Xia Feng stopped a car. Guo Meng said the address. After driving for 40 or 50 minutes, he turned around East and West, turned into a simple alley, and stopped in front of an old house. As soon as Guo Meng got off the bus, he screamed, "ah, we really threw our things out."

As soon as she called, Xia Feng also saw that outside the house, there were several boxes, pots, barrels, quilts and other things, not a small pile.

"Bastard, it's too much." Guo Meng screamed with his fist. Xu Lingshu didn't make a sound, but just a calm face.

She turned to Xia Feng and said, "Xia Feng, I owe the landlord 1200 euros. Please help me pay."

This tone is not the innocence of the artist, but another meaning.

Xia Feng shook his head and went to pat the door. A French old man half showed his face. This should be an old drunkard. He had a high wine trough nose and red eyes. When he saw Xia Feng, he opened his mouth and shouted, "get away, or I'll call the police."

Having nothing to say with such an old drunkard, Xia Feng took out a stack of dollars. He piled up dollars in his ring and changed them in the United States, but the euro was not changed, but the dollar is also common in Europe.

Xia Feng took out a thick stack of dollars, about four or five thousand, equivalent to three or four thousand euros.

Xia Feng patted the dollar in his hand and squinted at the French old man: "apologize to the two ladies. These dollars are yours. Otherwise, I will only pay you 1000 euros."

When the Old French man saw the thick pile of dollars, his eyes became more red. Looking at the dollars and Xia Feng, he seemed to want to say bah, but he didn't bah after all. Instead, he looked at Xu Lingshu and said, "I'm sorry."

"The voice is so small, can you hear it clearly?" Xia Feng turned and asked Xu Lingshu.

Xu Lingshu was not interested, but Guo Mengyou said loudly, "what? I didn't hear it at all."

The Old French man blushed, but he gave in earlier and couldn't harden again. He looked at Guo Meng with hatred and said loudly, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't throw your things out without your consent."

"That's about the same." Xia Feng patted the dollar in the hands of the Old French man, turned and picked up two big boxes and said, "let's go."

The previous taxi drove away. There was no taxi in the alley. We had to go outside.

Xia Feng picked up two big boxes, leaving only two small boxes and several bags, barrels and other things. Xu Lingshu divided them, put them out and went outside. Xia Feng said, "sister Xu, where are you going now."

Xu Lingshu didn't look at him and whispered, "I'll listen to your arrangement."

This is completely putting yourself in the position of keeping.

Xia Feng was funny and sighed. He thought for a moment and said, "do you plan to go back recently?"

Xu Lingshu shook her head: "I'm not going back, but if you insist..."

At this point, she didn't say anything, but it was obvious that if Xia Feng forced her to go back, she would listen.

She is proud and stubborn, but she will keep her word.

"In fact..." Xia Feng finally couldn't hold on. He wanted to make it clear that he just did Xu Lingshu a favor and didn't mean to keep Xu Lingshu. Then when the words came to his mouth, he suddenly found that he couldn't speak. Xu Lingshu was a proud woman. She immediately agreed and wouldn't shrink back.

In her eyes, it was a deal. She accepted her fate by exchanging herself for the cricket map. But if Xia Feng said it was just a joke, what would she think and think Xia Feng pity her.

This will hurt her self-esteem even more.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng was depressed for a while.

He sighed in his heart. This respectable, lovely and extremely stubborn woman is like a thorn rose. If it's a little bad, she may stick her hand.

He thought for a moment and said, "well, let's find a hotel first, and then I'll buy you a house."

That is, she positioned herself as a foster care, so she simply raised her. Besides, Xia Feng was a little sour when she thought of performing on the street with an hungry stomach.

Such a woman, like the most beautiful flower, should be well raised in the greenhouse, not left on the street and trampled on by others.

Xu Lingshu didn't answer. She hung her eyes and looked at the picture in her hand. Guo Meng on the side looked at Xia Feng curiously. She had a pair of eyes with Xia Feng and hurried away.

Xia Feng stopped a car, went to the nearest five-star hotel, and then directly asked for a presidential suite.

His money is too easy to come by and doesn't hurt to spend, but he wouldn't be so extravagant if he lived by himself.

But a woman like Xu Lingshu should live in the best house, not only because of her beautiful face, but because of her almost pure heart like ice and snow.

Xia Feng has always felt that Xu Lingshu is the most like Zhao ruiruirui. Now, he feels that Zhao ruiruirui is still not like Xu Lingshu. Xu Lingshu is much more stubborn than Zhao ruiruirui. Although Zhao ruiruirui is also lofty, she is more bookish.

Xu Lingshu is a pure artist's temperament. This temperament is cold and Gaohua. If there are good conditions, it will be particularly beautiful, but if there are no appropriate conditions, it will appear extremely crazy.

Just like Van Gogh, when he was craziest, he even cut off his ears.

Now Xu Lingshu is not like this. She can perform on the street hungry and will never give in to the secular world, but she is willing to accept maintenance for a beloved painting.

Xia Feng can imagine that even if she keeps it, it will only be a cold wood without half the heat. However, she will keep her promise and will not refuse.

Xia Feng can only sigh at such a woman, but even if he meets her, he also has the ability, so give her the best.

But Xia Feng won't hold a cold wood to bed.

Guo Meng should have lived in the presidential suite for the first time. When she entered the room, she couldn't help exclaiming, "wow."

Xu Lingshu seemed indifferent.

That's right. How can a woman like her get excited because she lives in a presidential suite.

Xia Feng nodded in his heart and said, "sister Xu, I'll make you angry and regulate your stomach."

"HMM." Xu Lingshu sat down on the sofa. Xia Feng pinched his sword finger and got angry about two meters apart. Guo Meng looked at it and stared round: "what is this, qigong?"

"You know Qigong," Xia Feng asked with a smile.

"Well." Guo Meng nodded, "my grandparents practice every day, and there is a Qigong group, many old men and women, but later there are fewer and fewer people practicing."

"Why?" Xia Feng asked, "don't you practice?"

"I can't practice anymore." Guo Meng shook his head: "they're all dead."

This is really a cold humor. Xu Lingshu smiled.

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