Song Yao had returned to her master's place in the Nether Huang Residence. The name that her master had given her had come from the phrase "sitting alone in the Nether Huang Residence".

Although Song Yao had retorted about this name before, it wasn't her house after all, so she could only follow the guest.

Song Yao asked if the time was too short, and Teacher Xu said that it was possible, but when he saw that a few of the herbs were already broken, he muttered: "Could it be that this place is really not suitable for growing this?"

"Impossible." Song Yao immediately retorted, "Absolutely, believe in me."

The Teacher Xu was startled. Song Yao lowered his head to look at the seed, and realised that it was indeed not in its previous state anymore.

"How can you be so sure?" Teacher Xu asked.

Song Yao didn't know how to answer that. She thought for a while and said, "I believe that it's definitely possible. If even I don't believe it, how could it be possible to succeed, right?"

Teacher Xu was scared stiff by her, then unexpectedly said after a while: "That seems to make some sense."

Song Yao said: "Of course, what I said before were warning words, but it makes sense."

Teacher Xu said: "You really gave me some pigment before setting up the dyeing workshop. Speaking of which, did you encounter any problems in the city? Why does it feel like you have a lot of things on your mind right after you returned? "

Song Yao lowered her head and looked at the seed, but her mind was filled with Rong Chu's image. She stayed silent for a long while before she fiddled with the seed and said, "Master, you said Rong Chu …"

She paused before mustering her courage to ask, "Could he be an enlightened ruler?"

Teacher Xu was startled for a long time before he stood up. "Why are you suddenly asking this?"

Song Yao also stood up and said: "I don't know why, but I keep having the feeling that he's a little scary. I'm afraid that one day, we will all become his chess pieces, I'm afraid …"

"Don't think too much." Teacher Xu suddenly said.

Song Yao was stunned for a moment.

Teacher Xu looked at her and said: "Little girl, you need to know that guessing the heart of a sovereign is taboo to a companion. If you are to follow Rong Chu in the future and not hear or see, that is the best way to survive, understand?"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and squatted down to continue looking at the other seed. Song Yao stood behind her, and finally asked: "Master, why did you resign?"

Teacher Xu's hands paused for a moment, and then he fiddled with the seed again, and said: "Because, I feel that Rong Chu has a great responsibility, and your majesty the Emperor …"

He did not finish speaking, but Song Yao had already understood what he meant. She asked anxiously, "Since the emperor does not approve, then why …"

"You talk too much today. Have you finished your work?" Teacher Xu looked at her and asked.

Song Yao lowered her head and said: "I'm sorry."

Teacher Xu sighed, "There are a lot of things that cannot be said explicitly. It is enough to believe what you believe."

Song Yao acknowledged it after a long while.

"Right, aren't you going to buy the book? "Where's the book?" Teacher Xu asked.

Song Yao replied with an "Oh". "I was just about to discuss this matter with you, it's like this …"

After she finished speaking, the Teacher Xu seemed to be in disbelief, and only after a long while did he speak out, "He shouldn't be that kind of person. His words are unable to deceive people to some extent."

Song Yao said embarrassedly: "To be honest, I went to see him once."

"Meet?" Teacher Xu was surprised, "Are you kidding me?"

Song Yao lowered her head as she accepted the criticism, "I'm sorry, but because I was too angry at the time, I didn't think about it carefully. "In the end, it was hard to dismount from the tiger."

"We've met. How is he?" Teacher Xu asked.

Song Yao quickly replied, "He's a cultured person, and a person with good will. I don't really believe that he copied it, but I suspect that there's something fishy about it."

Teacher Xu said: "If this is the case, you can feel free to go and check. I'll give these seeds a try."

Song Yao answered with an "en" and thought for a while: "Master, do you want to read these two books as well? I want to hear your opinion.

She gave an excited "Okay" and was about to leave when she heard Teacher Xu say: "Oh yes, the marriage that I did today and the son's marriage, once he gets home, I'm afraid you'll have to cook for me today."

Song Yao: "..." How f * cking difficult it was.

After not entering the kitchen for a long time, Song Yao was a little afraid. When she looked around, she realised that the aunty had cleaned up the kitchen quite cleanly, and was in a good mood just by looking at it.

There were some more, she saw. There were a few eggs in the basket, dried peppers on the wall, salt in the bowl, potatoes in the basket on the floor, a pile of green onions in the corner.

The stove was very big, as was the iron pot. Fortunately, she had seen it before, but lighting a fire was a difficult task.

The flint was not very useful, it took Song Yao a lot of effort to ignite it, she then heated hot water for her master to brew the tea. When she was done, she sat in front of the stove and watched. She didn't want any problems with the fire since it had been burning for a long time.

She began to observe the kitchen in her boredom. Was she going to be like this in the future? Spending her life around this small stove was boring and tiring.

She held her head up as she looked at the light from the stove. She felt tired and kind, but her eyes suddenly stopped. She was stunned. She reached out to the corner of the stove and took something from it.

She rushed out, and shouted towards Teacher Xu's house: "Master! Master, master, master, master! "Come out, it's sprouting!"

"What?" Teacher Xu walked out of the room, and just happened to hear her say this, so he asked again, "What did you say?"

Song Yao was excited: "That's great!"

Teacher Xu looked at the seed and asked, "When did you put it there? Why can't I remember? "

Song Yao: "Ah?" Then she said, "Didn't you set it up? I didn't play it. "

Teacher Xu turned to look at her, and said solemnly: "Isn't it you?"

Song Yao nodded: "It's not me."

Teacher Xu frowned: "Then who put this up? And why would that place sprout? "

Song Yao shook his head: "I don't know who put it there, nor do I know why it would sprout. "AHH!" The water might be boiling, so you should study it first. I'm going to see the fire. "

Teacher Xu looked at her back as she ran away, and only let out a "Okay" after a long while.

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