People's hearts are like this. Xia Feng can't help it.

Xia Feng walked in and said, "how's business today?"

"It's OK." Zhang Qiang smiled: "the same as before."

He sighed: "the rent here is expensive."

"That's true." Xia Feng also smiled.

Huang Shanshan saw him smile and said, "we need to find a way. Why don't we get rid of the waiter? We'll earn the salary."

Previously, I was afraid that I was too busy during the model show, so as soon as I opened the store, each family hired two waiters. The monkey store even increased to four, and each person needed more than 2000 wages. If I really want to pay back, I can really save the wages.

Besides, with Zhang Qiang's current coldness, they can survive without a waiter.

Zhang Qiang listened to her and tooted his mouth, but there was no sound. One of the waiters looked good. He felt it and didn't want to be dismissed.

Besides, the monkey is also very jealous when he gets rich. If he really retires the waiter and gets paid, it is tantamount to withdrawing shares, and he doesn't want to.

Of course, Xia Feng understood their thoughts. It was not easy to express his position for a moment. He looked at the store and suddenly moved in his heart: "how about Feng Shui in the store?"

Xia Feng has learned a little about Feng Shui from old worker Xiong, but he hasn't thought about it. Old worker Xiong holds it in his mouth. He says how magical Feng Shui is. To be honest, Xia Feng doesn't believe it.

Of course, sometimes it's strange to insist on not believing. For example, when playing mahjong, sometimes you lose one. You really can't figure it out. It seems that there's really some bad luck.

He got the compass from D'Antoni, especially a Feng Shui fish built by feng shui masters of past dynasties, which made Xia Feng curious again.

When he put his hand under the table and took it up again, the compass came into his hand. Zhang Qiang shouted, "brother Feng, you need to see feng shui."

Huang Shanshan was stunned. What she looked forward to was Zhao ruiruirui's microblog. What the hell is the compass?

Xia Feng smiled: "you forgot who my master is?"

"Old bear worker." Zhang Qiang called. He was excited: "OK, brother Feng, how about Feng Shui in our shop?"

"Feng Shui in this street is OK. The so-called mountain owner Ding Shui is in charge of money. In front of it is a river, surrounded by mountains and water, and there is a wharf. It is a natural place to gather money, but you have to take a closer look at your store."

Xia Feng imitated the tone of old worker Xiong and said face-to-face words first. At this time, the Feng Shui fish on the compass turned, and some information poured into Xia Feng's brain.

The general compass will not have such information. It has only a little positioning function. The feng shui master should read and calculate the others by himself.

However, the compass of the broken dragon sect has been cultivated by dozens of generations of feng shui masters to become a Feng Shui fish. With spirituality, like the magic eye, it will provide some information by itself.

Feng Shui four Bureau, gold, wood, water and fire, first find the water head positioning, then see what bureau it is, and then find out the auspicious position. Yu store is the wealth position.

If you find a wealth position, a good feng shui master can give you a small situation, which can change the wealth of the store.

Old worker Xiong actually said these things to Xia Feng before. Unfortunately, Xia Feng never remembered them and always felt that they were not credible.

But now Feng Shui fish's information flows directly into his mind, so he has to believe it.

Take the compass and follow the guidance of Feng Shui fish to find the wealth position of Zhang Qiang's shop. Zhang Qiang's shop is a water bureau. Then, according to the guidance of Feng Shui fish, find the wealth position and arrange some small things in the wealth position to gather wealth. The water bureau has many things to urge wealth, such as bonsai, raising flowers and watering.

The best is to raise fish.

Feng Shui fish is a spirit fish and will put forward the most appropriate suggestions. Xia Feng's suggestions are: raising fish.

"How's it going?" Zhang Qiang asked Xia Feng when he saw that Xia Feng didn't move at the corner of the store.

Xia Feng said, "put a fish tank here and raise some fish."

He said and asked Zhang Qiang, "how many are you going to raise?"

Zhang Qiang was stunned and said, "raise two or three, four or five, don't be too many, too many can't raise them."

With his voice, Feng Shui fish changed slightly, and Xia Feng shook his head without breaking it.

House Feng Shui is also closely related to people's luck.

Zhang Qiang can't make a lot of money.

Xia Feng looked at Huang Shanshan again. Huang Shanshan blinked twice, but there was no sound.

She doesn't believe this.

Then there's no way.

Xia Feng sighed and said, "let me buy it for you."

Out of the shop, he went to the flower and bird market and bought a jar of small goldfish. Xia Feng said to the boss, "buy three or five."

The boss took his pocket, scooped it for a while, scooped three, scooped it for the second time, and scooped two more. One of them was placed on the edge of the net pocket. When he saw the water coming out, he bounced and returned to the basin.

The shopkeeper said, "Hey, this little fish doesn't want to go yet."

Xia Feng said, "then these four."

Feng Shui can be changed, but luck can't be changed. There's a providence in the dark.

Xia Feng took the goldfish and came back. According to the compass, he put the fish tank in the position of Zhengcai and said with a smile, "try if this tank of fish can help you get rich."

Zhang Qiang laughed. Huang Shanshan moved her mouth. She wanted to say that you might as well ask Zhao ruiruirui to send a microblog, but she finally didn't say it.

She is a sister and not so thick skinned. If you change a monkey, just say it directly, but she is not a monkey.

Xia Feng is not sure whether he believes Feng Shui or not.

Of course, jump out of the concept of Feng Shui and say that the environment is the same in the same community, but if there is a garbage dump under any window, there must be more mosquitoes and flies in his family. If there is one more street lamp, all the moths will fly at night.

This garbage dump and street lamp are tantamount to changing the environment of this family. In terms of Feng Shui, it is changing Feng Shui.

The concept of replacing garbage dump or street lamp with wealth position is the same. Garbage dump attracts flies and wealth position attracts wealth.

Of course, fortune is not a fly, a little mysterious, so Xia Feng is not sure.

Because I wasn't sure, Wu Bing and Lin Yan didn't go there first. They called Zhao ruiruirui: "do you have any food? I'm starving."

Zhao Ruirui giggled: "then come here."

Xia Feng immediately drove over and opened the door. Zhao ruiruirui was just about to enter the kitchen. When she heard the sound, she turned her head.

She may have gone out in the morning and changed her clothes. She is a white gold silk skirt with sleeveless style. The design is simple, but it is very consistent with her temperament. When she looks back, she is more immortal.

Xia Feng gave a dark praise, went over and hugged Zhao ruiruirui and shouted, "I'm starving."

The two immediately kissed each other.

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