Morrow drank too much wine, and the snake died in his sleep.

Kill Moro and Xia Feng will ride back.

Xu Qingqing didn't sleep. When she saw him coming back, she greeted him and said, "are you okay?"

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Xu Qingqing gave a gentle hum, put his hand around him and fell into his arms.

Her body was fragrant, soft and tender. She was very comfortable in her arms, but Xia Feng was a little bored at the moment.

Xu Qingqing is actually a spy controlled by the cherry blossom club, which really makes Xia Feng angry, angry and sorry.

Then I think of Dong Qin. Dong Qin and Xu Qingqing have very different temperament, but they are all very excellent women, but they have all been spies for Fusang people.

"What on earth does she have in the hands of the cherry blossom club?" he wanted to ask, but it was hard to ask.

Xu Qingqing hugged him, but he was a little emotional and said, "it's late. Let's go to bed."

Xia Feng said, "I want to see your cherry blossoms."

"I won't show you." Xu Qingqing flirted and rushed to Xia Feng's arms. Heng was served by her hot service. Xia Feng felt more soft and couldn't help thinking of Dong Qin.

Speaking of it, Dong Qin was really nice to him. He never asked for anything from him and didn't give him any ideas. Moreover, he can get Zhao Rui, which is also the credit of Dong Qin.

But they are all spies of the cherry blossom club.

This makes Xia Feng very depressed.

He suddenly picked Xu Qingqing up and rolled over to press her. Xu Qingqing soon fainted.

"How did she join the cherry blossom club?" looking at Xu Qingqing who fainted, Xia Feng hesitated. He had an impulse to show Xu Qingqing his mind and clarify his doubts.

But he was afraid that the mind taking technique was easy to go wrong. Xia Feng performed the mind taking technique twice, and there was no problem for the first time, while Ichiro Yamamoto had a problem this time.

He thought carefully about the reason for the problem of mind photographing and thought: "you should not be excited. If you are not excited, your qi and blood are smooth, you will be fine. Once you are excited, your blood pressure will rise, plus the spiritual power I input, it will be like a mountain flood. Your brain can't stand it, and you will have a problem right away."

He roughly figured out the reason for the problem of mind taking, but he was even more afraid to do it to Xu Qingqing. Women are emotional animals. God knows which sentence will excite them.

If Xu Qingqing has nothing to do with him, he is just an irrelevant Fusang spy. He will die if he dies. Like Ichiro Yamamoto, he loves to die, and he doesn't care at all.

But Xu Qingqing has a special relationship with him. If he uses magic to make her crazy or stupid, he will be absolutely sorry.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to give up.

"You can't hurt her. If you have a chance, you'll understand when you catch the head of the cherry blossom club." thinking of this, he thought with a slight frown: "that's a witch. Ichiro Yamamoto is excited when he talks about her. I don't know why. If you have a chance, you should see it!"

Xu Qingqing lay in his arms and slept soundly. Xia Feng touched her face, sighed gently, and massaged the acupoints on the back of her brain to make her sleep sounder.

He didn't sleep himself. He came out and smoked a cigarette. Not far away, there were Yaoshi soldiers standing guard for him, and farther away, the fire lit by Yaoshi soldiers spread in the field.

Through the night bird's eyes, you can see the same scene ten miles away, which is the camp of kwabe soldiers.

Around five o'clock, the day was about to dawn. At this time, the human body's biological clock was the slowest. The soldiers on both sides were sleeping deeply, and Xia Feng ordered to launch an attack.

Thousands of cattle galloped towards the camp of the kuabei people. Tens of thousands of cattle hoofs hit the ground, such as the sound of spring thunder. The kwabe soldiers woke up in the confusion and saw what they could not imagine. The cattle stepped on their camp, the huge cattle hoofs trampled down the soldiers, the strong soldiers broke their muscles and bones in a moment, and the scream rang through the night sky.

The bison trampled the quabe camp once, but they went through it, fell back, and trampled it a second time.

There are nearly 10000 soldiers of the kuabei nationality here, all of whom have guns. However, in the dark night, when there is such a strange thing, few people have the will to fight. If they are not stepped on by the wild cattle, they will only shout and run around in the dark.

Of course, some people woke up and shot, but they fell to the ground without firing a few shots, either a lion, a leopard, or a hyena.

The kuabei soldiers collapsed, and the screams were earth shaking. They fled in all directions, and some even ran to the side of the Yaoshi family.

Of course, the movement of the kuabei camp also shocked the Yaoshi family. All the soldiers of the Yaoshi family got up, took guns and looked at the kuabei family in horror. They didn't know what had happened. The earth shaking howl made them frightened and uneasy.

Guangzhai Haili ran to xiafeng at the same time, but saw xiafeng sitting on the branch of a big tree, holding a branch in his right hand and pointing to the direction of the kuabei camp.

"My God! It's an emissary. He's exerting his divine power." guangzhai shouted in surprise.

In fact, Xia Feng's action is just an act, but of course he won't put it through. What he wants is guangzhai's words.

Guangzhai bowed down, and Heili bowed down with him.

Heili always had some doubts about Xia Feng, but at this moment, he was really surprised and convinced.

The day slowly lit up. After stepping on the bison several times and attacking the lion and leopard, the kuabei camp has become a hell. Except for those who escaped, only the dead are left, and more are not dead. There is a scream of despair.

Xia Feng ordered the cattle to disperse, and so did the lions.

He put down the branch and said to Heili, "let the soldiers clean the battlefield, then attack the quabe and recover Shenniu Bay."

Heili immediately led the attack and went to the camp of the quabe people. They were stunned and vomited. It was terrible. Many quabe soldiers stepped directly into meat mud for the wild cattle.

No matter how strong the nerves are, they can't bear such a scene.

There were 12000 kwabe soldiers, 10000 here, and 2000 in Shenniu Bay. When he got the news of the tragic defeat here, he urgently reported to Moro, but found that Moro was dead, and the remaining 2000 soldiers had no fighting spirit. Heili led the Yaoshi soldiers to recapture all the lost land without firing a shot.

Heili bowed down in front of Xia Feng and threw himself to the ground.

Although he was born in a semi primitive tribe, he received a little modern education. In fact, he did not believe in God, but at this moment, he believed.

This must be a miracle, or it can't be explained.

The main soldiers of the kuabei clan were defeated, and the Yaoshi clan took advantage of the situation to March. They not only recovered the lost land, but also incorporated the kuabei clan into the Yaoshi clan.

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