How good Yu Xinyu's skin is, Xia Feng has the most say now.

Seeing Xia Feng looking at her, Yu Xinyu was ashamed and happy and said, "I found you good or bad."

Xia Feng smiled. Her shy appearance was so charming that Xia Feng couldn't help kissing her again.

Yu Xinyu didn't refuse. Instead, he took the initiative to offer red lips and let him kiss for a while. Then he gently beat him and said, "drive obediently, there's not enough."

"Never enough." Xia Feng laughed and started the car.

Back in Linjiang, the car drove directly to Yu Xinyu's house. The problem of raw materials was solved. Yu Xinyu called her sister Yu Xinxue. Yu Xinxue asked Xia Feng to go home. She cooked in person at noon and wanted to thank Xia Feng.

After kissing Yu Xinyu, Xia Feng actually felt guilty and was afraid of being angry with Yu Xinyu's husband, but he thought too much. At home, Yu Xinxue was alone. Neither Yu Xinyu's husband nor his brother-in-law were there.

This family seems to be supported by two women. The two men have no sense of existence at all. Anyway, Xia Feng has been in Linjiang for so long and hasn't seen them yet.

Yu Xinxue, dressed in a red skirt and in excellent spirit, said to Xia Feng, "Xiaofeng, I really want to thank you this time. We can save more than 10 million yuan just for materials?"

"Sister Xue, you're welcome." Xia Feng said modestly.

"You're welcome." Yu Xinxue shook her head: "It's not easy to do business now. Raw materials are still rising so much that many factories can't sustain it. In the past few days, two factories have closed down, and several others are struggling to close down. Xiao Feng, you are really our lucky star. You helped us solve the problem of sales first, and now you help us solve the problem of raw materials. Without you, We have only the life of bankruptcy. At least this wave will never survive. "

"Yes." Yu Xinyu nodded and said with emotion on his face, "it was so difficult before. My sister and I ran before and after. Xia Feng, it seems that everything is relaxed when you come."

"You mean," Xia Feng touched his face. "I'm so handsome, aren't I?"

As soon as this was said, Yu Xinxue and Yu Xinyu laughed.

Yu Xinxue nodded vigorously: "you are really handsome, especially so capable. Xiaofeng, do you have a girlfriend? If not, wrap it up in sister Xue. I will find you a satisfactory one."

Xia Feng takes a look at Yu Xinyu. Yu Xinyu looks at him and smiles. There is something special in his eyes.

"There's no girlfriend." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "maybe I didn't do publicity, so although I'm handsome, no girl can see me."

Yu Xinxue laughs, while Yu Xinyu giggles. Her eyes shine like the winter sun.

After dinner, I went to the company to play. Nothing happened. Xue Yue didn't come back. It is estimated that it will be more than half a month. Xia Feng went to the general manager's office and talked with tucker for a long time about horse racing. After work, he went home.

As soon as she opened the door, Hua Yuna mopped the floor there again. Now she was facing him. She still had only a small trouser head and a low waist style. It was very beautiful.

When she heard the sound, Hua Yuna looked up and shouted, "is there anyone behind?"

"Ah?" Xia Feng was stunned by her question. He couldn't help looking back, shook his head and said, "no one."

"Silly." Hua Yuna saw his appearance and said angrily, "close your eyes and don't look."

It's no good. Xia Feng is really not so stupid. She doesn't blink. The dead girl has a really good figure. She's perfect.

Xia Feng asked, "where's Zihan?"

Hua Yuna said, "she went to buy salt and said there was no salt."

"Great." Xia Feng cheered and rushed over immediately.

Hua Yuna was frightened and hurriedly said, "what are you doing?"

He turned around to escape. Where could he escape? Xia Feng caught him and picked him up directly.

"Why don't you?" Hua Yuna beat him like a lamb falling into the wolf's mouth.

Xia Feng took her to the sofa and kissed her directly. Hua Yuna kicked and hit him first, kissed him, and immediately stopped struggling, but hugged his neck.

However, Keng dad's is that you can kiss as much as you want, but if you want to go further, the dead girl refused.

"Said Zihan first, I want to be loyal, so I won't be a villain." Hua Yuna said, slightly panting. She herself obviously felt uncomfortable for Xia Feng, pinching him: "I said earlier, I'll give you Zihan after you eat it. Zihan sways in front of you every day, you can't eat it, so you're stupid."

Xia Feng can only cover his face.

Hua was so angry that she stabbed him again and ran upstairs to get dressed.

When Wang Zihan came back, he not only bought salt, but also a lot of things. When he saw Xia Feng, he was surprised: "I came back. Didn't I say it would take several days?"

"It's going well this time." Xia Feng smiled.

This time was more than smooth. It was so smooth that I kissed Mr. Yu. I never dreamed of it.

When Wang Zihan saw Xia Feng looking at himself, he blushed and said, "I'll cook right away."

Her blush moved Xia Feng's heart. She wanted to get up and finally sat down again.

He doesn't lack women now, and Wang Zihan is a very good girl. He doesn't want to play with and hurt her.

Hua Yuna just thought he was stupid. She didn't know that he gave the right of choice to Wang Zihan. If Wang Zihan could accept his flowers, he would certainly be happy. If not, he wouldn't force it.

Speaking of taking heart, he really can't take it back today.

At this time, Hua Yuna came down wearing clothes and took a bath. Her hair was wet. When it comes to clothes, she actually had more small suspenders. Her skirt was very short and her style was broad. It was the inherent atmosphere in the modeling industry, but it also depends on who was right. Because Xia Feng was only a man at home, she would do this. She couldn't do this outside.

Hua Yuna went downstairs and stared at Xia Feng. She also entered the kitchen. Wang Zihan looked at her and said, "what's the bath at this time?"

But then he thought that Xia Feng had come back, so he didn't make a sound.

Hua Yuna said, "it's not what you think?"

Wang Zihan laughed and said, "what do I think?"

"Hum." Hua Yuna snorted twice and suddenly stretched out her hand to take advantage of Wang Zihan's ass.

"Ah." Wang Zihan screamed and said angrily, "dead girl, I have a knife in my hand."

Hua Yuna giggled and came up to Wang Zihan's ear and said, "I just smelled it. He doesn't have the aroma of women."

Wang Zihan was silent.

"Men are the same now." Hua Yuna shook her head and said, "Xia Xia is actually good."

Wang Zihan still kept silent, and Hua Yuna stopped talking. They cooperated and soon came out with three dishes and one soup.

"Xia Xia is back. Have a drink." Hua Yuna took out a bottle of red wine.

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