Song Yao stopped Zhou Miao's words and laughed twice: "You're right, I should have stopped thinking about it. How can everything be related?"

Zhou Miao laughed: "Talking with you is the most interesting thing, you always say things I don't understand, but from your expression and actions, I always feel that it's very funny."

After a long while, she suddenly asked, "Did you … Goodbye to the Jiu Guniang? "

Song Yao was startled, then said: "I had once pleaded for mercy from Master Prefecture Overseer, in hopes that I could let her off the hook and let her die. However, the Prefecture Overseer said that there was a reason for her death and that it was not enough to sentence her to death. It was only because that young lady was so determined to court death and had made such a ruckus in the prison that she almost killed the prison guard who brought her food.

Zhou Miao sighed, and continued: "I don't really understand her. At first, in order to get rid of her sin, she did not hesitate to blame phoenix girl, and accurately speaking, my father's hatred for phoenix girl, so she killed two birds with one stone. Although I know that she could no longer forgive the Jun Gongzi at that time, could she forgive him after finding out about the unspeakable secrets of the Jun Gongzi? "

Her question stunned Song Yao. After a long pause, she said again: "Love is always very cheap. As long as there's a reason, it's as if the harm doesn't exist. Just like how my father forced my sister to die in the name of fatherly love, does my sister still need to thank him for his love? "

Song Yao didn't know how to reply for a moment.

Zhou Miao continued, "If I were Jiu Guniang, I definitely wouldn't want to apologize with my life as much as she does. I might blame myself for not wanting to live my entire life, but I won't just die from the pain. I paid him back for the harm she did me, and I owe him my protection. If he wants me to live, I will live. "

When Song Yao heard this, she could be considered to have understood Zhou Miao's thoughts. She slowly said: "You are stronger than her, and you understand how to love and hate people more."

"Maybe." Zhou Miao sighed, and then said after a while: "It's also possible that I'm a fan. If I'm really in her position, I might not be able to pick her up. I just feel a little regretful that she shouldn't have lost her life in vain. "

Song Yao said: "I can understand your thoughts, but she will always be loyal to her own being, so she can decide for herself."

Zhou Miao was startled, her lips curved into a smile: That's true.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They saw relief in each other's eyes that they hadn't seen in a long time.

"Tsk, looks like I've disturbed you two."

Gongsun Xiao's voice came from behind him. He turned around slowly, and Zhou Miao had already bowed a step ahead of him, "Greetings, Master Hou."

Gongsun Xiao said: "Tsk, seeing you, I know what a girl's house looks like, the one beside you might have miscarried, he should be a man."

Song Yao asked: What are you trying to do with your weird energy? Shouldn't we have a good talk with guests? "

Zhou Miao covered her lips and laughed: "Master Hou is joking. However, it is already getting late, so I should also return to my residence. If Miss Song has any matters, just send someone to notify me.

Song Yao said: "You're in such a hurry to leave? He should be fine. Just sit down for a while, I'm bored. "

Zhou Miao said: "If Master Hou has nothing to do, why would you disturb me? Stop being so willful and quickly settle the matter with Master Hou. I'll come back tomorrow."

Song Yao wanted to say something, but sshe saw that Gongsun Xiao did not seem like someone who would come to stir up trouble, so he said: "Alright, go back and be careful, if you have time tomorrow, come over, I'll be waiting for you."

Zhou Miao replied: "I know." She then bowed towards Gongsun Xiao and said, "Master Hou, Zhou Miao will take her leave."

Gongsun Xiao said: "Butler, help me send Miss Zhou out."

Zhou Miao bowed and thanked her, then looked at Song Yao and left.

"You'd better be serious!" Song Yao looked at Gongsun Xiao and said, "We were just talking happily when you suddenly interrupt us, which makes me unhappy."

Gongsun Xiao said: "How can you have such a big temper? You casually brought people to my courtyard, and ruined my tea leaves, causing me to run all over the place. I am not angry at all, but you are unhappy first, what kind of logic is this?"

Song Yao: "Err …" Why did it sound like he was going too far?

"Alright, then tell me, what happened? Did you find anything? "

Gongsun Xiao said: "I'm angry, I'm not happy, I don't want to say it anymore."

He turned to walk out of the courtyard, looking really angry.

Song Yao anxiously replied: "Aaah! I was wrong, I was wrong, you come back, you come back! "


She was so anxious that she forgot about the fact that her waist was injured. She raised her leg to chase him, but who knew that she would suddenly be in so much pain that her body went limp and she was about to fall backwards.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and she was supported from behind. Gongsun Xiao said impatiently: "What are you agitated about? Can't you tell if I'm joking? "

Song Yao's entire person was in Gongsun Xiao's embrace, and with the twisting of her waist, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and was unable to get up for a long time.

Song Yao sat on the bed and drank the medicine, then said: "Why are you so silent? Regarding what happened just now, shouldn't you have said something to me?"

After grilling the bitter taste of the traditional Chinese medicine and the sweet and sour taste of the candied fruit spread from his mouth, Song Yao let out a long breath.

"What else?" Gongsun Xiao asked.

Song Yao thought for a while, then said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that."

Gongsun Xiao: "... Don't you think I saved your life and that you owe me a favor? Tell me, how are you going to pay me back? "

Song Yao was startled, she thought for a while and said: "You are making things difficult for me, if you were the Right Premier, maybe I would be able to repay you with my body, but unfortunately, you are not. But I have nothing. How do you expect me to pay? "

Gongsun Xiao said angrily: "How can this matter involve the Right Minister?"

Song Yao said: "I'm just saying, don't mind it. Alright, let's get down to business. Did you find anything by disturbing me? "

Gongsun Xiao coldly snorted, and said unhappily: "Do you still have the mind to care about this matter?"

"Why not? Alright, don't be like this. I know you saved me, so I'll put this favor in my heart. I'll repay you in the future, I definitely will. "

It was only then that Gongsun Xiao relaxed his expression and said, "There was news from Miao Feng's side, they said that the Gu breeder who changed Li Zhi's blood was also his fiancee, and they had a good relationship. They had initially decided to get married in that month, but who would have known that something like this would happen?"

"And then?" Song Yao asked.

Gongsun Xiao said: "I've searched for a long time and found an image of that lady."

He took out the painting from his sleeves and opened it up, facing Song Yao.

Song Yao was startled for a few seconds, then said: "It really is a bright moon."

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