"I don't know." Yu Xinyu said, "there can't be a problem with the quality. It's the same manufacturer as the previous ones, and I've inspected the goods and there's no problem."

"I see." Xia Feng nodded, "it should be because of the replacement."

"What?" Yu Xinyu asked in surprise, "did you change?"

"Yes," Xia Feng said with a bitter smile.

Qiao Jianyi had an accident and was replaced by a new person. Naturally, people don't recognize Qiao Jianyi's relationship. If they want to continue delivering goods, they have to pull the relationship again.

But how to pull this relationship? It's just a list. Qiao Jianyi gave him $6 million before the end of the year. Fortunately, the front ones have been settled, but this one hasn't been settled.

But this order is also a trouble. Six million. If Tianyang heavy machinery doesn't want it, it will be a pure loss. Xia Feng will lose at least four million. Although his money is easy to come by, it's not spent like this.

He was frowning. Yu Xinyu's cell phone rang. Yu Xinyu connected and said two words to Xia Feng: "chief song of Tianyang quality inspection department asked me to have dinner together in the evening."

"Song, chief of Tianyang quality inspection department, asked you to have dinner at night?" Xia Feng said inexplicably: "do you know Tianyang people?"

"It's the matter of returning the item. I went to their quality inspection department first and saw the song section chief." as soon as Yu Xinyu explained, Xia Feng understood and sighed gently.

Yu Xinyu is kind to him and wants to help him solve the problem of quality inspection. As a result, people stare at her.

"Ignore him." Xia Feng said angrily.

"But." Yu Xinyu hesitated, "if the quality inspection doesn't pass, the parts will be returned. What should I do?"

"I'll try again." Xia Feng was also a little upset.

"No." Yu Xinyu hesitated and said, "I'll meet the section chief song in the evening and see what he said."

"What else can I say?" Xia Feng shook his head and sighed, "I'm staring at you."

"No." Yu Xinyu still didn't believe it.

Xia Feng shook her head, grabbed her hand and said, "Teacher Yu, you are always so naive. You don't know how attractive you are."

"No." Yu Xinyu blushed.

"Not yet." Xia Feng smiled. "If I were the chief of the song section, a beauty like you asked me, I would ask you to have dinner, and then try to hold you. Even if I were a little anxious and gave you some medicine in the wine, I would treat you tonight."

"No." Yu Xinyu hit him with another hand and said, "I don't drink outside."

"No." Xia Feng said, "last time I went to buy raw materials, you seemed to have drunk wine later."

"You still say." Yu Xinyu pinched his hand gently on the back of his hand: "that's with you, and you're dead."

Xia Feng pinched her and swayed in her heart. When she saw that there was no one on the side, she suddenly hugged Yu Xinyu and kissed her.

"You are getting worse and worse." Yu Xinyu also looked around and pinched Xia Feng. The water waves in his eyes were rippling, just like the lake in spring and March.

Xia Feng's heart is also rippling.

Yu Xinyu was worried about the accessories. Six million was not a small amount. He said, "otherwise, I'll have dinner with the section chief song in the evening."

"No." Xia Feng shook his head flatly.

"What should I do?" Yu Xinyu said sadly, "it's okay. I don't drink. I just see what he said. Maybe he just wants money."

Xia Feng knew that she really cared about him, thought for a moment and said, "I'll go with you in the evening."

"That's the best." Yu Xinyu was happy.

After a while of gossip, Xia Feng told Yu Xinyu that the monkey had come to Linjiang to work.

Yu Xinyu thought for a moment and said, "I can't remember his appearance."

"Just a monkey." Xia Feng said with a smile, "but it's longer now. It's a little handsome, but it's a little worse than me."

He was brazen and boasted, and Yu Xinyu giggled.

After work in the afternoon, Xia Feng called Wang Zihan first, said he had something to do and told them not to wait for him, and then came to Yu Xinyu.

Yu Xinyu changed a cheongsam at night. Lingling's figure was exquisite. Xia Feng sighed.

Yu Xinyu got on the bus, saw him sigh and said, "what's the matter?"

Xia Feng glanced at her: "as long as you are a man, you don't want to eat. You just want to eat you."

"Not everyone is as bad as you." Yu Xinyu smiled.

"Why am I broken?" Xia Feng said with a bad smile. Seeing that Yu Xinyu closed the door, he leaned over. There were stickers on the window, and he couldn't see what was inside.

Yu Xinyu was frightened by his sly smile and pushed him: "ah, you smile so scary."

"Bad guys are like this." Xia Feng forced closer.

"There's no one like you." Yu Xinyu giggled and pushed him with her hand, but she didn't have any strength at all. Xia Feng stretched out her hand and hugged her. She immediately lay across Xia Feng's legs.

"No." Yu Xinyu whispered, her pretty face was red, and her baby voice was so tender that people wanted to die.

Xia Feng couldn't help it. He bent his head and kissed.

"Don't wrinkle your clothes." Yu Xinyu didn't refuse his kiss, but just pressed his hand.

With a deep kiss, Yu Xinyu gently beat him: "I'm going to be late. I have an appointment with section chief song at 6:30."

"Let him die." Xia Fengman doesn't care.

No. " Yu Xinyu gently pushed him: "first look at what he said, eat dinner, and then..."

"Then what?" Xia Feng's eyes were bright.

"Then I'll talk about it." Yu Xinyu giggled, pushed him, sat up and said, "don't move any more, otherwise I'll be angry."

"Yes, Mr. Yu." Xia Feng had a strong waist and pretended to be a good student, which made Yu Xinyu giggle.

At the agreed restaurant, the section chief song booked a box. Xia Feng followed Yu Xinyu in. The section chief song was already there.

Song section chief is about 30 years old. He is tall and thin. He has fish eyes and looks a little white. Xia Feng knows that this guy has excessive wine and color, liver and spleen injuries, and deficiency fire in his kidney.

Seeing Yu Xinyu coming in, section chief song's eyes lit up and shouted, "manager Yu, here you are."

When his eyes turned to Xia Feng's face, he frowned. Obviously, Yu Xinyu brought Xia Feng, which made him unhappy.

"Sorry for being a little late, section chief song." Yu Xinyu apologized.

"It's all right." section chief song immediately changed his smiling face and stopped in front of Yu Xinyu. His eyes seemed like a pair of scissors to cut Yu Xinyu's clothes.

After listening to Yu Xinyu's words, Xia Feng thought it would be OK to have a meal. Maybe he just gave some money. Like Qiao Jianyi, he can pull up the relationship again. Although section chief song is a quality inspector, as long as he is a real power figure, he usually has his own quota. Qiao Jianyi is the director of procurement, but it does not mean that he has the final say in purchasing.

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