Xia Feng felt Hu Nannan's infatuation and was really happy in his heart. This is Hu Nannan. He has thought about the proud little princess for ten years. Now he is so good in front of him. It's great.

When he got on the high-speed railway, he called ma Xueqin. He wanted to ask what happened to Qiao Jianyi.

Ma Xueqin is going to have a meeting in Beijing. When he heard that he was coming, he said to wait for him.

At Linjiang, it was almost twelve o'clock. Xia Feng called, went to her house and opened the door directly.

Ma Xueqin was in the living room. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she stood up and said with a smile, "come on, I'll cook right away."

She wore a purple suspender skirt, revealing her snow-white shoulders and arms, and her hair was tied in a bun, which not only made her neck as long as jade, but also had the gentle and mature beauty of a young woman.

Xia Feng hugged her, kissed her first, and then held her horizontally. Ma Xueqin giggled, put her hand around his neck and said, "how about eating first?"

Xia Feng hugged her and sat on the sofa. She kissed Ma Xueqin for a while. She was panting. Then she let her go and said, "what's going on over Qiao Jianyi?"

"The bad is on Ning Shilong." Ma Xueqin gasped for breath, which told the situation.

Ning Shilong went in and not only told his story, but also bit a lot of people. Qiao Jianyi gave him a lot of money in order to win him over these years. These money is usually divided into lists. Ning Shilong immediately gave it up, and Qiao Jianyi can't hide it. So Qiao Jianyi has at least twenty or thirty million.

For such a huge amount, Qiao Jianyi will definitely be sentenced to life. Even if there are people in his family, he will have to spend at least more than ten years in prison. As for fishing people, it is completely impossible. The facts are all there, and no one can get them out.

Previously, Ma Xueqin didn't say much on the phone. Now, Xia Feng knew the seriousness of the matter. He couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Ning Shilong doesn't look like a soft egg when he looks at it."

"Not a soft egg, not a soft egg, he is a muddle headed egg." Ma Xueqin snorted: "this kind of internal struggle, countless struggles for power and profit, as long as you give way, you don't necessarily force him to die. He wants to die himself. What can he do?"

Xia Feng can only sigh. "Qiao Jianyi is much smarter than him, and there are people in his family who are well-informed." Ma Xueqin said, "as soon as he heard Ning Shilong loose his mouth, he took the initiative to say everything about Ning Shilong on the line, but he didn't say anything else. Although it's inevitable to go to prison, he can at least leave some money. He can go out for more than a few years and live the rest of his life abroad."

She stood up and said, "the stewed chicken is ready. I'll cook first and talk slowly while eating."

She made preparations first. After more than ten minutes, she brought out several dishes and took a bottle of red wine. The two said while eating. Xia Feng knew the situation and knew there was no way.

After the meal, Ma Xueqin washed her suitcase, sat down on Xia Feng and fed him one from time to time. Xia Feng didn't want her to feed, but to feed with her mouth. Ma Xueqin giggled and really fed with her mouth.

Xia Feng ate two and said, "the raisins are not delicious. I want to eat grapes."

Ma Xueqin said, "there are also at home. I'll wash it for you."

Xia Feng said, "what to wash? There are ready-made ones."

Ma Xueqin understood, giggled and winked like silk

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ma Xueqin asked Xia Feng, "are you going to the company?"

"Do you want me to go?" Xia Feng asked with a smile.

"No." Ma Xueqin was like a white ribbon, tightly wrapped around him.

"Then don't go." Xia Feng said with a smile, "there's nothing to do if you don't go. Otherwise, let's do it again."

Ma Xueqin was frightened and supported him with soft hands: "then you'd better go."

Ma Xueqin was supposed to take the high-speed rail at night, but Xia Feng caught her and said she wanted to sleep with her. Ma Xueqin wanted to count the time and really didn't go. He got up early the next morning and took the early flight at 6:30. He just got there at the meeting at 9:30.

After sending Ma Xueqin away, Xia Feng went to the company. In fact, there was nothing wrong with the company. Zhou Ling was very capable. It didn't matter whether he had him or not. Tucker was very happy to see him. He was the only one who could talk about horse gambling with Tucker.

Talking to more than 11 o'clock, after work, I was ready to go home, but I received a call from Zhao Rui: "Xia Xia, have you come back?"

"I'm back. Are you at home? I'll come right away." Xia Feng drove over. He went to the florist to get a bud. He deliberately rang the doorbell and saw the light flashing in the cat's eye. He called, "express delivery."

Zhao Rui opened the door and giggled.

She wore a green silk T-shirt on her upper body and a pair of white tight Capris below. She had a ponytail on her head and looked like a jade. The whole person looked like a daffodil in the blue wave, which was unspeakably refreshing.

"Ruirui, you are so beautiful." Xia Feng couldn't help hugging and kissing.

Zhao Rui said, "shall I cook first? I'll tell you something later."

Zhao Rui cooked the meal and brought it up. Xia Feng said, "wait a minute, there's a friend."

Zhao Rui was surprised and said, "who is it?"

"I invite her out." Xia Feng snapped his fingers and suddenly had a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"Ah." Zhao Rui really made a joyful cry.

She likes Xia Feng so much and surprises her from time to time.

After planting flowers and drinking, Xia Feng said, "what do you want to say first?"

Zhao Rui said, "Oh, it's Dong Qin. Something happened to her."

"Dong Qin?" Xia Feng was surprised and asked, "what happened to her?"

Dong Qin, like Xu Qingqing, is a commercial spy of the cherry blossom club. Xia Feng thought about how to face her when she came back.

Zhao Rui said, "many officials fell in the recent Linjiang officialdom earthquake, and Dong Qin was also involved."

Xia Feng knew from Ma Xueqin that Ning Shilong bit out a group of people, not only from the inside of Tianyang heavy machinery, but also many officials near the river. Unexpectedly, Dong Qin was involved.

But he didn't understand: "what's the matter with Dong Qin?"

"I'm not sure." Zhao Rui shook her head. "Maybe there's a bit of power and sex trading. She's pulling strings in the middle or something, but she got the wind early, ran away and didn't catch it."

"Ran away?" it was another accident.

"Well." Zhao Rui nodded, "I've heard of it, too. I don't know the details. I heard she went abroad."

"Then she's quite powerful." Xia Feng sighed in his mouth, but thought in his heart: "the cherry blossom club is really well-informed."

He thought again: "there is Xu Qingqing in the capital and Dong Qin in Linjiang. How many people from the cherry blossom club are there in other places? Why does Chen Xin want to investigate Dong Qin? No, she is also a commercial spy?"

The question in his heart can't be told by Zhao Rui. He didn't even tell Ma Xueqin. Zhao Rui didn't know what he thought. He leaned in his arms and twisted around, slowly moving

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