Rural Female Detective

C112 Strange words

In the blink of an eye, the sun appeared again, and the clouds and mist were pushed aside to see the light.

Rong Chu sent people to investigate the matter that Song Yao mentioned, and the few of them changed their target.

Song Yao was stunned for a few seconds by his words, her face suddenly flushed red: "Why did you suddenly say this, and why are you so worried, others will misunderstand."

She raised her eyes to look at Rong Chu, and seeing that Rong Chu did not have any reaction, she said, "I'll just remember what you've done for me."

Gongsun Xiao clicked his tongue and said, "You're really not ashamed, but what do I care about you? I'm just worried that the person carrying you will suffer when you are injured and can't stand up. After all, if you eat so much, you'll at least weigh a bit.

"Cough, cough …"

Song Yao was so angry that she wanted to beat him up, but unexpectedly, Rong Chu choked and started coughing.

Gongsun Xiao anxiously gave some water to Rong Chu, who slowly stood up and said: "When the news arrives, I will send someone to inform the both of you, I will return to my residence first."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but Gongsun Xiao stood up and asked: Have you finished eating?

Rong Chu waved his hand: "Alright, you guys enjoy yourselves."

Song Yao said: "Why are you like a cat? Eating this little, don't you dare starve yourself to death, you are strong people at your side after all, you don't have to worry."

Rong Chu let out a "Ha" and pushed the door open.

The two people that were left behind looked at each other, Song Yao squinted her eyes and laughed at Gongsun Xiao: "If you have the ability, don't eat, aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Gongsun Xiao replied: "I'm not like you, I have the ability to protect myself."

Song Yao coldly snorted, "I refuse to believe that there will be a day when you won't be able to protect yourself as well."

Gongsun Xiao's expression did not change as he said indifferently: "If there really comes a day like this, I won't wait for someone else to save me."

"Are you waiting for death?" Song Yao ate a mouthful of fish, the white fragrance was soft and tender, and just as she was enjoying the aftertaste, she heard Gongsun Xiao say, "I will burn both jade and stone."

Song Yao paused for a long while, then said: "Wow, you're so strong?"

Gongsun Xiao did not utter a word.

After a long while, Song Yao changed the subject and asked: "Do you think the culprit is Mingyue or that doctor?"

Gongsun Xiao played with the teacup in his hand, and after being silent for a long time, he suddenly raised his head to look at Song Yao. His lips curled up, and he said with an enticing gaze: "Do you want to know? If you want to know, then go ahead and ask. "

Song Yao was startled, then slammed the table: "Oh yes, but won't you alert the enemy?"

Gongsun Xiao said indifferently: "To alert the snake by beating it on the grass?." (ED: UFO/UFO/UU/UU/UU) They have already fought, no matter who was the murderer, it would be impossible to find evidence. The two of them, regardless of who it was, had all gone through a thorough plan to kill Li Zhi, and after a few days, whoever left behind the evidence would either be an idiot or someone who turned themselves in.

Song Yao thought about it, and felt that it was reasonable. She frowned: "Since it's like this, if we can't find any evidence, then we can't be convicted.

Gongsun Xiao's eyelids twitched: "Who said that without evidence, you cannot be convicted?"

Song Yao looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Gongsun Xiao said: "Isn't there another move that can be used to make a move?"

Song Yao gave him the middle finger without saying a word.

Gongsun Xiao was curious: "What do you mean?"

Song Yao said: "I'm praising you for being awesome, praising you for being awesome, praising you as unique."

Gongsun Xiao said: "Why do I feel like you are scolding me."

Song Yao snorted, patted his face and said: "A child is worth teaching."

Gongsun Xiao grabbed her hand: "I'm warning you, do not touch my hands or feet, and even more so, do not touch my face."

Song Yao's wrist was in pain, but she joked: "Did you put on makeup? Afraid that I've made some flowers for you? "

Gongsun Xiao shook off her hand and said: "You are a girl after all, men and women shouldn't get too intimate with each other, don't casually touch other men."

Song Yao:...

"Alright, alright. Teacher, let's go see Mingyue."

"Head teacher?" "What is this?" Gongsun Xiao asked.

Song Yao stood up and walked towards the door while saying: "I'm praising you, it's fine."

Gongsun Xiao asked again, "What do you mean by that?"

Song Yao said: "Yes... It's a foreign language, a foreign language, a language of the East. "

Gongsun Xiao asked curiously: "You are making me more and more curious, you actually know a foreign language."

Song Yao: "Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Isn't this nonsense? Didn't Conan finish more than 900 episodes without even saying 'yes'? Wasn't this all for nothing?

Song Yao was a little depressed at the thought of this. She did not know when Ke Nan would finish, and when she would be able to recognize Lan Jia and the washing machine, or if she would ever have the chance to see the outcome.

In this alternate world, everything had changed, yet it seemed as if nothing had changed. It was just that in her previous world, many things that were so ordinary that they could no longer be normal had become luxurious and unattainable in the eyes of the current her.

When they were almost to the Li Residence, Song Yao asked Gongsun Xiao who was sitting on the palanquin: "Speaking of which, has there been any progress with Master Zong? "Why do I feel like the government hasn't done anything at all? Is it because the crown prince is busy with you?"

Gongsun Xiao said complacently: "You don't know that right? The ones with a difference in strength between me and His Highness are all officials, they're just people from the government. Otherwise, do you think that you can find out anything? It's just that because this matter is related to the Right side, His Highness' reputation and mine will be more convenient. "Don't just look at how old the Prefecture Overseer is. He's actually quite smart. He can actually plan things out."

Song Yao nodded: "So that's how it is, then what if I use my own people? And Fu Qing... Okay, Fu Qing did it for the leonine. "Oh, that's right, I remember now that you said it like that. I was wondering why Xie Yang didn't receive a mission when she was in such a rush, and why she still had time to care about her fiancee, and still came to find me."

Gongsun Xiao said: "If you use your own people, there will always come a time when you won't be able to make sense of the situation. Didn't you forget why His Highness allowed you to meddle in the affairs of your Big Sister Feng?"

Song Yao nodded her head: "So it's like that, I was careless, all of you are full of schemes, all of us, we were played around by you, and we have to thank you."

Gongsun Xiao said: "Why do you have to sound so unpleasant? You are not inferior in any way, are you?"

Song Yao retorted, "Where? How am I the same as you? "

Gongsun Xiao said indifferently: "If you did not have the Mind's Eye, how could Your Highness be grabbed by you?"

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