Xia Feng said, "sister Dong, it's more than three o'clock now. It's just the node where blood enters the bladder meridian. Lie down and I'll massage you once. I'll massage you again in two days. It's almost the same."

"OK." Dong Qin nodded and promised, "I'd better go to the inner bed. It's more convenient."

She got up, led Xia Feng into the inner room and lay down on the bed. These slim pants have the effect of lifting hips, and the material is very thin. It seems that she doesn't wear it. It's very attractive.

Xia Feng didn't see much. He went to the bedside and said, "I'll send my Qi in the air first. After the Qi goes in, I'll massage it and rub it open, so that the positive Qi can drive away the evil Qi in the meridians."

"OK." Dong Qin nodded and praised, "Xiaofeng, you'd better make it clear in advance so that the patient can have a number in mind."

Xia Feng smiled and stopped talking. He couldn't help being so prone to Dong Qin.

In fact, he has many women now. He should not be hungry and thirsty. Like Chen Xin, he is not interested at all. The main reason is the red cherry blossom. He is eager to see whether there are red cherry blossoms on Dong Qin's belly.

"Relax, don't be nervous." Xia Feng said, opening his palm and aiming at the middle of Dong Qin's waist. As soon as he was angry, Dong Qin cried out: "it's so hot. It's like pouring in a bottle of hot water. Xiao Feng, your Kung Fu, yo, yo..."

After getting angry for 30 seconds, Xia Feng said, "I began to massage. Relax. Don't suppress yourself. Just shout if you want."

Dong Qin didn't answer. Obviously, this made her a little embarrassed. At this time, Xia Feng had pressed his hands.

"Oh." Dong Qin immediately raised her head, straightened her neck and gave a tempting cry.

Xia Feng can't hold his hands loosely, but unlike yesterday, today he presses another acupoint.

There are many acupoints on people's back waist, including some secret acupoints, which can stir up sexual interest. Dong Qin's initial voice is a slightly painful cry, but Xia Feng pinched those secret acupoints, her cry soon changed flavor, became gentle and charming, and her whole body kept twisting. Xia Feng pinched them for three minutes, Dong Qin couldn't control it anymore, and turned over and got up, Hug Xia Feng and kiss.

In fact, she was sober at the moment, so Xia Feng pretended to be frightened: "sister Dong, what's the matter with you? It's not good."

Dong Qin said she was awake at the moment, but in fact she was confused. Just like a drunken person, her brain was completely out of her control. Seeing Xia Feng pushing and blocking, she was in a hurry. She suddenly pressed Xia Feng on the bed, stretched out her hand and took off Xia Feng's clothes and pants, which was almost forced to pick.

"Sister Dong, it's not OK. Hiss" when the air conditioner is sucked up, it won't be installed. Put your hands on your head and watch Dong Qin busy.

Xia Feng's eyes coagulated and looked at Dong Qin's snow-white belly. Sure enough, there was a red cherry blossom.

"Red cherry, there really is a red cherry." Xia Feng was surprised and happy, but he was not in a hurry. He ate Dong Qin first, and then enjoyed the flowers slowly.

When the sun set, the house finally quieted down. Dong Qin was very tired. He closed his eyes and breathed as if nothing. Xia Feng was satisfied. He gently massaged the acupoints behind Dong Qin's head to make Dong Qin completely faint. Only then did he concentrate on appreciating the red cherry blossom on Dong Qin's belly.

Red cherry blossoms were stabbed horizontally on the right side of Dong Qin's belly. A bunch of flower branches and five flowers were very bright in color. They seemed to be dripping blood.

The stabbing skill is very good, and the flowers are also very beautiful, but somehow Xia Feng always feels that the flowers have a feeling of evil.

"Red cherry blossoms, how can they feel like blood cherry blossoms." Xia Feng muttered. He looked left and right, but he could no longer see a name. He took out his mobile phone and took two pictures first, and then thought, "no, Chen Xin's Fox Spirit's tail is hidden deep, I can't listen to her."

He picked up Dong Qin's underwear and trousers, put them on, covered them three points, pulled them down and took a picture.

Such photos are similar to swimsuit photos. Although some are not easy to see, Chen Xin can't use such photos to coerce Dong Qin.

Took a picture and hesitated again.

In fact, if he really wants to find out the secret of red cherry blossoms, he can use mind taking to make Dong Qin, wake her up and ask her.

However, there is something wrong with mind taking. We should first massage the acupoints with Qi into the brain, and then perform the operation after controlling the acupoints of the human brain with Qi.

If it is meridians, there is no problem with gas transmission, but it is the brain nerve that controls the human brain. This is very complex. If it is not good, there may be a problem. If Dong Qin suffers any injury to his brain, or has a tumor or something like that, as soon as the gas is input, the old injury is cracked, or the tumor expands after getting the gas and compresses the brain nerves, people may become fools or crazy.

The memory of the magic eye and the use of mind taking will go wrong five out of ten times, almost half the probability.

The complexity of the human brain is a problem. There are also problems with mind taking itself. It's a little too overbearing. It directly controls people's brain nerves through gas infusion, and people's brain nerves are nerve reflex. It's so savage and hard that there's no problem.

Put away the mobile phone and pull a little sheet to cover Dong Qin's stomach. Xia Feng took a bath first and tangled with Dong Qin for more than two hours. The smell of sweat mixed with the smell became a very strange smell.

Hua Yuna's noses are very sensitive. If they don't take a bath, they will be able to smell it.

After taking a bath, putting on her clothes, she didn't wake Dong Qin up and let her sleep well. Although she wanted to ask about the red cherry, it was not urgent. Besides, if the red cherry really had any secrets, Dong Qin's shrewdness might not be able to ask.

A woman like Dong Qin is not a little girl who has not been deeply involved in the world. Once a man has a body, he can take out his heart. Dong Qin will only take advantage of the situation to take out a man's heart. It's difficult to take out her heart.

He just massaged Dong Qin's brain a little. Such a massage only stimulated the epidermal acupoints of the brain without getting angry and entering the cerebral plexus. It would be fine, because he used to massage Dong Qin to sleep deeply, and then massage to make her easy to wake up, so as not to delay things all night. Her club is mainly for business at night and wants to open a shop.

After leaving the club and driving home, Zhu Wenwen was still at home. The three were chatting. Seeing Xia Feng coming back, Wang Zihan got up: "I'm back. I'll cook right away."

Hua Yuna waved to Xia Feng: "Xia Xia, come on, look at this skirt. Is it beautiful?"

Xia Feng sat down. There was cold tea on the table. I didn't know whether it was Wang Zihan or Hua Yuna. No matter what, he took it up and poured a cup. He played Dong Qin for more than two hours. It consumed a lot and really had a dry mouth.

By the way, squint at the picture on Hua Yuna's mobile phone. It's a medium long pink long sleeved skirt.

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