The booth of Yiduo company is the same. Xue Yue is the main one, and the logistics department is responsible for the layout. Although Tucker wants Xia Feng's assistance, in fact, as long as he gets the booth, Xia Feng has nothing to do.

However, on this day, Hu Nannan was very close to Xia Feng and followed him almost all the time. Xia Feng was still very happy when such a beauty talked and laughed around him.

When it was almost six o'clock, Hu Nannan answered the phone and said to Xia Feng, "Xia Feng, a friend wants to invite me to dinner. Will you go with me?"

"Boyfriend?" Xia Feng asked with a smile, "I'll go with you. I'm not afraid he's jealous?"

"No." Hu Nannan shook his head: "it was a reporter I knew when I was training here. He contacted me not long ago and said that he wanted to recruit some interns here. See if I was interested. Just when I came, he said to invite me to dinner."

"Oh, that's OK. I'll go with you." Xia Feng nodded and agreed.

Hu Nannan's words were very clear. A reporter wanted to make an idea about her. She was reluctant and didn't offend people, so she asked him to go with her.

When we got to the restaurant, the reporter had arrived. He was about 30 years old, thin and wearing a pair of glasses. When he saw Hu Nannan, his eyes suddenly protruded. Xia Feng looked cold and hummed: "what a pair of colored eyes."

The reporter's name is Dai Liang. He is a veteran. He is good at coming and blowing. He was not very happy to see Hu Nannan bring Xia Feng, but then he left Xia Feng aside and only chatted with Hu Nannan.

That blow Oh, it seems that there are no people he doesn't know in Linjiang city. Even when the mayor and the Secretary of the municipal Party committee see him, they have to clap their shoulders and shout Xiao Dai, asking him to show mercy and say a lot of good words.

Some provincial newspapers or provincial Taiwan's famous records are really good, but Dai Liang's blowing is too much.

However, Xia Feng was too lazy to expose him. He only drank beer slowly. He came with Hu Nannan. Hu Nannan dominated everything. If Hu Nannan was willing to listen to Dai Liang, he didn't care. Just listen.

Dai Liang blew for a while and said, "Hu Nannan, there are only a few places for intern journalists this time. It hasn't been made public yet. I also got the news in private. I'll inform you first. If you want to come, I'll sell an old face and fight for it for you."

"Thank you, brother Dai." Hu Nannan hurriedly thanked and said, "there are few places. I'm afraid it's not easy to get them."

"It's a little difficult." Dai Liang nodded, with an expression that you owe me a lot of favor, and said, "so let me ask you first. If you really want to come, I'll fight this old face and help you run."

Xia Feng listened to a sneer on the side. I don't know how many girls he cheated in this routine, but he didn't say it. It depends on what Hu Nannan thinks.

At this time, Hu Nannan looked at him and meant to ask for help. Xia Feng didn't look at her and bowed his head to deal with a chicken claw.

Hu Nannan said, "I want to come, but I'm afraid it's too troublesome for brother Dai."

"Trouble is trouble, but I always treat you as my sister. It's natural for my brother to do something for my sister." Dai Liang said with a smile. He smiled too falsely. Xia Feng almost spit out the chicken claws in his mouth.

"I know brother Dai has always been good to me." Hu Nannan thanked and looked at Xia Feng again. Xia Feng couldn't eat his chicken feet anymore. He was disgusted. He drank a beer. When he saw Hu Nannan's eyes glancing over, he glanced away.

"Then don't go back this time. Wait here. There should be news next month," Dai Liang said.

Hu Nannan shook his head: "I'm on a public business trip this time, and..."

Speaking of this, she took another look at Xia Feng. Xia Feng still didn't look at her.

She bit her lips slightly and said, "my mother has always opposed me coming outside. She said it's not good for me to be a girl and be outside alone."

"What's the matter?" Dai Liang was worried. "So many girls broke in outside. Those who drifted North didn't break out by themselves."

Then he patted his chest: "don't you still have me? How can you be alone? Don't worry, in Linjiang, with me, no one can bully you."

Xia Feng sneered in his heart. He just smiled in his heart. There was no sound on his mouth, but the corner of his mouth tilted slightly, but Hu Nannan saw it.

"Still can't." it seems that his sneer made Hu Nannan completely determined and said, "it's too troublesome, brother Dai. You're not good, and it's the new year soon. My mother won't agree."

She refused directly, Dai Liang's face sank and said, "it's up to you, but the opportunity is rare. It's not easy to find such an opportunity next time. TV stations are not so easy to enter."

He didn't drop his voice. Xia Feng suddenly saw a man, Wu rujun.

Dai Liang ordered either a box or a position near the window. The food in this restaurant is good, there are many customers, and the corridor is up and down.

Wu rujun seems to have eaten well and is accompanying a woman out. The woman is in her thirties and looks like a middle-class man, but she has a good temperament.

Xia Feng couldn't help shouting, "sister Wu."

Wu rujun looked back at the sound and saw Xia Feng. Her eyes brightened: "Xiaofeng."

Xia Feng nodded to Hu Nannan: "I have a friend. Go and say hello."

He got up, walked over and said with a smile, "sister Wu, you are also eating here, brother tie."

"I don't know where he died. I don't care about him." Wu rujun said with a smile, "just talking about you, I ran into him, just right."

"What's up?" Xia Feng asked with a smile.

He didn't drop his voice. Suddenly someone shouted behind him, "director Yin."

Xia Feng turned back when he heard the sound, but Dai Liang actually followed and shouted to the woman next to Wu rujun.

The Yin Tai Chang looked at Dai Liang and nodded slightly: "Dai Liang, you are also eating here."

"Yes, yes." Dai Liang nodded again and again. His face laughed badly. Previously, he boasted that the mayor would call him brother and toast him when he saw him. At present, his smiling face was almost flattering.

Xia Feng was funny and silent. Dai Liang said, "have you eaten, chief yin? Why don't you sit here and I'll give you a toast."

Yin Taichang did not answer, but looked at Wu rujun. Wu rujun smiled at Xia Feng and said, "you are friends. That's just right."

She turned to director Yin and said, "sister Yin, this is my brother, Xia Feng. He is now the advertising manager of Yiduo company."

"Oh, so you're manager Xia." Yin Taichang was neither warm nor cold to Dai Liang. Hearing Xia Feng's name, he became enthusiastic and immediately reached out to shake hands with him. Wu rujun introduced on the side: "Xiaofeng, this is my sister, Yin Sha, deputy director of Linjiang station. We were talking about you."

Ganqing is the deputy director. No wonder Dai Liang's face smiles like broken cow dung.

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