Xia Feng is really not surprising in terms of his appearance. Why does the ninth childe appreciate him.

The car entered a quadrangle, which was very large and several rooms. This quadrangle alone was worth hundreds of millions. Xia Feng's so-called billionaire wealth was really nothing in front of Liu Simin.

When she sat down in the room, Liu Simin said, "tea or coffee."

"Tea." Xia Feng looked around. The decoration seemed not luxurious, but when he looked closely, it was luxurious everywhere.

There is a saying that only three generations have produced a noble. Liu Simin is a real aristocratic woman. Most people can't learn this noble spirit - they don't have the money to learn it.

Li Yan made tea. Liu Simin waved and said, "you two go down."

Li Yan answered and went out with her short hair assistant.

Xia Feng used to see Liu Simin. Li Yan's trusted assistants were always there. Today, Liu Simin sent them out. What do you mean?

Xia Feng looked at Liu Simin with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that." Liu Simin had long legs and kicked him directly.

"Hey, hey." Xia Feng hurriedly put down his tea with tea in his hand: "why, use your hands and feet."

"You hate you like this." Liu Simin's Apricot eyes widened: "every time you see me, you go crazy."

This is a fact. Xia Feng is still normal when he meets her and Liu Simin, but he always likes to pretend to be crazy.

This is actually a rebellious psychology caused by a kind of psychological pressure in the subconscious. Liu Simin is the girl Xia Feng has been in contact with at present. Her identity is the most expensive and gives him the greatest pressure, which triggers his rebellious psychology instead. Therefore, as long as she is seen, she is subconsciously crazy.

Xia Feng didn't summarize it himself. When he told Liu Simin, he smiled: "it's not my fault, it's your metamorphosis."

"How am I abnormal?" Liu Simin got angry and kicked again.

Xia Feng said, "it's not polite to kick me again."

"OK, I think you're not polite." Liu Simin kicked again.

Xia Feng had put down the teacup and fished her feet in his hand as soon as he turned his back.

"Ah." Liu Simin shouted, "you let go."

Xia Feng couldn't earn his foot, so he kicked the other foot.

Her feet are not big or small, slender and mellow. It's very comfortable to hold them in her hand. Xia Feng was willing to put them. Seeing her struggling, she suddenly stretched out her hand and scratched the bottom of her feet.

"Cluck." Liu Simin burst out laughing and kicked his other foot. Xia Feng was willing to put it away and scratched it a few times. Liu Simin immediately laughed Crazy: "let go, let go, cluck, tickle, no, I'll kill you. Believe it or not, cluck..."

Liu Simin's living room is huge, with a screen in the middle. Li Yan and her short hair assistant didn't go outside, but stood outside the screen.

The short hair assistant's name was Qin ran. At this time, he couldn't help but look inside. Xia Feng grabbed Liu Simin's foot and scratched it from time to time, smiling and abnormal. Liu Simin fell on the sofa, laughing and shouting, twisting desperately, like a beautiful snake caught in a clip, trying to struggle out.

Qin Ran has never seen Liu Simin like this. In her eyes, Liu Simin is always cold, indifferent, smart, decisive and heroic when facing men. How can she see such a look.

She looked silly for a moment and didn't know what to do.

Qin ran Yanqing blinked twice. Convinced that he was right, he turned to look at Li Yan: "sister Yan, what's the matter? Don't you hate men?"

"That's right." Li Yan nodded: "nine childe hates men, extremely, except this man."

"Why?" Qin ran wondered, "which Prince is he?"

"How is it possible that there are so many childe brothers in Beijing. Which eye of the ninth childe can see them?" Li Yan glanced: "this man is a grass-roots. His parents are the most ordinary workers. He himself is still a temporary worker, not a regular worker."

"That..." Qin ran didn't know what to say. Looking back, he crashed more thoroughly.

The two actually kissed, and Liu Simin didn't refuse at all.

"How could this happen?" at this moment, Qin Ran's Three Outlooks were completely destroyed.

In fact, Xia Feng was surprised not only by her, but also by herself.

It was originally a test. If Liu Simin was really angry, he would let go. As a result, Liu Simin was not angry, but very cooperative.

However, Xia Feng muttered: "no, she doesn't hate men. Last time in Myanmar, she struggled desperately. Although she kissed me later, she ignored me again. Why is she so generous this time? Does she actually like me in her heart?"

Liu Simin seemed to suddenly wake up and sat up.

Liu Simin looked at him, his eyes filled with water: "I can, but you have to teach me the secret of driving animals."

This is the crux of Liu Simin's different view of Xia Feng.

Liu Simin has a good life. He was born in a top family. He is also beautiful and has a very smart mind. From small to large, it can be said that he wants wind and rain.

A girl like her, who is powerful and rich, can't move her at all. The only things that can really move her are those that she can't get with her power mind.

Xia Feng hesitated at this moment.

The reason is that Liu Simin's identity and his usual performance have put pressure on him, so that he dare not cheat her, or make his brain unable to respond.

He looked at Liu Simin with a bitter face: "this, I can't teach you. I really can't teach you."

Liu Simin was actually scolding him for his stupidity. He was a little angry. Whether he could or not, you can't coax me first.

"Then don't you touch me." Liu Simin tooted his mouth and loosened Xia Feng's hand.

This is actually a hint, but Xia Feng didn't understand. Liu Simin let go of his hand. He didn't dare to move his hand, so he looked at Liu Simin with a bitter face. Liu Simin was funny and angry. He said angrily, "if you dare to force me, I'll cry for you."

This is actually being coquettish.

But Xia Feng believed the truth.

There are two reasons. First, Liu Simin's performance this time is indeed a little abnormal. The handsome nine childe suddenly changed back to a woman and immediately took up the job. It's really hard for Xia Feng to believe.

Just as the cowherd held the seven fairies, how could it be.

The other is that Liu Simin really cried once last time in Myanmar.

So Xia Feng believed the truth.

Liu Simin was surprised that she would let him kiss and hug her. At this time, she forced Liu Simin to cry. Xia Feng would never do such a thing.

So Xia Feng sat up straight with a bitter face.

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