Zhao Rui giggled and put a piece of beef in his mouth. "Eat it quickly."

After the two had dinner, Zhao Rui first made a cup of tea for Xia Feng, and then put on his gloves to wash the dishes.

Xia Feng took tea and drank it slowly by the window. Inadvertently, he looked into the osmanthus forest below. Suddenly, he saw a flash of human shadow, as if he looked familiar.

"EH." he exclaimed in surprise and immediately controlled a bee to fly down. Sure enough, he was an acquaintance, Dai Liang.

"What is this guy doing here?" Xia Feng was curious and asked Zhao Rui in front of the kitchen, "Rui Rui, last time you said someone was watching, did you find that person?"

"No." Zhao Rui shook his head and said, "but nothing seems to have happened."

Dai Liang took a lot of photos of Zhao Rui and Xia Feng, but they were all normal photos. They were outside. They didn't even hold hands. At most, they were normal friends. Even if Dai Liang was jealous, he wouldn't fry such photos.

He was waiting for an opportunity, but he didn't expect to be found by Xia Feng.

"You have a reporter named Dai Liang. Do you know him?" Xia Feng asked.

"Yes." Zhao Rui nodded, "what's the matter?"

Xia Feng said, "he is in the osmanthus forest below."

"What is he doing here? There is no news here." Zhao Rui frowned and immediately understood: "is he watching?"

"It's possible." Xia Feng nodded.

Zhao Rui was immediately angry and said, "why is this man like this?"

Xia Feng asked, "do you have a grudge against him?"

"No." Zhao Rui thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "there is no intersection in our work, and we haven't dealt with each other at ordinary times. Every time he sees me, he says hello, and I just nod."

"Ha ha." Xia Feng laughed.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Rui looked at him.

"I see." Xia Feng said, "it seems that he wants to make your idea."

Zhao Rui was stunned for a moment and understood: "he wanted to stare at me. While flattering Guan Ge, he also threatened me."

It is worthy of being a white-collar elite. This brain is really enough.

"It should be so." Xia Feng looked at Zhao Rui. She changed a skirt now. The previous skirt was dirty. Now it was a white silk dress with bare legs and a long skirt, revealing only her slender lower legs.

Xia Feng said, "if I were him, I could take your evidence and threaten you. You might give him some benefits for face."

When he said this, Zhao Rui was furious and shouted, "asshole, why is this man like this?"

"This can't blame him." Xia Feng shook his head.

Zhao Rui refused and said, "do you blame me?"

"Of course." Xia Feng nodded without any position: "look at you now, with thin waist and sexy legs, and then you are the first beautiful anchor in Linjiang. Which man doesn't want to make your idea."

"Hate you." Zhao Rui had washed the bowl, took off her gloves, and directly rushed over to beat Xia Feng.

Xia Feng smiled and hugged her slender waist. Her body was tightly squeezed with Xia Feng. Xia Feng hugged her and kissed her. Zhao Rui looked out of the window, but of course she couldn't see it. There was osmanthus forest on the 15th floor. How could she see it.

Zhao Rui asked, "you said he was down there?"

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded, "maybe it's waiting to take our photos."

"Asshole." Zhao Rui was annoyed.

She is a very cultured woman. She is not very good at swearing. Scolding bastards is her limit.

"This little man." she was so angry that she trembled, but she didn't have much way. She looked at Xia Feng and said, "Xia Xia, what should I do?"

"Simple." Xia Feng said dismissively, "just give it to me."

"Are you going to beat him?" Zhao Rui said with some worry: "I'm afraid you'll force him to jump over the wall."

Xia Feng knows Zhao Rui's worry. She is a celebrity and is most afraid of gossip. If Dai Liang's dog jumps over the wall and makes trouble, things can't be cleaned up.

"No need." Xia Feng shook his head and kissed her: "don't worry, give it to me."

His kiss reassured Zhao Rui that she was originally a very independent woman, but now she wanted to rely on him. She was willing to listen to his promise, whether true or false, and was very relieved.

Her eyes looked at Xia Feng affectionately and said, "as long as you are by my side, I am not afraid of anything."

They hugged and kissed deeply again, and then Zhao Rui went to work first. Xia Feng stared at it with bee eyes. Sure enough, Dai Liang was shooting Zhao Rui with a telephoto lens.

Zhao Rui's car drove away. Dai Liang didn't go either. He still sat there waiting.

"Are you waiting for me?" Xia Feng smiled and thought for a moment.

He has countless ways to deal with Dai Liang. It can be said that he wants him to live and die.

However, I immediately told Zhao Rui that Zhao Rui was a bright woman in her heart. Although she hated Dai Liang, if he killed Dai Liang, Zhao Rui would still feel sorry.

Xia Feng is very satisfied and cherishes Zhao Rui. He doesn't want her to be hurt or leave a shadow in her heart.

"Why don't you sting him?" Xia Feng thought for a moment, shook his head and thought, "if the bee stung him, he doesn't know I did it, or he won't be afraid. Well, we should scare him face to face and see what kind of character he is. If he's really a stubborn iron and never repents, then we'll say we really want to die, but don't blame me for my hot hand. You're not a flower that destroys you."

Make up your mind, Xia Feng goes downstairs and enters the osmanthus forest.

This sweet scented osmanthus forest is not small, and each sweet scented osmanthus has a flower platform to prevent the rain from washing the soil. It is half a person high. Dai Liang first saw Xia Feng, immediately turned behind a large sweet scented osmanthus and sat with his back to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng also pretended not to see Dai Liang. Not far from him, he punched once, then pretended to be very excited, jumped onto the concrete flower platform and roared: "Jiuyin white bone claw."

In the cry, a claw was inserted into the trunk.

Dai Liang wore a pair of sunglasses and looked at Xia Feng on the side. When he heard what he called Jiuyin white bone claw, he couldn't help but tilt up the corners of his mouth: "return Jiuyin white bone claw, just your hand?"

When Zhao Rui came down earlier, he saw the water on her face. At this time, although she was ridiculed in her heart, when she thought about Xia Feng, she could not help being envious and jealous.

Xia Feng jumped down and walked over here. Then he pretended to see Dai Liang and shouted, "Hey, who aren't you? Oh, I remember, reporter Dai, are you interviewing here."

"Yes, you are manager Xia. What are you doing here?" Dai Liang pretended.

"I'll have dinner with my friends." Xia Feng smiled, took out his mobile phone and said, "Oh, it's getting late. I'm going to work. Reporter Dai, you're busy. Bye."

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