Zhao Rui drilled into Xia Feng's arms and closed her eyes. Her brain was completely blank. She went to sleep in a little while.

Xia Feng, of course.

He is not afraid of fatigue. No matter how tired he is, he can recover after closing his eyes and luck for a week.

He is satisfied. A woman like Zhao Rui really makes men feel extremely satisfied.

This satisfaction made him close his eyes and go to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, Zhao Rui woke up. Morning exercise is necessary, but Zhao Rui flirted with him: "Xia Xia, I'm going to play later. Don't be too cruel."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "it's all right. I'll be angry with you when it's over. I promise you'll recover soon."

When finished, Xia Feng gave Zhao Rui a gas and went to the hot spring together.

After soaking, Zhao Rui only felt that her whole body was empty and refreshing, unspeakably comfortable.

She changed into a white lady dress, tied a yellow lace around her waist, and added a yellow sun hat.

Xia Feng looked silly directly and knelt down on one knee and said, "fairy of the nine worlds, please give me a kiss."

Zhao Rui giggled, stretched out her hand and let him kiss.

Then Xia Feng fell down and said, "ah, happiness is dead."

Zhao Rui stooped with laughter.

Xia Feng caught another fish. This time Zhao Rui made breakfast. It was also instant noodles in fish soup.

After breakfast, the two went to explore in the canyon.

The more you go inside, the more open the canyon is. You can't see it clearly on the ground. If you look through the eagle's eye, the canyon is a big horn. The entrance is narrow. The more you go inside, the bigger it will be.

Seven or eight miles out, there is a small plain surrounded by mountains.

On the plain, there is a stone pillar, which stands straight there, about 20 to 30 meters in diameter and hundreds of meters high.

If it is a mountain, 100 meters is not high, but a single stone pillar, and then stand alone on the small plain, it is particularly eye-catching.

"Wow." Xia Feng couldn't help shouting, "this pillar alone is very attractive."

"Yes." Zhao Rui also exclaimed, "my colleagues were very surprised last time. They called this Optimus a pillar."

"Hot springs, waterfalls, and Optimus Prime, with these three kinds, this scenic spot is completely worth developing." Xia Fengqi said: "why didn't it be developed later?"

"It's too difficult to develop." Zhao Rui shook her head. "It's mainly the way into the mountain. We come through the mountain. If we develop a tourist route, we have to use a highway. The mountain is too steep, so we can only take a deep road."

Zhao Rui recalled and said, "I have the impression that the relevant departments have roughly calculated that if we want to go straight here from the village where we came in, we need to play at least 20 kilometers of deep road, and one kilometer of deep road, the cost is about 30 million."

"Ah." Xia Feng called, "the light will be six or seven hundred million."

"Yes." Zhao Rui nodded. "There is a rough estimate that it will take about 1.2 to 1.5 billion to develop all the hot spring Canyon Scenic spots."

"So many." Xia Feng thought earlier that he had more than 100 million, and the scenic spot is really good. If possible, he might as well develop it himself. At this moment, he can't hold it.

"At least so much." Zhao Rui nodded: "Linjiang doesn't have the money. General private bosses, with the money, might as well go to Linjiang to develop the real estate. The collection is faster and the benefits are greater, so they have been dragged down."

"That's true." Xia Feng agreed: "there's nothing more profitable than real estate now."

"It's mainly that the payment should be collected much faster." Zhao Rui knows more and says, "if you really want to do a tourism project, you may not be able to return the capital within 30 years. Generally, for such a tourism project, the contract is 30 to 50 years at most."

"That doesn't mean doing it in vain." Xia Feng shouted, "just deposit one billion in the bank for 30 years."

There are no 1.5 billion people who will deposit in the bank. This sentence alone shows that today's him is not broad-minded enough.

Zhao Rui didn't laugh at him, but looked at Optimus Prime and said, "if only she could climb to the top of the stone pillar and have a look."

"It's easy." Xia Feng looked at the stone pillar: "do you want to go up?"

"Yes." Zhao Rui nodded, "but I can't get on without a helicopter." "who said."

Xia Feng got Zhao Rui, the male wind soared and said, "look."

With that, he ran to the stone pillar.

At this time, they had one or two hundred meters across the stone pillar. Zhao Rui shouted, "what are you doing?"

Xia Feng didn't look back and shouted, "I'll go up and explore the way first. I'll take you up later."

Zhao Rui was stunned when she heard what he said. He went up to explore the way and took her up. Isn't this a fool's dream?

Xia Feng ran under the stone pillar and didn't climb at all, but accelerated his speed. He ran all the way up, and his speed didn't decrease at all, even faster. In some places, he almost jumped up.

Zhao Rui watched helplessly. Xia Feng ran to the top of the stone pillar in less than a minute, and then waved to her on the top of the stone pillar: "Hey, the fairy below, do you want to come up and play?"

Zhao Rui's eyes almost fell out. This man is stronger than she imagined!

She was almost crazy and screamed, "I want, Xia Xia, I want."

"Come here if you want." Xia Feng waved.

Zhao Rui immediately ran over. She ran under the stone pillar, looked up and fainted.

I can't feel it from a distance. Looking closer, the stone pillar suddenly seems to be getting bigger and shaking. It's going to fall down against her.

However, she is a highly educated and high-quality white-collar elite. Knowing that this is a visual error, she just closed her eyes, calmed down, looked up and suddenly gave a terrible scream.

Because Xia Feng jumped down directly.

But then she was stunned, because Xia Feng jumped down very slowly. People fell from high places. They all fell down, but Xia Feng didn't.

Xia Feng actually stepped in the air, as if there were stairs in the void, so he stepped down.

Go to her, land, take two steps, then a beautiful fox trot, turn around and face her with a smile.

"Xia Xia." Zhao Rui put her fist into her mouth and looked at him blankly. Her beautiful eyes were as round as a light bulb, and almost really wanted to fall out.

It's incredible.

Xia Feng smiled: "haven't you read martial arts novels? Eight steps to catch cicadas and Ling Xu Buddha shadow."

This is nonsense. He can't practice martial arts. It's the magical eyes of the devil that let him do this.

"Xia Xia." Zhao Rui screamed, jumped up suddenly, jumped directly onto Xia Feng, put her hands around his neck, put her feet on his waist, and screamed, "I want to."

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