"Hum." Hua Yuna shrugged her nose at him. She didn't believe it at all. Her eyes turned: "then Zihan will give you a kiss and bless you."

Xia Feng's heart moved and looked at Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan's pretty face was slightly red. He really came over and kissed Xia Feng's face.

Although there are some regrets, it's OK to smell the fragrance.

"Nana, what about you?" Xia Feng looked at Hua Yuna.

Hua Yuna giggled and said, "one kiss is enough for Zihan. Two kisses, your little body can't support it."

Xia Feng was angry, and even Wang Zihan laughed.

Lunch was too late. I went to the high-speed railway station, bought a ticket, got on the high-speed railway, more than 1000 kilometers from Linjiang to Zhoucheng, and arrived at more than 4 p.m.

As soon as he got off the bus, Xia Feng ran to the clothing store without saying anything else.

Linjiang is summer. It's more than 30 degrees when you go out, but it's winter here. Although there is also the sun, it's only seven or eight degrees.

Xia Feng has magical eyes. He doesn't shiver with cold, but he also feels cold. It's ok if he really wants to work. It's all right, mainly because he wears short sleeves. The closer he is to Zhoucheng, the more people on the high-speed railway look at him and laugh.

I bought two sweaters, jackets and trousers. As long as I didn't show my arms, no one would stare at him.

After buying clothes, I went to a hotel. When the phone rang, Du Mingzhu called: "manager Xia, have you come yet?" Du Mingzhu is not pleasant, but I must admit that his voice is still very nice.

Xia Feng said, "I've arrived."

Du Mingzhu said, "well, come to the hotel. I'll send you a location and we'll pick you up."

"OK, I'll come right away." the courtesy of face should be maintained. Even if Du Mingzhu offered to invite, Xia Feng would not refuse. He put his bag in the room, went downstairs, took a taxi and went straight to the Hotel Du Mingzhu said.

Du Mingzhu arrived early and there was another Yu Lian.

Du Mingzhu wears a white cardigan outside and a green bottomed shirt inside with a purple high waist pants. She has a high temperament.

Yu Lian wore a pink long down jacket and wrapped her up. But underneath, he was wearing flesh colored silk stockings with small pink leather boots. His slender legs looked particularly sexy against the background of long down jacket, which made people just want to explore along those legs.

Although Xia Feng has a little prejudice against Du Mingzhu, he has to admit that both of them are beautiful women. Du Mingzhu won't say it. Even Yu Lian is a very good beauty.

Yu Lian smiled when she saw Xia Feng: "manager Xia, you just bought this dress."

"Yes." Xia Feng didn't deny it. Seeing Du Mingzhu's funny face, he also smiled: "I didn't think it was winter here, so I came here wearing a T-shirt."

When he said this, Du Mingzhu both giggled.

While joking, he sat down separately and ordered dishes. Du Mingzhu gave a general introduction to the situation here.

Zhou City is very large, with a larger population than Linjiang and a wide radiation area, so Du Mingzhu attaches great importance to the market here.

Du Mingzhu didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "If the Zhoucheng market can be successfully developed, it can drive several surrounding cities and tens of millions of people. This is a huge market. Therefore, in terms of advertising, please ask manager Xia for more support. We require that the advertising here should be fully launched. We can't pull any of them, especially outdoor advertising, at least invest in advertising Into 20 million. "

This momentum, dark clouds weigh on the city.

Xia Feng smiled.

After a few hours on the high-speed railway, he was not idle. He checked the situation here and learned something. Most importantly, Xue Yue called him halfway and told him a situation.

It is a fact that Zhoucheng market is relatively large, but it is a special reason here that makes Du Mingzhu so attentive.

The wholesale of drinks here is almost controlled by one person. This person's name is Shi Limin. Her Limin trading company controls more than 90% of the wholesale of drinks in Zhoucheng.

Limin commerce controls the wholesale of drinks in Zhoucheng. What does it have to do with advertising investment? It turns out that Shi Limin is not alone. They are three brothers and sisters. Her eldest brother Shi Feng is in the provincial development and Reform Commission. She engages in commercial wholesale herself, while her second brother Shi Xiao has opened an advertising company, controlling more than 70% of Zhoucheng's outdoor advertising resources.

Therefore, if anyone comes to Zhoucheng to sell drinks, Shi Limin will have a condition to go to her second brother's advertising company for outdoor advertising.

Xue Yue got the news and gave her analysis: "the reason why Du Mingzhu directly asked for 20 million outdoor advertisements should be the request of Shi Limin. If Du Mingzhu doesn't put this amount of advertisements, Shi Limin won't take her order."

Xia Feng absolutely agrees with Xue Yue's analysis.

Xue Yue's brain, in his eyes, is absolutely the same level as Kong Fuzhi. It is only better than his brain. He is not a slag in front of them.

According to their analysis, Xia Feng was 100% convinced. Therefore, in the face of Du Mingzhu's aggressive eyes, Xia Feng was confident and only felt funny.

He picked up the glass, took a sip and swallowed it. Then he stretched out a finger and shook it: "No."

"Why?" Du Mingzhu's eyes Rose: "we develop the market, dealers need advertising support, which is a necessary condition."

"Advertising can be put in." the more Du Mingzhu is pressed step by step, the more careless Xia Feng is.

He put a piece of beef in his mouth and chewed it carefully. Then he said: "However, our advertising department has a master plan for how much to invest. For the launch of Zhoucheng, the maximum amount of TV is 8 million, maybe 5 million. The TV programs here are not good. Newspapers can invest a little, new media can also invest in several famous stars in Zhoucheng, and outdoor advertising will also invest, but the maximum amount can not exceed 6 million. There are many people here and the market is large, but the overall economy is not active. There is too much advertising, not much It is necessary. "

"That won't work." Du Mingzhu was worried: "Zhoucheng is more than twice as big as Linjiang, and its total population is 1.5 times that of Linjiang. Outdoor advertising is less than half of Linjiang. How can this be true? Six million, absolutely not. In any case, it can't be less than 20 million."

"I'm the advertising manager. I said yes, that's OK, No." she almost jumped onto the table. Xia Feng was annoyed and looked at her coldly.

Du Mingzhu angrily stared at him and said angrily, "because of your lack of cooperation, the marketing department cannot successfully expand the Zhoucheng market. For this, the advertising department must take full responsibility. I will complain to the head office."

"Bad marketing, blame the advertising department?" Xia Feng laughed. "It seems that it's a replica of the strange toilet."

"Manager Xia, how can you say that?" Yu Lian said, "it is an inevitable requirement for all marketers to require advertising."

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