when you swallow it."

"No." Hua Yuna waved her hand, "I've decided that I'll be a man in my next life, and then marry my Zihan and let her cook supper for me every day."

"Beauty can't kill you." Wang Zihan gave her a white look: "I want to be a man in my next life."

"Then I'll be a woman." Hua Yuna immediately held her chest in both hands and made a puppy like: "I let you pet me every day and cook supper for me every night."

Wang Zihan gave her a angry smile: "you are a woman. Didn't you make supper for me?"

"You want to spoil me." Hua Yuna tilted to her and was tired of her voice: "good husband, you are the best husband. Would you like to make supper for me?"

"OK." Wang Zihan suddenly got up, pressed her on the sofa and slapped her heavily on her ass.

"Ah." Hua Yuna screamed, and Wang Zihan had giggled and fled upstairs.

"Dead Zihan stinks Zihan. I won't clean you up tonight. I swear I won't live." Hua Yuna gritted her teeth to catch up.

She strode upstairs to catch up. She didn't think that the nightdress she was wearing was short. When she ran and went upstairs, the spring light behind her fell into Xia Feng's eyes.

But it's estimated that even if she knows, it doesn't matter, because she is a model. I don't know how many underwear shows she's had on the T-stage. I don't care.

But her underwear show was for Xia Feng to see alone.

Listening to the laughter upstairs, Xia Feng slowly finished his noodles.

"That's good," he thought.

At six o'clock the next day, Hua Yuna beat the door outside: "Xia Xia, the sun is drying your ass, get up and run."

It's not enough to beat the door. She also opened the door directly. Xia Feng must not lock the door when sleeping. In fact, Wang Zihan and they don't lock the door. They can't guard against him.

Xia Feng slept with only one trouser head and no quilt. It was so cool. As soon as Hua Yuna opened the door, she immediately covered her eyes: "ah, Yanqing is going to be blind."

He said he was going to be blind, but his fingers were wide open on both sides, and his eyes were turning behind his fingers.

Xia Feng looked funny and held his chest with both hands: "hooligan, indecent."

He didn't call, but it was OK. At this call, Hua Yuna put down her hand directly, glanced at Qing up and down, and looked contemptuous: "just your airport, it's impolite, bah."

Xia Feng immediately went crazy: "I'm a man, of course, the airport."

Wang Zihan also appeared at the door and immediately laughed. Hua Yuna also giggled and Pooh: "hurry up, it's the airport, you have to be aware."

Xia Feng simply can't make complaints about the clothes, and change clothes to go downstairs. Hua Yuna's two are waiting.

The two girls are beautiful. One is yellow and the other is white. There is a touch of white on the yellow body, but there is a touch of yellow on the white body.

"This is a couple's dress. How about it? Isn't it beautiful?" Hua Yuna asked Xia Feng happily, holding Wang Zihan's waist.

Xia Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I'm from the airport. I must not be beautiful."

"Haha." the two girls laughed again.

Running along the river, the two girls are like two beautiful scenery lines, attracting countless eyes.

Come back and take separate baths. It's inconvenient to rent a house with only one bathroom. It's convenient here. Upstairs and downstairs, there are four bathrooms. There are two master bedrooms with bathrooms.

After taking a bath, Wang Zihan made breakfast and Xia Feng went to work.

In a hurry, he arrived at the door of the company at 7:50. He didn't get off first, so he waited in the car and lit a cigarette. Before long, Xue Yue's car came.

When Xue Yue got off the bus, Xia Feng immediately smiled.

Xue Yue is really a pink ol dress. Her skirt only goes to the middle of her thighs. On a pair of slender legs, she wears black mesh silk stockings and a pair of red high heels.

The high-heeled shoes were about six inches, which made Xue yueheisi's beautiful legs slim and straight. As she curled up the steps at the gate of the company, not only the people working in the company, but also on the road, including across the road, many eyes were attracted. It was a super magnet.

Although Xia Feng smiled at Xue Yue's first glance, Xue Yue, who is usually cold and proud, chose to give in for a million.

But Xia Feng's eyes straightened as Xue Yue walked up the steps.

He didn't never see a woman wearing grid black silk, but he never thought that Xue Yue was so attractive in grid black silk.

Xue Yue went up the steps and took out her mobile phone to make a phone call.

It's a bet. It's agreed to be from 8:00 to 8:10, ten minutes.

She was walking up and down the steps talking on her cell phone. There was even a little traffic jam on the road. Many young drivers and old drivers couldn't help slowing down and looking at her more. A middle-aged fat man stopped directly on the roadside, stared and stared at her.

Xue Yue called for ten minutes. At 8:10, she turned her head and looked at Xia Feng.

Obviously, she found Xia Feng's car long ago, but didn't look at him.

Now it was time. She raised her cell phone to Xia Feng, which meant that ten minutes was enough. Then she turned and walked into the hall.

Xia Feng just got off and entered the company. Xue Yue has entered the elevator and the elevator is slowly closing.

Xia Feng can really catch the elevator, but it's scary. With a normal trot, he can't catch up unless Xue Yue helps to press the elevator.

Will Xue Yue help press the elevator?

Does this question need to be asked?

She just followed the bet and stood at the company gate in grid black silk for ten minutes. Will she press the elevator for him? That's beautiful.

Xue Yue stood coldly as expected. When Xia Feng was halfway there, the elevator door closed. When there was still a finger wide left, Xue Yue showed a sneer on her face.

Xia Feng felt as if he had gone back in time and returned to the day when he first became the director of the comprehensive liaison office. It was also a cold smile between the elevator cracks, such as an electric light gap.

However, on that day, they were just simple passers-by, but now they have almost become enemies.

On that day, Xue Yue was just a simple matter. It was none of his business. I didn't wait for you.

Today, he has offended Xue Yue. For Xue Yue, the elevator is waiting for you, and I don't wait for you.

But Xia Feng doesn't care. It doesn't matter if he is slower. He doesn't need to punch in. Now no one cares about him. Tucker doesn't care about him. Others can't control him.

"Will she give up?" Xia Feng couldn't help thinking as she looked at the number of elevator display lights beating one by one.

Not long after he arrived at the office, Xue Yue sent him a text message: "can you swim?"

Still want to play? Xia Feng was happy and immediately replied, "yes."

Xue Yuefa said, "I want to bet with you again, swimming."

Actually gambling on swimming, Xia Feng laughed so hard that his teeth burst out and replied, "yes."

Xue Yue said again, "the bet is still the same."

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