Rural Female Detective

C115 Moon Moon Loose Mouth

When Mingyue woke up, there was coincidentally someone from Rong Chu's side who went over to look for Gongsun Xiao.

Once Gongsun Xiao left, only Song Yao and Mingyue remained in the room.

"Where is this?" Brightmoon asked.

Song Yao asked: "Zi Yanghou's residence, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Brightmoon sat up, frowned, and pushed back her quilt to get out of bed.

Song Yao anxiously asked: What do you want to do?

Mingyue said as she put on her shoes, "I'm not a girl from the house of the Marquis. If I don't work like this, I'll be fined money. Thank you, I'm leaving."

Seeing that her mood had stabilized and she did not have any intention to cause trouble, Song Yao said: "Don't worry, the Marquis has already informed the Li Residence, you can relax for now."

Mingyue stopped moving and continued, "I'm fine staying here. Since I'm awake, I might as well go back."

"Are you really not going to tell?" Song Yao asked again.

Brightmoon replied, "I have nothing to say."

Song Yao sighed: "I know that you're not the culprit, but I just don't really understand why you would agree to be his concubine, and why you want to cover up for the real culprit."

Brightmoon put on her shoes and went down to the ground. She seemed to think about it and said, "I didn't cover up the culprit and I don't know who did it either. As for why I agreed to Li Zhi's request, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this case. "

She bowed towards Song Yao and said, "Thank you, I will be leaving first."

When she brushed shoulders with Song Yao, Song Yao grabbed her arm and said: "You want to kill Li Wanji, right?"

Brightmoon stopped in her tracks and said after a long while, "You've misunderstood. There's nothing wrong."

Song Yao said: "At that time, I purposely angered you, you have already said it."

"Those are words of anger, they don't count."

Song Yao said: "Don't be silly, since Li Zhi was not killed by you, then why do you need to take such risks for Li Wanji? This matter has already been exposed, his imprisonment for redemption is something that will happen sooner or later!"

Ming Yue Guang didn't immediately answer her, he only opened her hands after a long time: "How can Miss Song be more innocent than me? Li Wanji is the Right Premier's elder brother, who in the government can touch him? Even if I have ironclad evidence, I will randomly find a scapegoat to take his place. If I don't kill him, I will never be able to avenge him. "

After she finished speaking, she continued walking towards the door. Song Yao anxiously asked: What if I have a way to make him surrender?

Brightmoon turned around and looked at her. After a long while, she suddenly laughed out loud. "With just you, or with Zi Yanghou?"

Song Yao looked into her eyes, and said word by word. "Based on it, Crown Prince."

Mingyue was startled, and Song Yao said: "Crown Prince went to Li Residence, you know? Do you know whether the Crown Prince and the Right Minister are on bad terms? No one is more suitable to handle this than the Crown Prince. "

Mingyue's expression changed slightly as her eyes flashed. After a while, she asked, "How can I trust you?"

Song Yao removed the jade pendant from her waist and showed it to Mingyue. She slowly said, "This was originally the crown prince's personal belongings. You should also know that I am a country girl, and would never be able to buy such a jade in my entire life. Now that the jade is in my hands, do you think I would lie to you? "

Mingyue held the jade in her hand and scrutinized it. After a long time, she asked, "Why are you helping me?"

Song Yao took back the jade pendant, and laughed: "What help? I was somehow dragged into this case, I want him to settle the case as soon as possible so I can return home, my mother is worried about me." Rather than to help you, it would be more accurate to say that I am helping myself. "

She knew that Mingyue had already changed her mind, so she sat down at the table and poured two cups of tea. "Actually, I also have a grudge with Young Master Li. He caused my friend to live in a brothel and live in a dust life, making me unable to rest in peace for the rest of my life."

Brightmoon sat beside her and asked, "Don't you hate me?"

Song Yao said: "You don't hate me? Why not hate it? I hate him so much. I wish I could skin him alive and let him die ten thousand times when I see him. "

Brightmoon said calmly, "But you didn't do that."

Song Yao nodded: "Because it's not worth it."

Mingyue froze for a moment, then Song Yao pushed the teacup by his side to her and said: "My friend is already someone in the dust. Even if I kill him, the current situation of my friend cannot be changed by even a little. I have no power or influence, don't look at how well I am playing with the Marquis. If I really killed Sir Li before, no one would be willing to protect me, my mother and brother would just watch me die, or if Li Wanji were to interfere in my plans, they might get into trouble with me too. I can't be so selfish. "

"Although they say it's revenge, to put it bluntly, it's merely venting their anger. There are many different types of revenge. Many people would choose the stupidest type, and many people would regret it."

"I won't." Mingyue suddenly interrupted, "I definitely won't regret my revenge, definitely not."

Song Yao lowered his head and took a sip of tea: "If I were you, I wouldn't either."

"What do you mean?" Brightmoon asked her.

Song Yao said: "My current situation is not worth it. Those three lives of yours are worth it, because if you don't pay the price for your bad deeds, even more people will suffer because of it."

Mingyue's eyes flashed, "That friend of yours isn't important to you?"

Song Yao shook her head: "It's precisely because it's important that I can't be this careless. She sacrificed her entire life just so I could be safe; "But what I said wasn't worth it. It's just that it's not worth killing him. When he's alone, it's good for me to vent my anger in secret."

Mingyue was stunned as she took a sip of her tea. She seemed to have thought of many things before asking, "What kind of situation would you be killing people in?"

Song Yao was startled, then Mingyue asked again, "Or should I say, what other people did to you before you kill them for revenge?"

The question caused Song Yao to ponder for a long time, the hot tea on the table had already released a cooling aura, the weather outside suddenly changed, and in an instant, heavy rain poured down, and in a moment, a small puddle of water accumulated on the outside.

"I probably won't kill anyone." Song Yao suddenly said.

Brightmoon was stunned, then suddenly smiled. "Why?"

Song Yao thought for a long time, then said: "Because I'm afraid, I keep having the feeling that after a person does not breathe, they are the most terrifying thing."

"In other words, the Buddha said, the heavens have the right to live well."

"You believe this?" Brightmoon asked.

Song Yao replied: "Yes."

Brightmoon said, "I'll tell you."

Song Yao looked at her with doubt: "What?"

Brightmoon said, "I'll tell you what I know."

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