Dong Qin made a phone call in Xia Feng's arms. When she finished, she bit Xia Feng and said, "you bastard, you're crazy."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "I can't blame you, but sister Dong. You're too sexy."

Dong Qin bit him again, but he was weak. In fact, the whole person was soft and his teeth seemed to be crisp.

She is a shrewd and powerful person. She always only uses men. No man can really conquer her, but this time, she feels that she is really conquered by Xia Feng.

After making a phone call, Xia Feng took her to take a bath again. They were soaking in the bathtub. Dong Qin was as soft as a boneless jellyfish. She even had no strength to lie down and asked Xia Feng to hold her.

Of course, Xia Feng was willing to hold her and joked. He seemed to be casual and asked, "sister Dong, what are you doing with a red peach blossom here?"

"Fun." Dong Qin's voice was soft and weak, with a little hoarse voice and a charming way: "do you think it looks good?"

"Good looking." Xia Feng nodded, stroked it with his hand and appreciated it carefully: "but it seems too gorgeous, just like blood."

"Because it's not a peach blossom, it's a cherry blossom." Dong Qin said it himself.

Xia Fengguo was surprised and said, "it's cherry blossoms. No wonder it seems different from peach blossoms."

He asked again, "who tattooed it for you? It's in this place."

Dong Qin chuckled, "why, I'm jealous."

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded, "it's tattooed here, OK that one."

He behaved like a little man. Dong Qin chuckled and leaned to Xia Feng's ear: "when I tattooed, I didn't wear pants."

Seeing Xia Feng's ugly face, she giggled and said, "but the technician is a woman."

"OK, dare to tease me." Xia Feng slapped her on the ass.

"Yo, take it easy. Damn it, my whole body seems to be crispy." Dong Qin sprinkles Jiao.

Xia Feng gave her a massage and didn't ask about the red cherry blossom. Dong Qin obviously wouldn't say it. Moreover, the woman was very alert. Xia Feng didn't dare to ask again for fear of arousing her vigilance.

Dong Qin called to order a meal and ordered red wine. They ate while Dong Qin turned on the TV.

At this time, it was put in the 100 news of Linjiang station. Before the evening news, from six to seven, it caught the time period on people's dinner table, and the effect was very good.

Dong Qin pointed to the anchor and said, "do you know?"

"Of course." Xia Feng nodded, "Zhao Rui, the first beauty in Linjiang platform, also said that Linjiang is the first beauty."

"Why?" Dong Qin looked at him and said, "I don't seem convinced by your words. Is there anything more beautiful than her?"

"More." Xia Feng flattered Dong Qin by the way: "I have one in front of me."

In this case, Dong Qin certainly likes to hear it. Although she knows she can't compare with Zhao Rui, it's comfortable in her ears.

"Who else?" Dong Qin was also half lying in Xia Feng's arms. The woman was very coquettish and twisted her waist at the moment.

Xia Feng certainly wouldn't say that a pile of photos in his mobile phone are all first-class beauties, but showing off these in front of a woman is to find abuse. He wouldn't be stupid to this extent and said, "Guan Zhilin is more beautiful than her."

Speaking of Guan Zhilin, Dong Qin had to be convinced. She hummed slightly, suddenly looked up and said, "do you want to play with her?"

"Who?" Xia Feng was surprised: "Guan Zhilin? Think about it."

"What do you think?" Dong Qinjiao pinched him angrily. "I mean Zhao Rui."

Xia Feng didn't know what she meant. She turned to look at her and said, "Linjiang wants to play with her more. At present, the men staring at the TV don't want to play with her, basically not?"

"Men don't have a good thing." Dong Qin snorted: "I know Zhao Rui. She comes to me from time to time to play and drink K songs."

"So what?" although Xia Feng's heart was hot for a while, he didn't dare to say anything.

He now has more women and knows what kind of creature women are, or so far, he has no idea what kind of creature women are. It's best to be cautious in front of them, especially when talking about other women.

"What's up?" Dong Qin looked at him with a smile. "Then I can introduce you to her. I can also recommend that you massage very well. She also wears high-heeled shoes. It's certain that her feet are sour. Then you massage her and use your ghost technique. It's not the same as me. She cried and pushed you backwards."

Xia Feng used a massage technique yesterday. Naturally, she can't hide it from a smart woman like Dong Qin.

"That's not good." Xia Feng refused, mainly because she couldn't find out what Dong Qin meant. No woman took the initiative to let her lover go to another woman.

"What's good?" Dong Qin was so angry that she pinched him: "why didn't you say anything to me yesterday?"

"That's because you're too sexy, sister. I can't control myself." Xia Feng flattered with a smile.

Dong Qin snorted and accepted his flattery. He snorted and said, "I'll inform you next time she comes."

Xia Feng looked at her. Her peach eyes were rippling and could not see through. Dong Qin seemed to understand his psychology and giggled: "don't think nonsense. To tell you the truth, I like men, but I prefer women, especially proud women like Zhao Rui."

"Wow." Xia Feng exclaimed, "sister Dong, you let me be defeated."

Dong Qin giggled: "well, let me help you. Let you play with her first, and then you give her to me. Otherwise, the three of us can play together."

"Deal." Xia Feng believed she was not lying and agreed immediately.

"I knew you would promise." Dong Qin smiled and looked at him with peach eyes: "and Yin Sha, I haven't been successful, or I'll give you a discount."

This proposal made Xia Feng hesitate. It's not that Yin Sha is not beautiful. Yin Sha is at least no worse than Dong Qin. Although it's not particularly beautiful, they are all women with temperament and rhyme. Such women have more flavor than a little girl with only one face.

The problem is that Yin Sha knows Wang Tielin and them, which makes him a little afraid.

Wang Tielin, they treat him sincerely now. He doesn't want them to treat him as an asshole.

"Why, don't you think Yin Sha is beautiful?" Dong Qin asked curiously.

"No." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "it's mainly too familiar. I'm sorry to say."

"I'm sorry for you." Dong Qin poked him with a finger and said, "well, I'll let you know if I have a chance, but Yin Sha is very busy and can't catch her easily."

Her face was eager, and Xia Feng didn't refuse. Yin Sha's amorous feelings were charming and quite moving.

Xia Feng has many women now, but no man thinks he has too many women, so he nodded.

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