Dai Liang thought about it, shook his head and said, "impossible."

Yes, in any way, there can be no close relationship between Zhao Rui and Xia Feng.

Even if Zhao Rui wants to find a lover, it can never be Xia Feng. In Dai Liang's eyes, Xia Feng is almost good for nothing except an advertising manager. Even if he is compared with him, he can't compare with him. Not to mention that there are so many handsome boys in TV stations, and there are so many rich and powerful people in provincial capital cities such as Linjiang. Zhao Rui wants to have an affair with as many people as crucian carp across the river, and Xia Feng is not even a small fish, Hold up a small earth shrimp.

"If Zhao Rui steals him, even I will despise her." Dai Liang shook his head disdainfully.

Xia Feng doesn't know this. Take the elevator. This apartment building has a tower structure, one ladder and three households. Zhao Rui's is 1501.

Ring the doorbell. After a while, the cat's eye flashed, and the door opened immediately.

"Xiao Xia, come in." Zhao Rui smiled and took slippers for Xia Feng.

She is wearing a light green thin woolen sweater and a pair of white high waist and small leg pants. She is taller than Dong Qin. Her legs are wrapped in the small leg pants, which looks extremely slender and beautiful.

"Sit down." Zhao Rui asked Xia Feng to come in and sit down, and made him tea: "the food will be ready soon, ten minutes at most."

"Sister Zhao is so polite." Xia Feng smiled politely.

"No." Zhao Rui said with a smile, "yesterday you helped me adjust, but I didn't accept the money. I invited you to dinner, of course."

"This welfare is good." Xia Feng said with a smile, "others can only hear sister Zhao's voice on TV. I can also taste the dishes cooked by sister Zhao. Suddenly, I feel a sense of happiness."

Hearing this, Zhao Rui giggled: "my craft is not very good. Don't dislike it later."

Then he turned and went into the kitchen.

Xia Feng looked at her back. She was in excellent shape and walked with a sense of rhythm. Xia Feng had to sigh: "beauty is beauty, everywhere is beautiful."

But in fact, he knows that anchors like Zhao Rui have been trained in manners and physique. They are beautiful all the way because they have received professional training, but on the contrary, she also has a natural foundation. If you get a fat woman, even if the training is doubled, you can't have the effect of Zhao Rui.

Xia Feng picked up his tea cup and took a look at the house.

Zhao Rui's house is a hardbound room with two bedrooms and one living room. It is refined with a sense of the times and with the hostess's unique taste. It is simple and generous, but it gives people a pleasant feeling.

This is a woman with good taste.

Zhao Rui's hands and feet were fast. Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, three dishes and one soup came out of the pot.

"It's full of color, smell and fragrance." Xia Feng exclaimed, "I have a blessing in mouth today."

Women love to listen to praise, and Zhao Rui is no exception. Listening to Xia Feng's praise, she giggled and said, "try it and see if it suits your taste."

Xia Feng took a piece of beef and tasted it. He praised it repeatedly: "fragrant, especially tender. This is the tenderest beef I've ever eaten."

"Really?" Zhao Rui was very happy.

At the moment, she is not as cold as half a silk on weekdays.

There are two reasons. One is to thank Xia Feng for entertaining Xia Feng at home and holding a shelf. That's certainly not good.

The other is Xia Feng's reason. Yesterday, Xia Feng had a massage and gave her gas. She was close to the gas, so when she saw Xia Feng, she would naturally feel cordial.

Dai Liang believes that Zhao Rui doesn't like Xia Feng. He doesn't know that there is gas in this world, which will make people like a magnet, close to, and attract with gas.

The soup was yam soup. Zhao Rui gave Xia Feng a bowl and said, "Xiao Xia, try this soup."

The temperature of that day was about ten degrees. The soup just came out of the pot was steaming. Xia Feng moved in his heart and said, "drink the soup first."

Zhao Rui has made great efforts to cook, but what's the smell of soup? She was stunned at the smell: "the smell of soup?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "sister Zhao, look."

He said, holding a sword finger in his right hand and aiming at the soup.

The heat of yam soup was originally dispersed. When he pointed, the heat suddenly condensed into a line, just like a cigarette in a windless state.

"Ah." Zhao Rui couldn't help shouting, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Yesterday, Xia Feng sent her Qi and gave her a massage. She knew that Xia Feng had real Kung Fu, but unexpectedly, Xia Feng's Qi could condense into a column.

At this time, Xia Feng pointed slightly, and the fog line slowly floated to Zhao Rui. Xia Feng smiled and said, "sister Zhao, please."

Zhao Rui was surprised, curious and a little afraid: "how do you drink this?"

"Suck it with your nose." Xia Feng said with a smile, "the smell of soup is all in this aroma. It will be very strong. I'll drink it for you first."

He said, his fingers moved back, and the line of air column suddenly turned around. The flexible posture was like a living snake. When Xia Feng came in front of Xia Feng's nose, Xia Feng gently sucked it, and the air column entered his nostril.

"Fragrant, really fragrant." Xia Feng closed his eyes and felt it on his face.

Zhao Rui looked at him. Xia Feng looked ordinary, but the appearance of smoking and spitting fog seemed to have a bit of Fairy Spirit.

"Sister Zhao, you try." Xia Feng opened his eyes and led the gas column to Zhao Rui.

"OK, I'll try." seeing the air column floating towards her face and reaching to her nostrils, Zhao Rui had a very novel feeling. She couldn't help but put her nose forward and inhaled it gently. She only felt a strong fragrance coming straight through her nose.

"Ah, it's so fragrant." she couldn't help crying out in surprise: "it doesn't seem to smell so fragrant at ordinary times."

"Because the aroma is scattered at ordinary times, it will become a line now, which means that the aroma is thickened, so it is particularly fragrant." Xia Feng explained.

"So it is." Zhao Rui suddenly realized.

Xia Feng said: "the so-called color, smell and taste are complete, but if you really eat goods, you must first smell the fragrance."

"Xiao Xia, you are really a strange person." Zhao Rui couldn't help praising.

Xia Feng continued to show off: "then when it comes to color, the soup can also be colored."

"Tang nonferrous?" this stunned Zhao Rui again. She was an anchor and part-time reporter. She was well-informed, but Tang nonferrous was really heard for the first time. Isn't Tang just a fog? What color can it have?

Xia Feng knew she didn't understand. In fact, he didn't understand before he just read something and the magic eye made trouble.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "sister Zhao, look."

As he said this, with the pressure of his fingers, the originally raised air column suddenly turned back and pressed into the basin, and then Xia Feng's fingers moved gently. The air column scattered and became a fog sea. A line of air column in the fog sea rose up. With the action of Xia Feng's fingers, he turned into a woman. Dressed in ancient clothes, he danced in the fog sea.

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