Xia Feng hurriedly said, "Nannan, write about you alone first. Isn't your brother going to come here? Your parents will certainly come by then. Let's have a look at this house for them. In the second half of the year, we'll buy a villa and write our names."

After this arrangement, Hu Nannan immediately burst into laughter and kissed Xia Feng on the spot: "thank you, husband."

Just call your husband.

Xia Feng is happy.

In the hardbound room, you can check in with your bag, but there are still a lot of things to buy. Hu Nannan was in a good mood and said, "don't go back today, jiao'er, go shopping with me."

"OK." Han jiao'er was also excited. She couldn't see Xia Feng before. This guy threw out three million yuan and let her completely change her eyes. Such a trench must make friends. As for what deputy director, go cool.

But Xia Feng asked, "don't you have to be on duty at night?"

"No matter." Hu Nannan shook his head and said, "I'll call my eldest son and ask him to replace me."

He called, then ran to the pedestrian street and swept all the way.

In the past, Hu Nannan came to visit, holding a Flat Wallet, and dared not sell it easily. Sometimes she spent a day shopping and finally bought a set of underwear.

Now it's different. What you see and what you buy are even different from the one a few days ago.

She brushed all the way. Later, she didn't ask the price at all. Just look at what she likes, one word, buy.

Xia Feng's performance made her more happy. Occasionally she met two styles and colors. She hesitated and spoiled Xia Feng: "husband, which color to buy?"

Xia Feng waved: "buy it all."

That moat, hearing the shopkeeper's smile, Han Jiaoer was stunned and full of envy.

Hu Nannan's face seemed to be painted with ten jin of polishing paint - BEI'ER has face.

"This is the life that Hu Nannan should live." she cried in her heart. Looking at Xia Feng, she loved her to the bone.

After dark, I painted more than 300000. Many things have to be delivered by the store. No matter how strong Xia Fengli is, he can't move back.

"Jiao'er, it's hard. I'll treat you to a big meal and you can set the shop." it's impossible to cook by yourself when you send things home. You can only eat outside. Hu Nannan once again showed her pride in front of Han jiao'er.

"Little sheep." Han jiao'er was also not polite: "I'm sorry for my feet. I'm almost paralyzed."

It is said that she is tired and paralyzed. In fact, she is excited. A woman is a creature and a natural Shopaholic. She is also excited even if she helps others buy.

And she is not at a loss. Xia Feng gave her a silk scarf, which costs more than 3000.

Of course, the most important thing is that I have known Xia Feng, a mysterious trench. I have heard many stories about the rich, but it is the first time in my life to really spend money with the rich.

After eating together, Han Jiaoer went home. Hu Nannan came back with Xia Feng and entered the elevator in the community. She jumped on Xia Feng's back: "husband, carry me. I can't walk."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "does pig Bajie carry his daughter-in-law?"

Hu Nannan giggled and bit his ear: "I love pig Bajie."

Laughing, the elevator arrived, opened the door and entered the house. Hu Nannan twisted up on Xia Feng. Xia Feng hugged Hu Nannan and kissed him for a while. He said, "I'm sweating. Let's take a bath first. Let's go together, OK?"

At more than nine o'clock the next day, Xia Feng was still sleeping with Hu Nannan in his arms. Hu Nannan's mobile phone rang and Han jiao'er called: "mumbling, I'm still going shopping today. No, I'll help you calculate. You still have a lot of things to buy."

It was hard last night. Hu Nannan didn't want to get up so early, but as soon as he heard about shopping, he came back and twisted on Xia Feng: "husband, shall we go shopping?"

Hu Nannan's performance last night was so good. Now Xia Feng can't say bad, so let's continue to get together.

Hurry up to take a bath and eat something casually. Han jiao'er has come, and then goes shopping. Until more than two o'clock, Hu Nan finally has a feeling of satisfaction. I went home to receive the goods and ate something. It's almost five o'clock. I must hurry back. I have to be on duty in the evening.

After saying goodbye to Han jiao'er, Han jiao'er reluctantly said, "mumble, if you have time, you will come to Jiangcheng to play. Now you have a house in Jiangcheng, and you are also from Jiangcheng."

Hearing this, Hu Nannan was very happy and said in a crisp voice, "I'll come to you for shopping when I have time."

Then he got on the bus. Xia Feng let Hu Nannan's car drive in front. Hu Nannan quit and said, "I'm your woman. You're in front, I'll follow you. I'll follow you wherever you go."

Xia Feng was so happy when he heard this, so he took the lead, followed by Hu Nannan's BMW.

His car could have been parked in the community, but he had to drive to Linjiang on the fifth day of junior high school, so he had to drive back.

When you get to the cement plant, it's more than six o'clock. Go home first.

Hu Nannan's BMW drove home and stopped in front of the door. When her mother saw it, she was surprised and said, "where did you get this car? It seems to be a BMW? Who did you borrow it?"

"What? I can't borrow it myself." Hu Nannan smiled brightly and got off the bus with her bag. She bought a coat for Hu Ma and a Wuliangye for her father. This Wuliangye alone costs more than 20000. Her salary for a year, but now it's completely inappropriate.

"Your own?" Hu Ma looked in front of the car and went back to the house: "did you buy it?"

"Xia Feng gave it to me." Hu Nannan proudly took out his clothes and said, "Mom, let's try it."

"Xia Feng gave it to you?" Hu Ma said in surprise, "how much does he give you a BMW?"

Hu Nannan said, "more than 1.1 million, a mess, add up to more than 1.2 million."

"How much did you say?" Mama Hu almost started to fight.

"More than 1.2 million." seeing her mother's appearance, Hu Nannan giggled: "Mom, stretch out your hand and try on your clothes."

"Xia Feng really gave it to you?" Hu Nannan's mother still looked unbelievable.

"The invoices and everything are in the bag. Look for yourself." Hu Nannan helped her put on her clothes and looked around. She was very satisfied: "well, mom, you are very beautiful. No wonder dad said that you were a great beauty when you were young, just a little worse than me."

"Hum, mom was more beautiful than you when she was young." Hu Ma was proud. She opened Hu Nannan's small satchel and took out a stack of receipts. In addition to the car and the house, Hu Ma looked and shouted, "Jiang lintianxia nine 908, house money receipt, 1.8 million, Hu Nannan, what's going on?"

Hu Nannan showed her the receipt in her bag. In fact, she was a little careful thinking. She was waiting to show off. When she saw her mother's surprise, her heart was as sweet as a plum wrapped in honey.

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