Zhou Haineng's eyes finally fell on Zhu Wenwen's face and said, "well, let her compensate me for three months and I'll tear up the contract."

He said, pointing to Hua Yuna.

"Let me compensate you for three months?" Hua Yuna smiled angrily.

"That's right." Zhou Haineng nodded with a smile and said, "you look chivalrous and have a good appetite for me. I'd like to see what you will look like after three months of training."

"You." Hua Yuna was so angry that she didn't know what to do.

Zhou Haineng laughed and said, "don't you want to help Jiajia? Then you have to take action. Just talking about guns can't help her."

"I'm so angry." Hua Yuna was so angry that she didn't have much to do.

Zhu Wenwen is almost the same. The economic contract is common in the performing arts industry, which may be unreasonable, but even if you sign it yourself, you have to admit it, and others can't interfere.

Wang Zihan was almost the same. She had no way to think about it. She just turned to look at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng has been watching the play. Although he didn't understand what Wang Zihan said to them, the situation at present is obvious. Zhou Hai can use min Jiajia's ignorance and credulity to deceive her into signing an agreement, and then use this agreement to bully her.

Wang Zihan and others had no way, but it didn't mean that Xia Feng had no way. Seeing Wang Zihan's eyes, Xia Feng smiled and walked to Zhou Haineng.

Zhou Haineng immediately stared up, looked fierce and shouted, "who are you, don't come over?"

He is tall and strong. He looks much stronger than Xia Feng. His stare is really fierce.

Xia Feng smiled: "my last name is Xia. Xia Feng is the advertising manager of Yiduo company."

"So what?" Zhou Haineng stared at him.

"Not so much." Xia Feng said, suddenly moving forward, and grabbed the contract in Zhou Haineng's hand.

Zhou Haineng was a little defensive against him, but he didn't expect Xia Feng to be so fast. He was two or three meters away, and then there was a tea table in the middle. But as soon as he saw a flower, the contract in his hand came to Xia Feng.

"Dare to play black with Lord Lu." Zhou Haineng was so angry that he jumped up and jumped at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng slapped him in the face.

Pop. A crisp sound. Zhou Haineng screamed in pain and fell back on the sofa.

He was tall, strong, fleshy and heavy. He moved back with the sofa.

"I killed you today." Zhou Haineng was more angry. He bent down and took out a fruit knife from under the tea table and jumped at Xia Feng.

Xia Xia, be careful. " Hua Yuna screamed.

"It's all right." Xia Feng turned back and smiled at her with a forced face. This was not only Hua Yuna, but also Wang Zihan's heart didn't jump. He shouted, "be careful."

Xia Feng smiled at her again and didn't look back. He just raised his hand and backhanded. The applause hit Zhou Haineng's face again, so that Zhou Haineng fell back on the sofa.

"I want you to die today." Zhou Hai was more angry and jumped up again.

Xia Feng turned and slapped him in the face.

Zhou Haineng had been on guard, but Xia Feng's speed was too fast to prevent. He fell on the sofa again.

"Ah." he still didn't give up, screamed wildly and jumped up again.

This kind of people who mix outside still have a bit of ferocity.

However, it was useless. Xia Feng slapped him again and turned him over on the sofa.

Zhou Hai could not jump this time. He knew he couldn't beat Xia Feng. Although the man in front of him looked thin, his kung fu was too strong.

He turned to get his cell phone.

Just as my finger was about to touch the mobile phone, I suddenly saw a flower in front of me and the mobile phone disappeared.

He shook his head. He was dazed. His mobile phone was really gone. He turned his head and the mobile phone was in Xia Feng's hands.

"Ah." his anger rose again, howled and rushed to xiafeng.

Xia Feng didn't slap him this time. He raised his foot and kicked him in the chest.

Zhou Haineng flew back, a mouthful of blood gushed out and fell on the sofa. He couldn't jump up anymore. He just gasped and looked at Xia Feng. He was unwilling and frightened.

Seeing that he didn't move, Xia Feng smiled, glanced at the contract in his hand and said, "how many copies of this contract?"

Wang Zihan was stunned. When he heard Xia Feng ask, min Jiajia hurriedly shouted, "just one."

Hua Yuna screamed, "Xia Xia, I love you so much. Give it to me quickly."

Xia Feng took the contract to Hua Yuna, who turned it over twice and said to min Jiajia, "that's right?"

"That's right." Min Jiajia nodded repeatedly.

"Put it away, take it back and burn it later." Hua Yuna shouted, but took the contract back and said, "I'll take it for you. You're stupid."

Min Jiajia smiled awkwardly at her.

Zhu Wenwen said: "there is also a remake on the mobile phone."

"It's all right." Xia Feng said. When he squeezed his hand, the mobile phone in his hand immediately turned into pieces.

Zhou Hai could fall on the sofa and look at it. It was a mixture of surprise and anger, but Xia Feng could see this hand. He couldn't help but look frightened in his eyes.

He has been out for years. Naturally, he has some eyes and knows that he really meets an expert today.

Xia Feng couldn't beat him. His mobile phone was crushed and he couldn't report to the police. Then there was only one contract. If it burned, there would be nothing. Without evidence, it would be useless to report to the police later.

He used to play rogue with min Jiajia through the contract. As a result, he met Xia Feng and went straight ahead. He was more rogue than him, so he had no choice.

Hua Yuna, a few girls, didn't think Xia Feng's crushing the mobile phone was great. Hua Yuna said to min Jiajia, "pack up your things and let's go."

They went upstairs to help min Jiajia pack up. Xia Feng stood in the living room, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Girls are very troublesome. Although three or four people helped clean up, min Jiajia also got out for more than half an hour. There are two big boxes and women's things. Why are there so many.

"Offend." when the girls went out, Xia Feng finally left and gave Zhou Haineng a fist.

It's not that he is afraid of Zhou Haineng or wants to reconcile. This is the way old worker Xiong taught him in the Jianghu. People should have the minimum etiquette when walking in the Jianghu.

Hua Yuna drove, Xia Feng still took the co pilot, and Wang Zihan sat in the back. The three girls were tall, but they were slim and not crowded.

On the bus, min Jiajia thanked Xia Feng and said, "manager Xia, thank you."

Hua Yuna said, "just call him Xia Xia."

Xia Feng smiled back and said, "yes, just call me Xia Xia. You're welcome."

"Thank you, Xia Xia." Min Jiajia has washed her face and put on some light makeup again. No wonder she tossed for so long, but she was really beautiful and smiled sweetly.

She said to Hua Yuna again, "Nana, thank you so much."

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