"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I really didn't expect a dignified crown prince to have a day where he was forced to marry. This is such a turning point in the war, a family book that is difficult to read." Song Yao sighed.

"Why do you look like you're taking pleasure in His Highness's misfortune? Are you that happy to see him?" Gongsun Xiao drank a cup of tea, slowed down his breathing, and asked.

Song Yao asked curiously: "Is he so annoyed by this matter? Logically speaking, his White Moonlight should be gone by now, right? Or married? As the crown prince, how could the matter of getting married be left to him? He can't be so naive, right? "

"White moonlight? "What is it?" Gongsun Xiao felt that he was like a complete fool right now. The things he said to Song Yao the most recently were probably … "Why?" "What is it?" Got it.

"Ugh …"

Song Yao thought for a while and said: "I read these words in the book, it should be the meaning of the person I love. Does Rong Chu have a lover? Is that right? "

Gongsun Xiao was startled, his expression changed and the teacup in his hand was held tightly by him. After a long while, he finally said: "I only mentioned this last time, but you remember it so clearly? Are you so concerned about His Highness? "

Song Yao, "? Huh? What did you say? Aren't we gossiping? Now, the murderer in Li Zhi's case is almost certain, as long as Rong Chu can find out the identity of the man, they would all be waiting to capture him, wouldn't we be able to relax a little now? Isn't gossiping normal when things are relaxed? Why should I be interested in him? You make it sound as if I'm interested in him? "

"Why?" Gongsun Xiao laughed wickedly as he looked at her, "Are you not interested in the affairs of your majesty? Not interested, why are you asking me this? "Besides, when did I start gossiping with you about what it is?"

Song Yao waved her hands: "Forget it, forget it, you don't have to say this anymore, anyway you don't know what I'm talking about, why not I ask for myself."

Gongsun Xiao coldly snorted: "Ask for yourself, your majesty will not answer you, this matter is not something that no one dares to speak of, and furthermore, if you really can make him speak of it to you, I truly admire you."

"It sounds very serious. Forget it, it's fine even if you don't know. I was just casually asking, so I didn't have any other thoughts." "Oh right, let me ask you one last question. If you know, just answer me. If you don't, just remain silent. Don't think too much about it, okay?"

Gongsun Xiao looked at her mysterious and shifty appearance, his curiosity piqued by her. He thought for a while and said, "You're not allowed to ask anything that goes too far, especially that Bai Guanyue thing. I wouldn't tell you if I told you."

"Haha." Song Yao replied: "Let's not talk about that, it's still related to the crown prince."

Gongsun Xiao frowned as he looked at her. He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still said: "Speak."

Song Yao went closer to him, looked around, and whispered in his ear: "I heard from someone that Rong Chu is extremely abnormal in bed, is this true?"

"Pa ~ ~ ~"

"AHH!" So painful! Why did you hit my head! " Song Yao cried out, "Didn't you say you could answer whenever you wanted to, and remain silent whenever you didn't want to? There's no such thing as fighting. You're really going too far. "

"I am doing this for your own good. If it wasn't me who is sitting here, your head would have fallen off and you would not have received a beating. It is too light of a beating." If you really do not change your ways, you will definitely suffer from the hardships in your mouth in the future! " Gongsun Xiao said angrily.

Song Yao was not convinced: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If it wasn't you who is sitting here today, how could I have asked such a question? It's because it's you that I asked, do you think I'm stupid? "

When Gongsun Xiao saw her inhale while holding onto her head, and heard her say this, he felt a little upset. After a while, he said, "Why are you so delicate?

Song Yao roared at him: Why don't I try hitting you?

"No need, it's time to repay this injustice." Gongsun Xiao rejected him.

Song Yao snorted and said angrily, "Seriously, I will never ask you this kind of question again, it's so infuriating!"

"You're not going to look at what you're asking, and besides, how would I know about something like this? I've never been to His Highness's bed, so how could I tell you what happened when he was there?" In addition, even though His Highness had a few concubines at that time who knew about the affairs of men and women, they were not the masters of indulgence. Where did you get this news? If your highness were to know about this, you might really be angered to the point of bursting out at any cost. " Gongsun Xiao said a lot in one breath, and his words were somewhat incoherent.

Song Yao was amused by him and laughed for a while. Then, without caring about the pain in his body, she pointed at him and asked: "In the end, how did you think about it? Hahahaha, you … Isn't that too funny … "Hahaha …"

Just as he was laughing happily, a cup of tea suddenly splashed over, causing Song Yao to stop laughing immediately.

Gongsun Xiao said in a serious tone: "This is not funny at all, let me tell you, even if it's me, it doesn't necessarily mean that I can protect you under any circumstances. I thank you for your trust in me, but I hope you can keep a sense of propriety and not say anything in front of me, especially regarding your highness. Do you know how many of His Highness' people are in my courtyard? "

Song Yao was a little taken aback as she said, "Why … How could this be? "

Gongsun Xiao said: "You don't even know this yet you dare to spout nonsense here? Don't you want to die? "

Song Yao took out a handkerchief from her bosom and wiped her face: "I'm sorry, I will take note of this. I didn't think about it."

"This is not your courtyard, and Beijing is not your village either. Don't think that just because you know His Highness, you can do whatever you want just because you know him. Everyone has things they can't do, and they can't be protected, so we are also under the control of others, do you understand?"

Song Yao nodded her head: "I know, I'm sorry."

Gongsun Xiao spoke until he was panting, his chest moving up and down, he was extremely angry.

"I will pay attention in the future." Song Yao said again.

Seeing her like that, Gongsun Xiao calmed his anger a little, and slowly said: "Do you want to change clothes? Save yourself the cold. "

Song Yao was startled, she anxiously shook her head: "No need, just a cup of tea."

Gongsun Xiao leaned on his chair and asked: "Oh yeah, what did you say to Mingyue? How is she now? "

Just as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

It was Tang Bai.

Gongsun Xiao let him in, and seeing his tone, he anxiously said: "Master, it's bad, His Highness has brought people to the Li Residence to retrieve their evil spirits."

Song Yao said: "Could it be that we found out the doctor's identity?"

Tang Bai said: "No, we caught Brightmoon."

Song Yao was startled for a few seconds, she could not believe it: "What?"

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