
A deep sense of powerlessness surrounded Song Yao. She couldn't understand, when the few people from before had worked so hard to finally get a feel for the situation, Rong Chu would suddenly do this.

"What are you doing?" Gongsun Xiao said helplessly.

Song Yao said: "I'm not the same person as you, and I don't like your way of doing things. I won't come again, and I won't see you again."

"Didn't I tell you to calm down? Why don't you listen to me? "

"Speak? What did he say? Say it! I'm listening, you tell me! Say, why do you think Rong Chu wanted to capture the innocent Mingyue? You tell me, why did he want her to be his scapegoat even though he knew that Mingyue wasn't the culprit?

Gongsun Xiao was a little troubled, "I … In short, His Highness would never wrongly accuse innocent people, so he definitely had his own plans for this. "Besides, you're going to leave just like that. Mingyue is definitely going to die, don't you want to save her?"

Song Yao laughed twice, with a bit of bitterness and unwillingness, "I saved her? Could I save her? How am I supposed to save her? What right do I have to save her? "

Tears came out of her eyes, she felt wronged and choked with sobs: "Yesterday I promised her that not only would I make her innocent, I will bring Li Wanji to justice. She trusted me so much and told me everything, what about me? What did I do? I save her? How could I have the ability to save her? "

She casually packed her things, wrapped them in a bundle and turned to say goodbye to Gongsun Xiao, then lifted her leg to leave.

Gongsun Xiao was angered: "Song Yao! Don't you think you're going too far? "

Song Yao stopped in her tracks, stunned in place.

Gongsun Xiao said: "I know that you have always had an opinion towards me, but regarding today's matter, aren't you being a little too unfair? What does the capture of Brightmoon have to do with me? Aren't I on the same side as you from beginning to end? Do you treat me like a friend or your target? Do you respect me? "

Song Yao stood at the door. The gloomy weather was filled with drizzling rain, and it was cold on her body.

The wind was getting stronger, and the rain was getting heavier. She stood there in a daze, and after a while, the rain had drenched her, causing her to turn around and look at Gongsun Xiao who was inside the house.

The person frowned and looked at her. There was anger, helplessness, and worry, but there was no blame.

His actions and what he said didn't match at all, Song Yao thought.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was perhaps the same as Gongsun Xiao;

"I'm sorry." Song Yao said, "I was too agitated, I had to vent all my anger on you."

Gongsun Xiao coldly snorted, and said again: "Are you an idiot?"

Song Yao was startled.

Gongsun Xiao said again: "Come in, is the rain very comfortable? Is it good to be sick? "

Song Yao smiled in relief and entered the house, closing the door at the same time. The sound of rain falling outside the door was like a beautiful piece of music. It was extremely pleasant to listen to, but also extremely sorrowful.

Gongsun Xiao threw her a clean handkerchief, "Wipe it, the wound on your waist has not healed yet. I don't want you to get sick again.

Song Yao wiped her hair and said: "Thank you."

Gongsun Xiao snorted once more: "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have saved you. I would have let you and Young Master Li get along well, and let you suffer greatly. I don't need to get involved in this, I'm really busy lately."

Song Yao said: "What you said was also wrong. It should be said that if only I hadn't saved you back then, the two of us wouldn't have met. As for Li Zhi, don't worry, even if you don't come and save me, I will do so myself. "

Gongsun Xiao declined to comment: "Are you waiting for Fu Qing? "That day."

Song Yao paused before denying it, "That's right, because that would mean I can only rely on him."

On the contrary, he said: "You do know how to use others, and I also believe that even without me and Fu Qing, Li Zhi would still not be your opponent that day."

Song Yao choked before saying, "You seem to think too highly of me. Without you, I might really have to play around. However, I really didn't count on you guys. I know, and I completely understand, saving myself is the best way. Waiting for help is the stupidest, most useless performance. "

Gongsun Xiao replied: "You, you …."

Song Yao took a sip of the hot tea on the table and sighed: "I was too angry just now and confused, and said some unpleasant words to you, don't mind me, or if you are truly angry, you can scold me back and I will definitely not retaliate."

Gongsun Xiao glanced at her, "Then what's the difference between me and you? Don't worry, as a man, why bother with this? Fortunately, you are against your highness. If it were the Emperor or any other princes, you would definitely be done for. Even I would have to follow your bad luck. "

Song Yao sighed, "I know that I was indeed impulsive today, but actually, if it wasn't for Rong Chu, I wouldn't be that angry, and wouldn't lose my composure so much."

Gongsun Xiao looked at Song Yao, and said with a stern expression: "Song Yao, I have to tell you, you have to recognize the reality. Your highness has never had too many restrictions on etiquette towards those close to him, which is why you are able to do whatever you want in front of him. He is the crown prince, the future master of the country is different from us, you can't be careless, say everything in front of him, do everything, even if he agrees, you still have a fair grasp of it. Not to mention that in front of everyone, His Highness has really given you face today. If I were you, I probably wouldn't be as lucky as you. "

Song Yao was stunned, and muttered: "What you said … Is that true? "

Gongsun Xiao said: "When have I ever lied to you? Besides, how indulged does Your Highness treat you? Can't you feel it yourself? In this world, other than the people in the palace, who would dare to casually say his name?

Song Yao regained her senses, and took out the jade pendant from her waist, passing it over to Gongsun Xiao: "Is this what you're talking about?"

Gongsun Xiao looked up at her and asked: "Do you know what this jade pendant is worth?"

Song Yao shook her head.

Gongsun Xiao said: "In the palace, seeing this jade pendant is equivalent to seeing your highness in person, even ghosts and gods have to give you some face, do you think this is an ordinary jade pendant?"

Song Yao was startled, then asked: "Are you serious?"

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