Rural Female Detective

C127 Song Gui went home

It was finally autumn by the fall rain.

Because there weren't many land, and because no one was messing up the place, Song Yao could be considered half of the labour force, so she completed her mission early.

She didn't know much about these seeds, but after following her grandfather for a while, she had a simple understanding of them. It was just that at that time, these seeds were all directly made by someone else, and there weren't any seeds that could be made directly here.

However, compared to these completely ignorant people, she was not completely useless.

Thinking about it this way, she became a little anxious to see her master, and after nagging for a few days, Song Gui came back to her senses.

Her master had prepared a new set of clothes for her child. It looked very stylish, and the hair on the top of her head had been tied up into a small ball. With the band tied together, she looked like a young scholar.

Seeing that he had returned alone, the Song's Mother was both surprised and happy. She hurriedly hugged him and looked around to ensure that there were no major injuries. Coincidentally, Zhao Lihua was visiting the house, and seeing that Song Gui had changed his appearance, she kept praising him.

Song Gui looked like a little adult, after greeting all of them, and after greeting all of them, he threw his gift out. He then asked Zhao Lihua anxiously: Where's Big Brother Gou Dan? I want to play with him. "

Seeing that Song Gui still remembered Gou Dan, Zhao Lihua did not know how to react, and stuttered: "You … You've been away from home for two months, do you still remember your big brother Gou Dan? "

Song Gui replied: "No matter what Aunt said, Big Brother Gou Dan and I are on good terms. It's only been two months, how could I forget about him.

Zhao Lihua looked at Song's Mother and Song Yao in panic, and anxiously said: "It's rare that you have the heart, and still remember him. He's at home, you should go and find him, he even caused trouble for a while after you left, and now you're used to it, I just hope that when you leave, he won't cause trouble again."

Song Gui frowned, then said: "I'll go look for him."

Watching him leave the courtyard, Song Yao turned to look at Zhao Lihua, only to see that she had started crying.

Song's Mother passed her a handkerchief and said: "It's rare to see you in such a state."

Zhao Lihua wiped her tears: "Later on, I often thought that if Song Yao had not rejected me, then she would already be my family's daughter-in-law. This way, if Gou Dan had some backer, I would have felt more at ease."

She looked at Song Yao and said, "Aunt said something that isn't afraid of you getting angry. Even now, Aunt still hasn't given up on the idea of marrying you to Gou Dan. I …"

"Aunt." Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Song Yao, who asked her: "If I really marry your son, then we will both be at the same age. At that time, who knows who will die first, and what will happen to him in the future?"

Zhao Lihua replied, "When you two are together, you naturally have to give birth to a child. When you grow older, you will have a child to take care of you, right?" After she finished speaking, she looked at Song's Mother, seemingly wanting to get his recognition, but Song's Mother did not say anything.

Song Yao said indifferently: "Like you said, I am going to marry your son, give birth to a child, and wait for the child to grow up. But have you thought about how the child's father is a fool?

The corner of Zhao Lihua's mouth twitched, as if she didn't understand something: "This is his father, what's there to think about. As the saying goes, dogs don't resent poverty, and I don't resent mother's ugliness …"

"But don't you occasionally show your disgust and annoyance towards Gou Dan? Didn't you frequently think that if not for this child, you and Zhao Dacheng would not have reached this step? Didn't you frequently think that if it wasn't for him, and if it wasn't for him, and if it was a normal person, would you not have worked so hard? Gou Dan is beautiful, if you casually bring him out, people would praise him for his looks, but why, why have you never brought him out? "

Hearing her words, Zhao Lihua became flustered: "I … "I …"

"You want to say you didn't, right?" Song Yao took her head and said: "That's right, who would treat their child with such malice? I can also be sure that you love Gou Dan far more than you hate him, but sometimes emotions are uncontrollable, and disgust sometimes doesn't come from the heart. But even so, isn't he still very pitiful? "

If I haven't changed, I will be a symbol in your eyes, a symbol that can represent your son's future happiness. The reason for that is because you love your son.

"You probably haven't thought about it. I also have a mother. My mother also wants me to be happy. She wants me to marry the person I like, the person who can make me happy and happy."

Zhao Lihuang's eyes turned away in panic as she cried, "I'm sorry, I …" I didn't mean that... "I …"

"Alright." Song's Mother saw that Zhao Lihua was emotionally agitated, and stopped him: "Don't say anymore, some words are too heavy. As a parent, I hope that the child will be happy. But Pear Blossom, before being a parent, is a person first. Do you understand what I mean? "

Zhao Lihua raised her head and looked at her, complex emotions filling her eyes.

Song's Mother continued: "This child's words are too harsh, so you don't have to take them to heart. Don't worry, when Xiao Gui grows up a little more, I will make him recognize Gou Dan as my foster brother. If you leave early, give whatever is left of Gou Dan to Xiao Gui, this child will definitely not refuse."

Song's Mother also stood up and said: "Tomorrow, will be here with you. He doesn't know how many days he will be here, and will let them have a good time. Otherwise, when we separate, who knows when we'll see them again."

"Sigh!" Zhao Lihua acknowledged, and turned to leave.

Seeing that she had walked far away, Song's Mother then said: "Mother knows that you are angry about this matter, but you shouldn't speak in such a heavy tone. Aunt Zhao still doesn't know what to think."

Song Yao said: "I'm not angry, I just feel that Aunt Zhao is a good person, that the biggest mistake she has in her life is his selfishness regarding his son. I didn't say these words to anger her, I just wanted her to know that she did the wrong thing."

Hearing her words, Song's Mother was startled, then he let out a long sigh: "I hope she can understand your intentions."

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