"Yes, yes." Wu Bing nodded repeatedly. He looked at Xia Feng's eyes. They were full of stars. However, he was an honest man and didn't know how to say. He just rubbed his hands, but the longing on his face was clearly written there.

Zeng Rou was not embarrassed. She said directly, "when I opened the store first, I asked Xia Feng to help look at Feng Shui. You said no, just say there is a model show. Now you know."

Wu Bing only laughs.

Xia Feng is also happy. Huang Shanshan doesn't believe this, but the Wu Bing couple obviously believe it. Zeng Rou's mother especially loves superstition. Zeng Rou is obviously influenced by her mother.

Xia Feng didn't believe it before. Although he started with old worker Xiong, he actually cheated on food and drink. Even if he got a magic eye later, he still didn't believe it. He didn't really believe it until he got the compass of broken dragon sect, got Feng Shui fish, and then tried it in Zhang Qiang's store.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "it's too late to see now."

Then he took it out of his pocket, took out the compass and went into the shop.

As soon as he entered the store, the Feng Shui fish on the compass turned, and some information poured into Xia Feng's brain.

Wu Bing's shop is a fire bureau. Wood makes fire. It's located in gen Yin.

These things don't need Xia Feng's calculation. Feng Shui fish will automatically tell him when they have intelligence.

Xia Feng finds Caiwei, which is the fire bureau. If Caiwei puts a basin of bonsai, he can urge wealth and wood makes fire.

Xia Feng looked at it and said, "put a pot of flowers in this position."

While he was talking, there happened to be a flower seller walking on a tricycle outside. Xia Feng shouted.

The flower seller stopped. Xia Feng and Wu Bing went out, looked at it and asked Wu Bing Zeng judo, "what flowers do you like?"

Wu Bing said, "Lao Xia, please help us choose."

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "you'd better pick it yourself."

Wu Bing looked at Pan evergreen and said, "this one is very green."

Zeng Rou said, "pick the rich bamboo. It's getting higher and higher. My cub just called rich."

"I want it too." Wu Bing, who listened to his wife, nodded and looked at Xia Feng and said, "Lao Xia, is this rich bamboo OK?"

"It must be OK. Your cubs are called rich and noble. Can you still do it?" Xia Feng deserves to be fast.

"That's it," Zeng Rou said and resolutely paid for it.

Xia Feng nodded secretly. The woman looked ordinary, but she was rich.

Wu Bing moved the pot of rich bamboo in. Xia Feng instructed him to set it up and said, "just put it here. Water it every three or five times. Don't let anyone move it."

"No." Wu Bing nodded. He worked carefully. He took a pen in the counter and actually had red paint. It may have been left during decoration. He drew a circle around the flowerpot and said, "I know when I move. I'll move back when I leave the circle."

Zeng Judo: "I'll water it. I'll check it later. I'll water it once a few days. Don't water it indiscriminately."

"I see." Wu Bing nodded.

The couple live a life and have a self-motivated heart. As long as they see the opportunity, they will move forward carefully and firmly step by step. They are not like xiafeng monkeys.

"Then I'll go back first." after another chat, Xia Feng left the store. Just at the door, a middle-aged man came in and said, "have a bowl of rice noodles."

As he spoke, he shouted to the outside at the door, "take a break and eat a bowl of rice noodles."

As he shouted, several people came over. One of them shouted, "what can I eat with rice noodles? It's better to buy a watermelon."

The other is called "ice watermelon is delicious. Where can I find it now?"

The most advanced store said, "there is an air conditioner in the store. If you don't eat, you don't eat. I want to eat a bowl."

Hearing this, several people outside hesitated, all came in and ordered a bowl.

Wu Bing and Zeng Rou were pleasantly surprised. It was 4:00 p.m. at this time. Usually there were absolutely no guests. Today, there were customers. Just a few minutes after Xia Feng helped them change Feng Shui.

Zeng Rou immediately ran to the kitchen. Wu Bing asked the people to sit down and gave Xia Feng a thumbs up.

"It's really clever." Xia Feng thought it was interesting.

When they got home, Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna were playing games. When they saw Xia Feng coming back, Hua Yuna shouted, "Xia Xia, come and help me. I'm dying. Dead Zihan is to blame her."

"I clearly let go of my skills." Wang Zihan refused.

"Your hands are so slow," Hua Yuna replied.

"See your brother come out and help you kill the four sides." Xia Feng rolled her sleeves and went over. Hua Yuna stood up, Xia Feng sat in her position, and then Hua Yuna sat on his leg.

This is Hua Yuna's old habit. She likes to sit on Xia Feng's legs.

Unfortunately, Xia Feng is not a top expert. He can't help. He lost cleanly.

"Oh, dead." Hua Yuna fell back and fell softly in Xia Feng's arms.

Xia Feng said, "it's all right. Let's have another game."

"HMM." Hua Yuna twisted her waist: "you have to comfort me. Why don't we go to the swimming pool."

"The sun hasn't set yet." Wang Zihan looked out.

Hua Yuna said, "just turn to the back of the house. It won't be hot if it's not directly exposed to the sun."

Wang Zihan said, "that's almost enough."

Hua Yuna pushed Xia Feng: "I'll change my swimsuit."

"What swimsuit to change?" Xia Feng held Hua Yuna and jumped directly into the swimming pool.

"Ah." Hua Yuna screamed loudly and giggled, floating out with the river wind.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Feng just came back from a walk with Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna. Zhang Qiang and Wu Bing called one after another. Zhang Qiang's store sold more than 6000 in the evening. Today, it sold a total of 15000.

Wu Bing's shop is better. At this point in the evening alone, it sold more than 8000.

"Brother Feng, you are the best in the world." Zhang Qiang's crazy cry almost broke.

Wu Bing's voice trembled: "Lao Xia, spirit, really spirit, too spirit."

There was Zeng Rou's voice on the side: "I said that old worker Xiong has divine law. My mother believes it most. You don't believe it yet. Hum, now you believe it."

Wu Bing shouted: "believe, believe, I didn't know before. I knew it. Please ask old worker Xiong to give us a respect and invite a Bodhisattva."

Xia Feng was also very happy and said, "let's have a look tomorrow morning."

Generally speaking, the morning is the best business. The key to how much money Feng Shui fish can urge is to see the data in the morning.

The next morning, Xia Feng arrived at the company. At 9:30, Zhang Qiang called first: "brother Feng, guess how much this morning."

Xia Feng gasped in his voice and said, "just rest."

"I'm so tired." Zhang Qiang immediately shouted.

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