The rain outside was still falling, making the three people in the room feel awkward.

Rong Chu made Song Yao sit down, and wshen Song Yao said "This humble girl does not dare", he was so angry that she nearly threw her cup.

It was already past the end of the year, and because of the rain outside, the sky was misty. The sky was darker than usual. It was already dark.

"Your Highness, he left."

It was Fu Qing's voice.

Rong Chu stood up and said: "Let's go."


Gongsun Xiao replied, he looked at Song Yao, and the two looked at each other, with a strange expression in their eyes.

After Rong Chu walked out of the house, Fu Qing saw that Song Yao wanted to greet him. Song Yao only smiled at him for a moment before walking forward.

Fu Qing was drowsy for a moment.

It was not because Song Yao was vengeful, but because she had just been taught a lesson, she would not forget it so quickly.

The group left the house of the Marquis and met Tang Bai at the gate, so they decided to bring him along.

On the way, rain covered his clothes and mud on his feet, but due to the sudden temperature drop, Song Yao was so cold that he curled up into a ball, looking miserable.

However, compared to the cold, Song Yao was even more confused. She had thought that Rong Chu would bring them somewhere to talk.

Who would have thought that Rong Chu would actually bring them all the way up the mountain?

Fortunately the rain gradually lessened halfway through, Rong Chu ordered his umbrella to be put away, then he lightened his footsteps and continued walking.

Song Yao completely followed the footsteps of the person in front of her. She was cold and tired, and at this time, she could no longer see the road ahead. Her feet slipped. Just when she thought that she was about to fall down and be mocked, someone suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into her embrace.

Soon after, the wet cloak wrapped around her, and Rong Chu's voice came from above his head, "Are you that useless? "He can't even walk a few steps?"

Song Yao had originally been a little touched, but now she was completely angry.

She pushed Rong Chu away and said, "I don't want your pity!" After she finished speaking, she reached out to tug at the cloak on her body, but her hand was grabbed by Rong Chu: "Either put it on to prevent trouble, or go back."

He turned around and said to Fu Qing: "Take care of her."

Fu Qing was startled, and quickly replied: "Yes."

Being supported by Fu Qing, Song Yao was still somewhat indignant. She wanted to push Fu Qing away, but she heard Fu Qing say: "In a while, there will be a good show, do you really want to go back?"

Song Yao raised his head to look at him, and said with some surprise: "A good show? "What do you mean?"

Fu Qing held her up and tightly wrapped her cape, "Do you know where this road leads to?"

Song Yao looked around, it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

She shook her head, and Fu Qing said: "It's the Ruan Family's tomb."

Song Yao was startled, and suddenly said: "What did you say?"

Fu Qing smiled but did not speak, and only said: "You follow me, you do not know the way, and are not someone who can walk at night, in case you fall."

Song Yao's heart was filled with all sorts of emotions, but at this time, she couldn't say a single word, nor could she say it out loud.

As she expected, the few of them hid in the darkness and saw someone coming in their direction with a lantern.

The night was very quiet, and his body was filled with the smell of soil after the rain. The person bowed in front of a tombstone and touched the tombstone. After a long time, he said, "Father, I have avenged you."

Song Yao heaved a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, she watched as the man slowly knelt down and kowtowed, then said: "As a doctor, you have been kind all your life, saving people and never killing others, but your son has gone against you this time, if you are still alive, I wonder how he will punish me."

"However, it is likely that the heavens did not allow you to die innocently and forgive me for what I have done. So, my son was lucky enough to escape detection and was already recognized as the murderer. Although my son felt guilty, he could do nothing about it. This is a chance given to me by the heavens, I will make sure that my son will have a good grasp of his life. After my son has dealt with Li Wanji, I will pick up the art of healing and take responsibility for treating and saving others.

"It's really you!" The scream that erupted from the darkness was none other than the Li Wanji that he spoke of.

Dr Nguyen raised his head in shock and stared at the figure who had stepped out of the darkness. He was stunned for a moment before he suddenly fell to the ground and pointed at him while panicking, "You … You! "You're not …"

"Shouldn't be dead, right?" Master Zong walked out from behind Li Wan's fuselage and looked at Dr Nguyen, saying, "It's a good thing that the crown prince is wise, if not I would have been tricked by you and mistook Miss Mingyue for being the real culprit."

He looked at the two men standing in front of him with fear and said, "You... You are just putting on a show... A playwright? "

"Of course." Fu Qing took two steps forward, "Your thoughts are meticulous, and the matter has already passed for so long. The evidence has already been dealt with by you, if we want to force you to reveal yourself, we can only come up with this plan."

"Then …" Just as he opened his mouth, he shut it again, just as Master Zong lit a torch with his official, a light finally appeared in front of Song Yao, she followed the person in front and walked a few steps forward.

She could clearly see the shock and puzzlement on Dr Nguyen's face, as well as the strong fear.

Rong Chu said: "Master, since we have captured him, and he is also your family's matter, we will leave him to you to handle.

The person on the other side who had not moved the entire night said in a lukewarm tone, "Thank you, Your Highness. This matter has troubled you."

Song Yao tilted her head to look at the Right Premier, but she didn't expect that the latter would also come.

Gongsun Xiao turned to block her: "Don't look around, you should be looking in front."

Song Yao gave a tsk, and unwillingly said, "I'm just taking a look, so what?"

Just when he was feeling relieved, something happened at Dr Nguyen.

He took out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed it into Li Wanji's chest as if they were all dead. He laughed with tears in his eyes, "If you want to die, then die together, my father will do everything for your Li Family. In the end, not only will he die in your hands, even his corpse will be taken care of by you guys! In order to find out the truth, our Ruan family didn't dare to hold a funeral. My father didn't even have a funeral. Why is your son's life not his? "

He was caught by the officials and his hands were covered in blood. He glared at the officials standing in front of him and said word by word, "Who do you think you are? What do you mean by 'for the nation'? "You are just a lackey under power, a maggot that collects power and influence, a country is not a nation, and officials are not officials. He suddenly and fiercely shot a gaze at Rong Chu, his eyes filled with deep despair."

"This country will be destroyed by you sooner or later."

Rong Chu's body trembled, and the Right Premier suddenly spoke: "How dare you!"

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