But it can't be compared like this. There are few women like Zhao Rui in Linjiang, so they are called the first beautiful anchor in Linjiang, and Ju Minger is just an ordinary person.

"The voice is like six points, the long image is like four points, the figure is like three points, and the temperament is completely different."

At a glance, Xia Feng gave a score. He was slightly disappointed. He really wanted to see the second Zhao Rui.

But when I think about it, I burst out laughing. Where can I meet a woman like Zhao Rui?

He has more women through his strange magic eyes. In terms of appearance, Lin Xiaoxian can press Zhao Rui, but his temperament is not comparable.

Wang Zihan, Hua Yuna and Zhu Wenwen are superior to them in their height and natural clothes hanger, but they can't compare with Zhao Rui as a whole.

Even Kong Fuzhi and Xue Yue can spell their looks and temperament, but they are like Zhao Rui's 80 to 90 points.

Xia Feng was disappointed, and Ju Minger was almost the same. Ju Minger only looked at Xia Feng, but didn't look at it for the second time.

A little shy is one reason, but Xia Feng's height and appearance disappointed her a little, which is also one reason.

She was disappointed. Xia Feng saw it in her eyes. She was happy in her heart and sighed secretly: "I really don't like my brother by his appearance."

It used to be like this in the cement plant. I came to Linjiang for a year. I thought he was a good beauty at first sight. I haven't met any of them.

Ju Minger served tea and hid back in the kitchen. Later, her mother came out and looked at it. She said hello very warmly.

The little girl looks handsome, but her mother-in-law pays more attention to reality.

Wang pangzi blew a lot for Xia Feng, holding several hundred million words in his hand, which was always on his lips. Therefore, Ju Minger's mother looked at Xia Feng and was pretty good. She looked OK and her height was OK. Then she was still young and had such a future. She could be called a golden turtle son-in-law.

Ju Minger's father basically listened to his wife. Ju Minger's mother was satisfied with Xia Feng. Ju Minger's father smiled and said nothing. At the dinner table, he asked about Xia Feng, where he came from and how many people he lived, mainly about Xia Feng's work income. Then Xia Feng personally confirmed that he was really an advertising manager. He had hundreds of millions of advertising expenses to invest. He could be a master, Ju Minger's mother laughed.

Ju ming'er should be a good girl. At least she behaved like this on the table. She was speechless all the way. In the middle, she peeped at Xia Feng and passed quietly, like a bird peeping at the window. It's very interesting.

After dinner, Wang pangzi said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, take ming'er out to play. Young people, you should have more contact. Love is talking."

Ju Minger's mother nodded at one side: "our Minger has been the most obedient since childhood. I am also strict. I am not allowed to go out with those messy people, but Xiaoxia is good. You can go out and play and come back for dinner in the evening."

Xia Feng is actually not interested. He wants to find an excuse to say that he can't go to work, because previously, Wang pangzi helped him blow, saying that he can make money and freedom at work, and he also helped Wu Qian shop to touch snails every day - in fact, he hasn't touched them for a long time, whether it's Wu Qian or snails.

Xia Feng didn't think so much at that time, so he should come down. Now he wants him to take Ju Minger out to play, but he's stupid and can't find an excuse.

Then go out and play. It doesn't matter. Anyway, Ju ming'er should be a little beauty, not ugly. It's OK to take him out for a walk.

Two people came out and got on the bus. Xia Feng asked, "where do you want to play?"

Ju Minger's face is red and he doesn't dare to look at him. Now the city girls are all waves. It's really rare that she is like this. Xia Feng is more interested for a moment, so he looks at her with a smile.

Ju ming'er looked even more red and said, "I had an appointment with my cousin to go to the pedestrian street this afternoon."

Speaking of this, Xia Feng nodded, "OK, let's go to the pedestrian street."

Ju ming'er sent a text message to her cousin and followed up on the way. Cousin Ju Minger is about 30. She looks medium and upper. She has a white bottomed shirt on her upper body and a red knitted cardigan outside. She has a full charm of young women.

Ju Minger's cousin is very talkative. After saying hello to Xia Feng, she chatted with Xia Feng and went to the pedestrian street for half an hour. Basically, she was talking.

Fortunately, Xia Feng didn't mean much to Ju Minger, otherwise this is really a big light bulb.

Go to the pedestrian street, park the car and stroll in all the way. In the middle, Ju Minger's cousin called. After visiting two stores, Ju Minger said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, I talked to my aunt just now. My aunt is still satisfied with you. My aunt can't say something. I'm cousin Ming, so I'll say it straight."

Is this an offer? Xia Feng didn't know how to deal with it, so he had to listen.

Of course, this is normal. All blind dates are like this. Unless both parties don't like it and like it, talk about conditions. What is free love and free marriage? The first half is reasonable and the second half is farting.

Love is a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families. You can't be free.

Ju Minger was very shy. When she heard that she wanted to raise conditions, she hid behind her cousin. Xia Feng looked at it and thought it was very interesting.

Cousin Ju Minger said: "What my aunt means is that you buy a suite in Linjiang and write the names of you and ming'er. As for the car, you can have one. Then, if ming'er always wants to open a shop, you can help her open a shop in the pedestrian street. Do you think it's ok? If you can do it, you can pull the marriage certificate these days, and then you can take ming'er back for the new year. We ming'er is also beautiful and will certainly make her happy You have a beautiful scenery. "

The price is really real, but it tastes a little stale.

Is this a blind date or selling meat.

The three walked side by side. Cousin Ju Minger was in the middle. Xia Feng turned his head and just saw Ju Minger's eyes peeking at him. They had four eyes. Ju Minger's eyes immediately took back, like a frightened little bird.

Xia Feng was both funny and annoyed. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

This society is so realistic.

He doesn't lack the money today, but he's really uncomfortable and wants to roar.

Just then, he suddenly heard Zhu Wenwen cry, "Xia Xia."

Xia Feng looked up and walked stuffy. He actually came to the front of Min Jiajia's shop.

Min Jiajia is also there. There is a man with a ruler book in his hand. He should be the contractor of the decoration team.

Min Jiajia saw Xia Feng and cried sweetly, "Xia Xia."

"Started to decorate?" Xia Feng walked over and asked.

Ju ming'er and her cousin were curious when they saw two beautiful women greeting Xia Feng affectionately.

"Yes." Min Jiajia couldn't restrain the excitement on her face. The girl was really happy to open a shop.

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