"I'm just saying a fact." Zhu Wenwen shook his head and said, "OK, now I don't want you to rob Nana. Xia Xia means that we should be good friends. He is willing to give his friends some help. If you don't want it, I can't help it."

"I" Min Jiajia looked at Zhu Wenwen and Xia Feng. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Xia Feng looked at her like this. He couldn't bear it. He stretched out his hand and hugged her and said, "it's okay."

"Well." Min Jiajia answered skillfully, "then I'll write an IOU. Sister Nana and sister Zihan won't blame you if they see the IOU. I'm sure I'll pay it back."

"Fool." Zhu Wenwen scolded in his heart, turned his eyes and said, "of course, you should write an IOU, otherwise Xia Xia can't pay the difference, and it's not easy to help us in the future."

Xia Feng didn't know her mind and smiled: "it doesn't matter."

"That won't work." Zhu Wenwen insisted, "if you don't borrow a note, we won't borrow it."

Min Jiajia nodded, and Xia Feng had to promise.

Talk and laugh. Until twelve o'clock, Xia Feng sent Zhu Wenwen back. Zhu Wenwen looked at Xia Feng with a smile and said, "why don't Jiajia stay?"

Min Jiajia's face is red, but she looks happy in Xia Feng's eyes. Obviously, she is very willing to.

Xia Feng was also impulsive, but he still shook his head: "I promised Nana that they should keep their words. If I don't keep my words, you won't really believe my friend in the future."

When he said so, Zhu Wenwen couldn't help it. He looked disappointed.

Xia Feng drove the car and sent min Jiajia home first. Min Jiajia was reluctant to give up Xia Feng and asked him to sit in her house. Xia Feng Zhu Wenwen followed up. As a result, there was a quarrel in the house.

It turned out that they were six sisters who rented a four bedroom and one living room. As a result, two sisters also brought boyfriends. It was too inconvenient for her sister, so they quarreled.

Zhu Wenwen frowned and said, "it's a mess. There's a miasma. Jiajia, you might as well rent another house."

Xia Feng immediately nodded and said, "Jiajia, don't live here. Move now."

In the hall sat a young man with long hair. He was tall and handsome. He should be a male model, but he looked ruffian. His eyes slipped on Xia Feng's face and the corners of his mouth tilted. It was obvious that Xia Feng's long figure made him look down on him.

His eyes turned to Zhu Wenwen. His eyes lit up and shouted, "Yo, here comes a big sister."

He had a strange accent. Zhu Wenwen was annoyed for a moment. His eyes coagulated and glanced at him: "from the fourth hospital? How did you let you out?"

When others didn't say this, Xia Feng was stunned first, and then smiled.

During this period of communication, Zhu Wenwen came to his house with a smile. She was generous and intelligent in dealing with people and speaking. To speak of, her overall performance was not only inferior to that of Hua Yuna, but also inferior to that of Wang Zihan.

From Hua Yuna's daily gossip, Xia Feng also knows that Zhu Wenwen is a very smart and even cunning woman, who is especially good at being a man. Among Hua Yuna's Gang, she can be said to be a very excellent one.

Zhu Wenwen has such a hot side. The fourth hospital is a neurological hospital. This curse is excellent. Xia Feng didn't expect it.

The man with long hair was stunned by the scolding. Then he was angry and stared: "do you believe me?"

"Are you also called Laozi in front of your mother?" Zhu Wenwen snorted coldly.

"I won't kill you today. I believe you." the long haired man shouted angrily and rushed to beat Zhu Wenwen.

Of course, Xia Feng would not see her beaten. He took a step forward and flashed in front of Zhu Wenwen. He kicked the long haired man on the stomach and kicked the long haired man back to the sofa. The sofa almost fell over.

"Ah." the long haired man shouted wildly, jumped up again, grabbed the ashtray on the tea table and rushed over.

Before he approached, Xia Feng kicked him back to the sofa again. This foot was a little heavy. The long haired man rolled down on the sofa with his stomach and couldn't get up.

"Seek, seek." a female model screamed, came to hold him, turned to look at Xia Feng and shouted, "don't hit him, don't hit him."

Then he looked at Zhu Wenwen: "sister Wen, don't hit him."

They are all in the same circle. She obviously knows Zhu Wenwen.

Zhu Wenwen snorted and said to min Jiajia, "Jiajia, which one are you? Clean up and let's go."

"Hey." Min Jiajia was scared to shrink beside her and held her by the corner of her clothes. At this time, she hurriedly answered. When she came to her house, she still had two big boxes, buckets, pots and clothes shelves. Thanks to her girl, how did she move it at that time.

Although Zhu Wenwen helped, it took more than 20 minutes. It was really fast. It was almost ready. Min Jiajia also said goodbye to two girls who shared a good relationship. At this time, the doorbell rang.

The man with long hair had been sitting on the sofa panting. When he heard the door bell, he jumped up and ran to open the door. Five or six people rushed in, headed by a bald head.

The long haired man pointed to Xia Feng: "it's him."

It turned out that although he was silent on the sofa, he actually called someone by text message.

Min Jiajia screamed with fear. Zhu Wenwen grabbed her hand and said, "don't be afraid."

When the eyes are clear, they look at the summer peak.

Yes, she is a very clever and even cunning woman. She is very good at judging the situation. If at ordinary times, she won't have such a fierce conflict with the long haired man. The reason why she is like this today is that Xia Feng followed.

She knew Xia Feng's ability, and that time when she swam by the river, she saw that Xia Feng could not only fight, but also had a background. At that time, the police were so polite to him, which was by no means what ordinary people could do.

So she did not hesitate to provoke a conflict with the long haired man today.

And she is intentional, because the more things happen between her and Xia Feng, the more involved they will be.

Xia Feng doesn't want her now, but maybe one day, she will have a chance.

Previously, she said she wanted to write an IOU. She originally scolded min Jiajia for being silly, but later she changed her mind. In fact, it was also this meaning. She was involved with Xia Feng as much as possible.

The chopping continues and the reason is still chaotic. At that time, Xia Feng can't easily give up her.

Xia Feng wouldn't know her mind. When she saw the long haired man call someone, Xia Feng was happy and didn't bother to talk nonsense. She greeted her, slapped her fist and feet, knocked them all to the ground, and finally slapped the long haired man, which made him spin and couldn't get up on his knees.

The model girlfriend of the long haired man was worried again and rushed over and screamed, "stop fighting, please stop fighting, sister Wen, let him stop fighting, okay?"

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